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About venom.226

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  1. venom.226

    Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.0

    You're right, I just tested my mod with ACE and there is no incompatibility. I assumed there was an incompatibility, under ACE's additional features it says "Improved ragdoll physics". Looks like it works though! Thanks. Also it looks like I forgot to add the key, I just updated the DropBox link. Now there's a .bikey included.
  2. venom.226

    Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.0

    @Luftpancake Excellent, looks good dude. Thank you again for updating! Also I'm happy to inform ya'll that this mod will be leaving beta pretty shortly, I'm pretty satisfied with the latest version. I'll be updating this mod in a week or two with some very minor tweaks to the physics, most of the major problems with the previous versions have been fixed and there's not much work left to do. Sounds like you guys are enjoying the mod as well, which I'm happy to hear, as this mod was an absolutely MASSIVE pain in the ass to make. Stay tuned guys! venom.226
  3. venom.226

    Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.0

    @Luftpancake Hey no worries dude! Thanks for getting back to us, its very much appreciated. Yeah totally go ahead and update it man, the armaholic/dropbox link is the latest version. I've split up the mod into two pbos though, VEN_SP and VEN_MP, and I'm not too sure which one you should post. The SP version has vehicle collisions enabled, while the MP version disables this (ragdoll+vehicles don't work very well in MP and cause a lot of weirdness). Both pbos are exactly the same otherwise. I'm thinking you should post the MP version, and then post a link to this discussion and the armaholic link in the description of the mod. That way the MP folks won't complain about the flying cars bug, and those who play SP only can have a choice to download the SP version without having to edit any files. Oh and can you also post a disclaimer saying that this mod doesn't work properly with Project Injury or ACE installed? Having these mods loaded only affects the functionality of my mod, it won't break either of those two. Again I really appreciate you doing this man, thanks a lot. venom.226
  4. venom.226

    Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.0

    @Gunter Severloh Hey that's awesome, thanks dude! Glad you're enjoying the mod.
  5. venom.226

    Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.0

    @WAR326 I think its the website itself, Mediafire is pretty sketchy. I've uploaded and changed it to Dropbox, which should be a much less risky site. Armaholic is also a good mirror site, I've posted that link as well. Let me know if you have any more problems downloading it. DROPBOX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1gqj2rhqx199rdw/VEN_RFX_OVERHAUL.zip?dl=0 ARMAHOLIC: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32744 @Luftpancake could you update this mod on the workshop please? Not sure if you play a3 anymore but the current workshop version is super deprecated.
  6. venom.226

    Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.0

    @velzevul Unfortunately no, I just tested the load order with PiR loaded before my mod, same result happens. The conflict is RD.pbo, which is PiR's version of my mod. There's a workaround though; Make PiR a local mod and then delete RD.pbo from the local folder, that seems to solve the conflict without breaking PiR at all. Just make sure to keep PiR disabled, not unsubscribed, so that you can keep the mod up to date.
  7. venom.226

    Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.0

    New update guys! Get v0.4.1 here: DROPBOX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1gqj2rhqx199rdw/VEN_RFX_OVERHAUL.zip?dl=0 ARMAHOLIC: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32744 CHANGELOG v0.4.1: -Minor improvements to physics -Arms won't get stuck in torso anymore -Ragdolls will no longer fly into the air/glitch out from prone position. BUGS/GLITCHES: -Minor clipping issues, ex. arms might phase into the torso but they won't spin around and glitch at least. Should happen pretty rarely, and will be completely fixed in the next update. INCOMPATIBILITIES: -Just recently discovered that this addon conflicts with Project Injury Reaction. PiR also edits ragdoll physics, not too sure what it changes but the physics behave differently when PiR is installed. -Might conflict with ACE and any other mod that changes ragdoll physics as well. Make sure to drop me some feedback! Enjoy. venom.226
  8. venom.226

    Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.0

    @velzevul Yeah, I'd probably go ahead and deactivate the SP version if a server is running the MP version of the mod. Speaking of MP, if any of you guys run into the flying car bug, please let me know! Its pretty easy to replicate, all you gotta do is be in a MP server and run over an AI with your car. Thanks ya'll. New update 0.4.1 BETA is rolling out in a few days. venom.226
  9. venom.226

    Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.0

    @BlackSomethingDown Yeah there's been a lot of reported weirdness when playing multiplayer with vehicle collisions turned on. So I split up the mod into two versions, VEN_SP and VEN_MP. The SP version has the vehicle collisions on while the MP version has these collisions disabled. @Jono the Cutest Did this happen with version 0.4? Vehicle collisions are supposed to be turned off in the MP version of this mod. I just double checked the code and collisions are indeed set to 0, I'm not sure why that happened. I'll be pushing a new update this weekend that includes some minor improvements to physics model, the MP version apparently isn't working correctly so I'll take a look at that issue as well. Stay tuned venom.226
  10. venom.226

    Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.0

    Hey guys! Got a surprise update for ya'll. I got back into this game recently and noticed that new updates pretty much broke this mod, so i'm happy to present the new 0.4 beta version of RFX. There's an SP and MP version of the mod in the zip file, check out the readme for details. FEATURES IN V0.4 BETA: -Re-built most of the mod from scratch, ragdoll joints are now based on actual human range of motion, well as much as the game allows at least. -Hit animations are disabled -Knees are now 100% guaranteed to obey human ROM and will never bend into stupid angles. No more immersion breaking physics! BUGS/GLITCHES: -Sometimes ragdolls will fly into the air when killed from the prone position. Currently investigating why. -Occasionally arms will get "stuck" in the torso. Not sure how to fix without breaking the animations completely but i'll continue to work on a fix -Ragdolls may be a bit too flimsy for your liking at the moment, i'm still working on optimizing the spring and dampening values. I won't be able to create a video for awhile, but a quick demo mission is included in the ZIP file, which will give you a decent idea of how the new physics will work in the actual game. Feedback is always appreciated. I won't be able to work on this mod during the weekdays, I work a lot of hours and this mod is also a royal pain to code in general, so new updates/features might be a bit slow. Expect future updates though, I'll try and release a new version every few weeks or so. Thanks for checking this out guys, and sorry it took a long time to update.
  11. venom.226

    Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.0

    @LtBlackFire Hmm, that sounds very strange, I don't use ACE 3 so it could be a mod conflict. I'll check it out when I have some spare time. @flexgripGlad your group enjoys it! Check out that link Gunter posted, should be exactly what you need. @Gunter SeverlohThanks for bringing that to my attention, Luftpancake and I got it all sorted out! I'll update the first post with the steam link. So I want to inform everyone that I'm pretty much finished with updating this mod. The original scope of REO was to simply fix BI's vanilla ragdoll animations, and I believe that this mod achieves that goal in its current state. I'll stick around to squash any bugs that people report, other than that I think i'm done making any changes to the mod itself, unless anyone has any specific criticism that they would like addressed. venom.226
  12. venom.226

    Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.0

    Hey all, Sorry for the delay. Here's a patch for those of you that play MP- This should fix the flying vehicle bug. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3lpmuzLj9UyUnhUU3JjUlFqNGc I'm pretty sure the problem was caused by allowing ragdolls to collide with vehicles, which has been disabled in this version. I'm not able to test this, I don't have the game installed at the moment so if you guys could test this out and report back I would really appreciate it. If you only play SP then you can stick with 0.3, nothing else has changed besides this one simple fix. Also i'm not opposed to putting this on Steam, I won't do it myself but if someone wants to post it for me, send me a PM.
  13. venom.226

    Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.0

    VE Ragdoll Overhaul v0.3 BETA https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3lpmuzLj9UydjhSeFZodzRXOUE Hey guys! 0.3 has been released. The video shows increased flexibilty to the hip, torso and knee regions. I wasn't able to fix the knee bug but on flat ground it should only happen very rarely. Check out the readme for the full changelog. @bad benson I tried out your code, setVelocity indeed doesn't really work on ragdolls. Thank you for trying though! That's way better then anything I could come up with. @rebelvg Thanks for testing! I'm glad to hear that it works in MP. And there's no easy way to test this, I don't really understand what's going on in the code so its all trial and error basically. I'll make a small change, convert to pbo, boot the game, launch the arsenal, shoot up a few guys to see the effects, close the game after a minute or so and repeat. Also tried out that merge tool, I couldn't get it to work, unfortunately. I suspect that the ragdoll class isn't supported by the tool itself, or maybe I'm just doing it wrong lol. Thanks for giving me the link, any help is appreciated. @kol9yN Maybe use the setUnconscious command with some kind of time limit scripted in? Perhaps one of the more knowledgeable members here can help you, I don't know very much about scripting. Enjoy the update guys! Feedback and criticism are welcome. venom.226
  14. venom.226

    Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.0

    Hi all! Thanks for the feedback so far! Its great seeing a few of you showing interest in my first A3 mod. That's actually something I haven't tested yet. Perhaps someone could try this on a server and report what happens? My PC can't handle A3 multiplayer, so I'm unable to test it myself unfortunately. Thanks for trying my mod! Yes, the characters often fall into the same positions. I've noticed that myself and I'm trying to fix it with no luck so far... Reducing the rigidity of the pelvis and knees from their current values only results in the knees contorting into crazy positions again. At this point it seems like a problem that only BI can fix, but I'm going to keep trying to solve the issue in the meantime. Also, the demonstration video I posted earlier was apparently deleted today by YouTube. Apologies to anyone who's trying to view it! I'll make a more detailed video within the next few days. Stay tuned!