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Everything posted by flowan

  1. This is awesome! The work you guys are doing with this map is great! Keep us posted with epic teasers :D
  2. Wouw, nice. Going to test this right away when i get home!
  3. flowan

    Export Altis ingame map

    I uploaded the Stratis map. It is not finished yet. Some layers contain a white border that shouldn't be there, working on that. Result so far can be viewed here: http://armabase.com/map/stratis/
  4. Hi everyone, Im pretty new here and im not sure if i post this in the right section, but here we go. I would like to know if it is possible to extract/export the ingame map from Altis. I tried looking in the arma 3 folder but could find anything. Searching the internets didn't give me the answer i was looking for. If anyone could point me in the right direction would be great! Thanks in advance! Kind regards, Flowan
  5. flowan

    Export Altis ingame map

    Thanks for the feedback guys! I decided to go with Stratis first, because of the size and it took less time to convert the images and make a map of it. Small preview of what i got so far: http://puu.sh/dMOec/07dc73be8b.jpg I will post some more information/screenshots this week and maybe even upload the map.
  6. flowan

    Export Altis ingame map

    The contour map would be great if possible. But i will try the satellite map first. Thanks for the information!
  7. Haha. Totally agree here. Can't wait to see this ingame. I haven't read all the 100 pages. But is there a date planned for an alpha, beta and/or official release?
  8. flowan

    [WIP] Tilos: Greek Island

    Wouw! Looking really good so far. Im looking forward to the end product! Keep up the good work.