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[Bug] Resources (binocular tv) and setmimic

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bug with classical resources of tv and binocular

tv not working (missing texture)

binocular work, but sometimes becomes a white and not opacity (bug in p3d?)

not working command setmimic

maybe this is low priority for setmimic, becouse its work in game (all deadmen have "hurt" mimic etc). but in sqs it does not work

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also setMimic not work in sqf and in fsmscripted (1.04)

hope that bis fix its very useful command as soon as posible

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Talk to me someone. Am I only one mapmaker who can't defeat setMimic command?

It's very useful command for cutscenes.

I often used it in OFP and arma1. And now I can't use close-up in cutscenes, becouse all characters stay with "stone" face.

SetMimic is not so importat command from one hand (i see there are very important AI behaviour in last patchs), but from other hand setmimic very important for cutscenes and therefore important for quality campaigns.

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Best to make a CIT ticket with repro steps and a demo mission UgolSkosa. Spasiba :)

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here example mission about setmimic


there are player and unarmed bot with name sol

and 3 triggers with radio (0-0-1, 0-0-2, 0-0-3)

0-0-1 - hurt mimic just by trigger (sol setMimic "hurt")

0-0-2 - hurt mimic by sqf (null=[sol,"hurt"] execVM "mimic.sqf")


_unit = _this select 0;
_mimic = _this select 1;
_unit setmimic _mimic;

0-0-3 - hurt mimic by FSMscripted (null=[sol,"hurt"] execFSM "hurt.fsm")

sqf like code

and anyway sol stay with stone face untill u kill him and only after that u can see deafth mask on his face

(btw I try all mimics not only "hurt")

and here example mission about binocular resource


0-0-1 binocular by effect in trigger

0-0-2 cutRsc ["binocular","PLAIN"]

work, but sometimes (often) its became white like on picture:


there are no regularity in this bug, i think maybe problem in p3d (i try use some sights like svd - there are no "white" bug)

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also setMimic not work in sqf and in fsmscripted (1.04)

hope that bis fix its very useful command as soon as posible

I have the same problem. Setmimic hasn't been working in any of the Arma2 versions.

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