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Arma 2 model cfg

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hi all im new in moding i want to make arma 1 mod work in my arma II game so here is the problem i added mod everything is working fine except german units in east section american army works fine but the WWII german gives me dont sent when im trying to load them in editor so i found in the american pbo directory model cfg for Arma 2 & germs pbo file dont have that config that i need that they work in game so i want to ask somebody to make it or show it how to write that config here is the example that i found in USApbo :

class cfgSkeletons


class Head


isDiscrete = false;

skeletonInherit = "";

skeletonBones[] =


"neck", "",

"neck1", "neck",

"head", "neck1",

"lBrow", "head",

"mBrow", "head",

"rBrow", "head",

"lMouth", "head",

"mMouth", "head",

"rMouth", "head",

"eyelids", "head",

"LLip", "head"



class OFP2_ManSkeleton


isDiscrete = false;

skeletonInherit = "Head";

skeletonBones[] =


"Weapon", "",

"launcher", "",

"Camera", "",

"Spine", "",

"Spine1", "",

"Spine2", "",

"Spine3", "",

"Pelvis", "",

//Left upper side

"LeftShoulder", "",

"LeftArm", "",

"LeftArmRoll", "",

"LeftForeArm", "",

"LeftForeArmRoll", "",

"LeftHand", "",

"LeftHandRing", "",

"LeftHandRing1", "",

"LeftHandRing2", "",

"LeftHandRing3", "",

"LeftHandPinky1", "",

"LeftHandPinky2", "",

"LeftHandPinky3", "",

"LeftHandMiddle1", "",

"LeftHandMiddle2", "",

"LeftHandMiddle3", "",

"LeftHandIndex1", "",

"LeftHandIndex2", "",

"LeftHandIndex3", "",

"LeftHandThumb1", "",

"LeftHandThumb2", "",

"LeftHandThumb3", "",

//Right upper side

"RightShoulder", "",

"RightArm", "",

"RightArmRoll", "",

"RightForeArm", "",

"RightForeArmRoll", "",

"RightHand", "",

"RightHandRing", "",

"RightHandRing1", "",

"RightHandRing2", "",

"RightHandRing3", "",

"RightHandPinky1", "",

"RightHandPinky2", "",

"RightHandPinky3", "",

"RightHandMiddle1", "",

"RightHandMiddle2", "",

"RightHandMiddle3", "",

"RightHandIndex1", "",

"RightHandIndex2", "",

"RightHandIndex3", "",

"RightHandThumb1", "",

"RightHandThumb2", "",

"RightHandThumb3", "",

//Left lower side

"LeftUpLeg", "",

"LeftUpLegRoll", "",

"LeftLeg", "",

"LeftLegRoll", "",

"LeftFoot", "",

"LeftToeBase", "",

//Right lower side

"RightUpLeg", "",

"RightUpLegRoll", "",

"RightLeg", "",

"RightLegRoll", "",

"RightFoot", "",

"RightToeBase", ""



class default;

class Flag: Default {};

class FlagCarrier: Default


skeletonInherit = "Default";

skeletonBones[] =


"stozar", "",

"vlajka", ""




class cfgModels


class Default


sections[] = {};



class flag_vojak : Default


sections[] = {"latka"};


class Head: Default


sections[] =





skeletonName = "Head";


class ArmaMan : Default


sections[] =











skeletonName = "OFP2_ManSkeleton";


class i44_us_soldier : ArmaMan


sectionsInherit = "ArmaMan";

sections[] =

















class i44_us_medic : ArmaMan {};

class i44_us_engineer : ArmaMan {};


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1 - Rewriting the model config won't do anything, unless I'm mistaken, because all the I44 soldier models are binarized. The cfgModels.hpp must have been left in the I44_man_A.pbo by mistake.

2 - 1-to-1 ports of Arma1 to Arma2 stuff doesn't work very well. I know, I've been spending a lot of time moving content from one to the other.

3 - Unless you are in a real big hurry, you could just wait for us to do our ArmA2 release. ;)

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so u mean in anyway if i write a good cfg he wount work im tryied to add just for my own playing of course strange thing is that somebody added movies in youtube & they all workt in game & strange thing is that on CAA1 mod they spawning good but missing skeleton

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