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The MP Missions Cache Folder

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Does ArmA have any Mp Mission Cache folder? where all the downloaded missions from the servers go?

Because when I have downloaded a mission from a server...you know, the receiving mission thing, I dont see any trace of the mission in the MP folder at all, nor is it any MP Missions Cache folder.

So does ArmA have it at all? How can I get the missions after downloading them from a server? Must I make the folder manually?



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You can find that folder in <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">C:\Documents and Settings\your user name\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA\MPMissionsCache

Make sure to set hidden files to visible or you wont be able to see the application data folder.

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Thx, Foxhound!

lol I didnt knew that I had disabled show hidden folders... whistle.gif

And why does ArmA need to be soooo much harder and inpractical than ofp's good old MP mission cache folders in the root directory!? banghead.gif

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Is it possible to just move the Mp cache folder to the root directory so you don't need to go through all these folders? smile_o.gif

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Is it possible to just move the Mp cache folder to the root directory  so you don't need to go through all these folders? smile_o.gif

Yeah I think that is possible, somewhere in those forums you can find your asnwer, but I really have no idea where it may be.

I can remember it being part of a same kind of topic like this though.

So you could try to search for same kind of topics and go through all of them or take the most easy way like "ck-claw" and I have done........create a shortcut to that folder on your desktop wink_o.gif

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