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Vanilla IEDs

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So ACE implemented a nice feature that turns vanilla IEDs into actual mines. Does anyone know a way to implement this on mission designs without ACE requirement? I didnt mind making ACE a requirement but just ran into an issue where ACE still does not support SP Save/Loads....so yea... I ran into issues where mid mission the ACE menus stop working and then there is no way to control explosives so it breaks the missions. So any ideas would be appreciated!! Thanks guys


Just to clarify, IEDs i am referring to is like Object class "IEDUrbanBig_F'

Edited by JCae2798

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Hey R3vo, i did do some research, but what exactly i am asking for has not really been discussed or i am missing it. The link you provided i have seen before. That talks about converting objects into bombs but does not act like a MINE.

My hope is making the IEDs work like the mines do where they are disarmable but will explode just like a AT Mine and/or Personal Mine if stepped/drive onto.

---------- Post added at 20:34 ---------- Previous post was at 20:17 ----------

Just looked at the latest post and it may have what i need, but having trouble. Still testing. Thanks @R3vo

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Just looked at the latest post and it may have what i need, but having trouble. Still testing. Thanks @R3vo

It's weird, either my class names are wrong or only one IED is working and not the rest. Here's what i got:

ied = compileFinal (preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\ied.sqf");
[] spawn ied;


//ied script make by Schatten
if (isServer) then {

			private ["_granatentyp","_granate"];

			_granatentyp = switch (typeOf _this) do
				case "IEDUrbanBig_F" : {"R_TBG32V_F"};
				case "IEDLandBig_F" : {"R_TBG32V_F"};
				case "IEDLandSmall_F" : {"R_TBG32V_F"};
				case "IEDLandSmall_Remote_Ammo" : {"R_60mm_HE"};

			waituntil {
				sleep 0.1;

				(({((side _x) == blufor) and {(_x distance _this) < 2}} count allUnits) > 0)

			_granate = createVehicle [_granatentyp,[getPos _this select 0, getPos _this select 1,0],[], 0, 'FLY'];
			[_granate,-90,0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;
			_granate setVelocity [0, 0, -80];
			deleteVehicle _this;

{if (_x isKindof "IEDUrbanBig_F" || _x isKindof "IEDLandBig_F" || _x isKindof "IEDLandSmall_F" || _x isKindof "IEDLandSmall_Remote_Ammo") then {	_x spawn DOF_USBV; } } foreach allMines;

IEDLandSmall is working fine, but IEDUrbanBig_F and IEDLandBig_F are not?

Still testing....

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You have edit that script it may not work then.

I am using that script from his born and its works great.

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Yea you're right, i thought i had to change the class names but i dont. It works! Thanks guys

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