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So I totally get it that some weapons are better than others but what I’ve been observing as of late (and frankly doesn’t surprise me) is the upsurge of people killing you with top tier weapons then screaming “mlg pro skillszzz!!!” Teabagging, emoting (usually the middle finger) but now it seems I’ve started getting troll mail in the form of Xbox messages, everything from the finger in symbols or crying emotes. I knew the vigor community was on a downward trajectory for a while becoming more call of duty oriented but this level of salt in the wound borders a new threshold. 😒 I mean mate your using a freaking hbar I had admittedly a good gun too but simply lost the fight. It was in this case a prolonged fight in which we both inflicted damage so it wasn’t like he dropped me at 200 yards with two rounds but no he’s now the ultimate Rambo badass. #note to the community don’t be a scummy salty loser or a salty winner. Now you best someone with a crappy common gun and walk away with their adr or hbar then by all means! But yeah any similar stories anyone has on the subject? 😂👍