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ZSU_HEDP_Airburst V1

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Finished and released! V1 of the HEDP Direct fire Airburst script:


Demo mission (Firing range... Enemy are on careless so just moving targets for practice)


This allows you to use direct fire weapons (ie. SMAW, MAAWS and RPG) that have HEDP natures in an airburst role with those natures.

You set the airburst range, aim above your target and fire; the round will explode when it reaches your pre determined range and shower enemy in the area with shrapnel.

Requirements : ZSU_Shrapnel (pre-release) - included.

Very open to feedback; keen to improve it!


Readme details below.

ZSU_HEDP_Airburst by Zodd
(Incorporating ZSU_Shrapnel by Zodd)

Thanks to Twirly for his virtual sniper script = the inspiration for the shrapnel idea becoming a reality!


This has been designed to allow direct fire HEDP natures to airburst (effectively making HEDP functional as dual purpose and VERY deadly to troops in the open)
The shrapnel is only fired at entities within 150m (rather than spawning 1000s of bits of shrapnel). This should cut down on server load!

AI do not currently use the airburst as it is intended (They just fire as per normal). 99% of the time this wont be a concern as they will just fire normal direct fire. The only time this could be an issue is if you are teamswitching to use AI and set airburst on and a range, ensure you turn airburst off before you switch out otherwise the AI may fire a HEDP round at a far target and have it airburst at the range you initially set!


Copy both script folders into mission folder
Place the following in the init line of all units you want to be able to use HEDP airburst:

this addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this execVM "ZSU_HEDP_Airburst\hedpfired.sqf";}]; nul = [this] execVM "ZSU_HEDP_Airburst\hefirer.sqf";

If there are added munitions you want to have airburst, add the PROJECTILE in the hedpfired.sqf file in the ZSU_HEDP_Airburst folder to the following line:

_valid = ["R_SMAW_HEDP", "R_MEEWS_HEDP", "R_OG7_AT", "whateverelseyouwant"];

note - this will work with ALL projectile types (Yes... even bullets... You CAN create a pretty deadly weapon by putting your MG projectile value in here....)


1. Select HEDP weapon and ammo
2. Using the action menu, select airburst mode
3. Using the action menu, add/subtract from the range until the hint shows the desired range
4. Fire over the top of the enemy (20-40m ideal)
5. Observe your once formidable enemy writhing in pain...
6. Fire again if any are alive
7. To return to normal mode, select 'switch to impact'

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Cheers mate.... will have a little look later tonight.

I did try running your other demo.... but it required ACE and I didn't un-pbo and fiddle to make it work.

I'll get these scripts running though.... no problems. Cool idea.

I have a script somewhere that I was working on for a suicide bomber that sprays shrapnel everywhere.... can also be applied to make effective Claymores... or Bouncing Betty mines. I must dig it out and do some more.


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The new demo mission doesnt require ACE (Rookie error initially... Put in an ACE ammo crate accidently!)

There are two sets of scripts there, the ZSU_Shrapnel script is standalone and can work for anything (for eg. got it working using grenades) if you pass the parameters...

Next step will be get it directional so its more realistic for claymores etc (and more realistic spread - shrapnel should mainly go forward of direct fire airburst rounds)

Also got it working with airburst arty rounds for the next version of (Warning... free self plug coming...)


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No worries: Hope you enjoy.

Keen for feedback posted here so I can improve : Grenades and 40mm frag coming next

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