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About metaoin

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  1. okay i could fix the problem by adding correct paranthesis. _pb = (_paths select _i) select (count (_paths select _i) - 1); By the way is there a better way to get the last element of an array then the one above ? Thanks for the fast response.
  2. Thanks, paths is a array of arrays so it should work. The code worked until i changed it so that it would be spawned. If it helps i will post more of the code.
  3. Hello, i am fairly new to scripting in arma and i ran into a problem. I think it has something to do with scopes. for "_i" from 0 to _n do{ _pb = _paths select _i select count _paths select _i - 1; if ([getPos _pb,getPos _end] call BIS_fnc_areEqual) then { ... }; }; I get an error that _pb is not defined at getPos _pb. Why is that and how can i fix it?
  4. Hi, I am fairly new to scripting in Arma and I can't figure out how I would execute a function when the player creates a waypoint(shift clicks on the map). Is this possible if yes how ? Thanks for your help