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mr burns

3d editor messing up object placement on 1st save

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Re-aligning the objects after first save messing them up and saving it again will keep objects in the desired position. I wasn´t able to reproduce this with vehicles (scud´s & bm21 formed as ArmA letters, saving that did no harm). Tested with and without beta patches, no unofficial addons loaded either.

Searched the CIT to no avail, a search on BI forums dug up some peoples threads about the same problem, but nobody had an answer other than "it´s beta, don´t use it".

I know the 3d editor isn´t supposed to work in the first place, wouldn´t be hidden with the ultra secret key combo otherwise. But since it´s such an useful tool for some purposes (in my case 5 minutes of work in the 3de equal about an hour of braintoasting trial&error in 2d editor), i think there must be a way fixing some of it´s issues ..... pretty pls :o

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