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Objects on an LHD ??

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I am trying to place objects on the default non-movable carrier (planes, choppers, etc) in the editor. However they will not show up or they fall through the deck and blow up. Also I can't get an AI chopper to land on it.

Can anyone explain this to me and how I could fix this ? :confused:


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first make a SQF File and copy & paste this in ,

_object = _this select 0;

_object setVectorUp [0,0,1]; // sea floor tends to offset level

if (_object isKindOf "CAManBase") then


nul = _this execVM "Mission\Init\setBuildingPosLHD.sqf";

if (_object == player) then // player probably null tho


ICE_playerLHDStartPos = _this;





// ignore for vehicles for now

_object setPosASL [(getPosASL _object) select 0, (getPosASL _object) select 1, 15.85]; // 15.846


then save, then put this in your missions folder.

then when in your mission game ,put this in the Vehicle init, nul=[this, 'Land_LHD_6', 30] execVM 'setPosLHD.sqf';

should work :)

but i dont think A1 can land on LHD,im trying to find how to .

Edited by plumose 219

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