massi 772 Posted September 11, 2011 (edited) by massi VEHICLE PACK for ITALIAN SPECIAL OPERATION FORCES CO Hello again, I decided to start a new tread for the release of this vehicle pack, I firstly made for personal use , containing some retextured BI vehicles from Arma2 and Operation Arrowhead, to equip my Italian SOF units with vehicles able to transport and provide medical, logistic ad fire support to ground units, off course this package require my Italian Special Operations units in order to work properly. Description The pack include a variety of vehicles able to transport and support the SOF units, whether they’re on land, water or in air, so once installed you’ll find the vehicles in the editor inside Italian Special Operation faction, divided as following: - Land vehicles: Land Rovers with MG (Green, Desert and Camo versions), normal LandRovers (Green, Desert and Camo versions), M1030, ATV, SUV, Pickups, you’ll also find a UN version of land rover and pickup . - Helicopters: AB205, AB412 (green, camo), CH47F. - Airplanes: AV8B (2 versions), F35 , C130J and MQ9 Predator. - Water vehicles: RIHB and Zodiacs. - Support vehicles: AB 412 medevac (green, camo), and logistic Land Rovers (able to refuel, rearm and repair other vehicles). - Static vehicles: M119 , 81mm mortars, M2, M2 tripod, MK19, AA stinger, AT Tow. -Ammobox and Object: Italian SOF ammobox and flags (Italian, Italian Navy, ISAF and EU) Airplanes and helicopters have been updated with radars and flare launchers, and also they transport custom loadout of ammo and weapons , same way for the other land and water vehicles. Arty and mortars have working BI artillery computers. As always feel free to report any bugs, suggestions and ideas , hope you’ll enjoy this new pack. Installation. Put the addons in the "mod folder" of your preference, you will find the units in the editor under: Bluefor >> Italian Special Operations , sorted by the following types : - Vehicle Air- Vehicle Land - Vehicle Water - Vehicle Static - Vehicle Support Instead ammo\weapon box is inside empty >> munitions menu. Requirements. THE PACK REQUIRES MY Italian SOF units updated to v1.03 that you can find here. It also requires Arma 2 Combined Operations (A2 + OA) to run , because it uses OA and A2 models. ACE2 config files Installation. Just put the ACE2 Optional Config (called "mas_ita_veh_ACE.pbo") in the modfolder of your preference , this file will automatically hide standard Italian vehicle units, and will show only the ACE ones. Basically it replaces normal drivers with ACE configured ones so remember: !!!IMPORTANT!!! IF YOU USE THIS OPTIONAL ACE2 CONFIG YOU MUST ALSO USE THE ONE FOR THE UNITS: ("mas_ita_UNITS_ACE.pbo"), AS THE DRIVERS ARE INSIDE THIS PBO !!! Vehicles are placed in the editor as for vanilla game, like the following: Bluefor - Italian Special Operations (vehicle types(ACE)) Changelog. v1.01 date 31/OCT/2011- Added : MQ9 Predator and various flags (Italian, Italian Navy, EU and ISAF). - Solved RPT "update class" error. v1.00 date 11/sept/2011 - first release Bugs. No problems found so far, no RPT errors, tested both in vanilla, beta and with ACE2. Download Links to version v. 1.01: Filefront: Thanks. Thanks to BI for the great game and to all the community for their great support and addons! Thanks to all the people that enjoied my previous units and supported me in the forum! Hope you'll enjoy these vehicles too! Regards massi ---------- Post added at 09:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 AM ---------- ...few more pics: Edited October 31, 2011 by massi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icebreakr 3159 Posted September 11, 2011 Hi Massi, regarding AB412s, are they repainted UH-1Y? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
massi 772 Posted September 11, 2011 yes, unfortunately I don't have any modelling ability :) cheers massi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted September 11, 2011 Thanks for sending us your release :cool: Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. Italian Special Forces Vehicle Pack v1.00Italian Special Operation ForcesArma 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
massi 772 Posted September 12, 2011 ThankYou very much for DL links really appreciated ;) regards massi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
massi 772 Posted October 31, 2011 by massi VEHICLE PACK for ITALIAN SPECIAL OPERATION FORCES CO v1.01 Hello again, As for my Italian Special Operation units I’m releasing the final update (until further problems or ideas came out)for my Italian SOF vehicle pack. In this new version I’ve fixed the RPT “update class†errors, and I’ve added the MQ9 Predator to the Air vehicle class ; off course this package require my Italian Special Operations units in order to work properly. Description The pack include a variety of vehicles able to transport and support the SOF units, whether they’re on land, water or in air, so once installed you’ll find the vehicles in the editor inside Italian Special Operation faction, divided as following: - Land vehicles: Land Rovers with MG (Green, Desert and Camo versions), normal LandRovers (Green, Desert and Camo versions), M1030, ATV, SUV, Pickups, you’ll also find a UN version of land rover and pickup . - Helicopters: AB205, AB412 (green, camo), CH47F. - Airplanes: AV8B (2 versions), F35 , C130J and MQ9 Predator. - Water vehicles: RIHB and Zodiacs. - Support vehicles: AB 412 medevac (green, camo), and logistic Land Rovers (able to refuel, rearm and repair other vehicles). - Static vehicles: M119 , 81mm mortars, M2, M2 tripod, MK19, AA stinger, AT Tow. -Ammobox and Object: Italian SOF ammobox and flags (Italian, Italian Navy, ISAF and EU) As always feel free to report any bugs, suggestions and ideas , hope you’ll enjoy this new pack. Installation. Put the addons in the "mod folder" of your preference, you will find the units in the editor under: Bluefor >> Italian Special Operations , sorted by the following types : - Vehicle Air - Vehicle Land - Vehicle Water - Vehicle Static - Vehicle Support Instead ammo\weapon box is inside empty >> munitions menu. While flags are under empty>>objects Requirements. THE PACK REQUIRES MY Italian SOF units updated to v1.03 that you can find here. It also requires Arma 2 Combined Operations (A2 + OA) to run , because it uses OA and A2 models. ACE2 config files Installation. Just put the ACE2 Optional Config (called "mas_ita_veh_ACE.pbo") in the modfolder of your preference , this file will automatically hide standard Italian vehicle units, and will show only the ACE ones. Basically it replaces normal drivers with ACE configured ones so remember: !!!IMPORTANT!!! IF YOU USE THIS OPTIONAL ACE2 CONFIG YOU MUST ALSO USE THE ONE FOR THE UNITS: ("mas_ita_UNITS_ACE.pbo"), AS THE DRIVERS ARE INSIDE THIS PBO !!! Vehicles are placed in the editor as for vanilla game, like the following: Bluefor - Italian Special Operations (vehicle types(ACE)) Changelog. v1.01 date 31/OCT/2011- Added : MQ9 Predator and various flags (Italian, Italian Navy, EU and ISAF). - Solved RPT "update class" error. v1.00 date 10/sept/2011 - first release Bugs. No problems found so far, no RPT errors, tested both in vanilla, beta and with ACE2. Download Links to version v. 1.01: Filefront: Thanks. Thanks to BI for the great game and to all the community for their great support and addons! Thanks to all the people that enjoied my previous units and supported me in the forum! Hope you'll enjoy these vehicles too! Best Regards massi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
massi 772 Posted November 1, 2011 Thanks a lot for the mirror really appreciated ;) cheers massi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites