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Posts posted by Midnighters

  1. When in the editor, just go ahead and place down a player.

    Then play it in singleplayer, 

    once you have pressed escape, you'll see a little button for animation in the debug console.

    If you press it, it'll open the splendid animation viewer.

    It contains every action from the apex campaign and such, you'll find all the animations in the game in there.

    you can use the switchMove or playMove command for each action.

    For example:

    player switchMove "Act_OpenTerminal";


    player playMove "Act_OpenTerminal";

  2. In the interim, I worked out a clunkier solution. I took the game logic approach from this thread:




    Set a game logic near each turbine (turbine1, turbine2, etc) which would assign a virtual name (t1, t2, etc) to each turbine. Then a trigger with this condition:


    ({alive _x} count [t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7]) < 7;


    And now there's a big smile on Joe Hockey's dial.


    Seriously, if anyone comes up with a better way of doing this I would love to know.


    And mods, I put this thread in the wrong section. Sorry about that.

    Nice solution, I've never seen multiple units included in a condition.

    Seems like you've got it all figured out now. 

  3. When a sector changes side it fires off a scripted event handler called "ownerChanged". With this there is no need for the trigger as you can just subscribe to this event. The only thing you will want to handle, as per your note on the module expression, is that it fires at mission start. This is easily handled by excluding sideUnknown if the sector does not have a default side.

    [ mySectorsName, "ownerChanged", {
        params[ "_sector", "_owner", "_ownerOld" ];
        if !( _owner isEqualTo sideUnknown ) then {
            //Do Stuff when sector changes side
    }] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler;

    The sector dummy is just as you describe a sector that does not need setting up and will inherit its parameters from another sector it is synced to.

    Right, good example. 

  4. To check the ownership of a sector, you'll need to do something of the sort:

    SectorName getVariable "owner" == WEST

    This would be placed in something like a trigger condition.

    So, it'd return true or false.

    So, whatever you need to do in the activation field will be activated once any blufor faction takes it.

    you can change WEST to EAST

    or WEST to Civilian

    or WEST to  independent 


    make sure to change the SectorName to your variable name of your sector module. 


    • Like 2

  5. Hello all, today is the launch of the A3OPS - public server.

    The address is:

    In playing on this server you will be able to play with any mods. Well, not the terrain modifications, or vehicle addons. 

    The teamspeak is the same adress:


  6. Hello fellow arma 3 players. We are starting a series of missions in order to get the community to enjoy COOP missions better. 

    You can find all of these missions here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Midnight_2/myworkshopfiles/

    We will be regularly posting news within these workshop files to keep you updated with server info, etc.

    Remember, this is testing purposes only at the moment. But we are here to have fun!

    So far we have had many people say the performance optimizations done for the mission have been a success

    Immensely increasing performance.

    Have fun everyone!

    Current Mission Testing Server: [Not always up]

