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Everything posted by danielrocha2015

  1. Don't work for me. Any Solution? https://youtu.be/opRp2PhlXzE
  2. danielrocha2015

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    Hello! I have a question about Liberation Takistan that needs to be answered, both by the author of the mode and by players who know the answer. Since we started playing KP Liberation Takistan, we are suffering from the lack of information about which land vehicle serves as mobile respawn. Having to use the CH-47 Chinook for all missions in which we need a mobile respawn, even if in some of them the CH-47 Chinook is unfeasible. I kindly request that the topic author or some experienced KP Liberation mode player respond to me as soon as possible. I will be very grateful!
  3. danielrocha2015

    Arma 3 Jet question

    Leveraging the topic I would ask a question: To fly jets into "open world" you must be online or offline can be done?