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Please need help with an helo crash script
Schrebers posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I just opened the door to the scripting world and I feel that I am not capable atm to fully modify a script by dreaded entity. I looked through tons of BI pages and made a testing Environment ... but still can not get it right after hours of trying. There is the code I modified so far but the lower part is not working. Can someone please help? The helo should search for Player, turn hostile and attack. It kinda works in VR, but on a map they just hover on spot after completing the flyby. private ["_player","_flyoverChance","_shootdownChance","_minutes","_variation","_helicopters"]; _player = (_this select 0); _minutes = [_this, 1, 20, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _variation = [_this, 2, 0, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _flyoverChance = [_this, 3, 0.5, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _shootdownChance = [_this, 4, 0.3, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _helicopters = [["B_CTRG_Heli_Transport_01_tropic_F", 3],["B_Heli_Transport_03_F", 4],["B_Heli_Light_01_dynamicLoadout_F",2]]; while {true} do { sleep (((_minutes - _variation) + (random (_variation * 2))) * 60); if ((random 1) <= _flyoverChance) then { private["_direction","_position","_variation","_element","_obj"]; //systemChat "You rolled the dice and you won!"; _direction = random 360; _position = [getPos _player, ((random 50) + 550), _direction] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _variation = ((random 40) + 160); _element = _helicopters select (floor random (count _helicopters)); _obj = [_position,_direction - _variation,_element select 0,east] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; (_obj select 0) setVehicleAmmo 1; clearMagazineCargoGlobal (_obj select 0) ; clearWeaponCargoGlobal (_obj select 0); clearItemCargoGlobal (_obj select 0); clearBackpackCargoGlobal (_obj select 0); _position = [getPos (_obj select 0), 1200, direction (_obj select 0)] call BIS_fnc_relPos; (_obj select 2) move _position; ((waypoints (_obj select 0)) select 0) setWaypointCompletionRadius 200; if ((random 1) <= _shootDownChance) then { sleep ((random 10) + 10); //systemChat "Helicopter has taken critical damage!"; (_obj select 0) setDamage 1; waitUntil {speed (_obj select 0) == 0}; //hint "helicopter has stopped"; [_obj select 0, _element] execVM "DE_createLoot.sqf"; }else { waitUntil {moveToCompleted (_obj select 0)}; { //deleteVehicle _x; }forEach (crew (_obj select 0)); //deleteVehicle (_obj select 0); (crew (_obj select 0)) doMove getPosATL player; (_obj select 0) setCombatMode "RED"; }; }else { //systemChat "You rolled the dice and you lost!";- 2 replies
- dreadedentity
- heli crash script
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