Hello, Im having an issue with getting the loading of an offroad into a mohawk to work.
IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Mohawk = IL_Supported_OFFROAD + IL_Supported_Quadbike + IL_Supported_Rubberboat + IL_Supported_SDV + IL_Supported_Hatchback + IL_Supported_UGV;
IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_Mohawk = IL_Supported_Supply_Crate + IL_Supported_Veh_Ammo + IL_Supported_Barrel + IL_Supported_Tank;
IL_Supported_Cargo_Mohawk = IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Mohawk + IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_Mohawk;
I added IL_Supported_OFFROAD to the supported vehicle cargo, but when I run the server the mohawk is broken, can no longer load anything at all into it since the options in the menu are gone. I feel like I'm missing something simple, But I've spent the last couple hours frustrated that I cant get it to work.