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Animationskript for different Moves+Units..

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Im new to scripting and trying out different animations actually.

I want to use some scripts for animations for different units at different times in a mission,how do i do it.

I do it with triggers atm,often with distance questions like: Men1 distance Men2>=5 , on the activation side i exec the skript.sqs.

Now if i have more people,which should do different moves,ls it better to write 1 skript.sqs or for each unit/animation a new for a newb ?

Cause if i let Men1 exec the script,where moves for other guys are in, it is always loading like hell and lagging..

help would be much appreciated;-!

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If it's 'loading like hell and lagging' you maybe have a mistake in your script wich causes problems. Check your RPT file. Normally, you can put all animation stuff in one script.

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well like i sayd im pretty noobish at scripting,maybe u can look on a example...


Soldier1 playmove "......................";

Civi1 switchmove "..............";

Idiot3 playmove ".............";


Should it work like that?

i mean if i have Civi1 gettin his activation to enter the script dont he get confused trough the other guys?...

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Hm, that should work. Maybe you don't use playmove/switchmove right? Otherwise, i got no idea...

Edit: This is a script i use to make my team sitting on chairs while they're getting their briefing:

{_x disableAI "anim"} forEach [mendez,cleese,cole,macTavish,meyers];
{_x disableAI "move"} forEach [mendez,cleese,cole,macTavish,meyers];
{_x stop true} forEach [mendez,cleese,cole,macTavish,meyers];
{_x allowDammage false} forEach [mendez,cleese,cole,macTavish,meyers];
cole switchMove "sitUnarm_R_idleLoop4";

while {brief} do {
{_x disableAI "anim"} forEach [mendez,cleese,cole,macTavish,meyers];
{_x disableAI "move"} forEach [mendez,cleese,cole,macTavish,meyers];
{_x stop true} forEach [mendez,cleese,cole,macTavish,meyers];
{_x allowDammage false} forEach [mendez,cleese,cole,macTavish,meyers];
cleese switchMove "sitUnarm_R_idleLoop4";
meyers switchMove "sitUnarm_R_idleLoop3";
macTavish switchMove "sitUnarm_R_idleLoop5";
mendez switchMove "sitUnarm_R_idleLoop3";
sleep 5;

{_x enableAI "anim"} forEach [mendez,cleese,cole,macTavish,meyers];
{_x enableAI "move"} forEach [mendez,cleese,cole,macTavish,meyers];
{_x stop false} forEach [mendez,cleese,cole,macTavish,meyers];
{_x allowDammage true} forEach [mendez,cleese,cole,macTavish,meyers];

Note: "Cole" is the player's character. His animation inside the loop caused a few "perspective problems", so now he's outside. :D

2nd Note: This is .sqf.

Edited by IndeedPete

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