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Detecting AI squad behaviour

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I want to detect if the AI group switched to "COMBAT" mode and then order them to crouch. I want to know how to do this in a SQF script so I could use it together with Zeus AI.

Basically what I want to know is the example code to detect the "COMBAT" behaviour so I can then use "{_x setunitpos ""Middle""} foreach units group this"

Another question - if I will also add setunitposweak "AUTO" will that make them stand up or go prone occassionally while mostly staying crouched?


I know that the behaviour for a single unit can be returned through 'behaviour _this' but how do you do it for a whole group?

Also if it's more comfortable to do with FSM wouldn't mind some help there too

Edited by metalcraze

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OK nvm

Had to dig some info on how FSMs work

After a few hours of trial and error it looks like the solution is really simple, but can be done only by editing/having custom danger.fsm

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