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So I had started a thread that seems to have been deleted. Considering some of the content, I don't blame BI for deleting the post, so no grudges. Unfortunately, I had posed some questions that I did not get to see the responses for.

It's been identified that my GPU is not capable of handling this program, I got a new computer with a faster processor and a slower GPU than on my previous rig. Current rig: i7 2600 with a GT 530. Old rig had a GTX 260. WIll I see an improvement if I install the GTX 260 in place of my GT 530? I guess I was not paying attention to the 'X' at the end and the Best Buy guy conned me and told me that the GT530 was "MUCH faster" than the GTX 260.

My faster CPU makes games like X-plane and FSX run MUCH better than my old processor, but TOH is very GPU reliant, so I guess I did not notice a decrease in performance until I bought this program.

Is it worth it for me to swap them out? Or should I just go buy a new GPU altogether? I don't know if even my GTX 260 can handle this game.

Thanks in advance.

Scott Swanberg

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