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Everything posted by Zriel

  1. Zriel


    No news about this then? I'm using an old version of MCC because of this...
  2. Sorry, my bad. posting comments on phone wiithout thinking. We are doing this for delay: (time - _t) > 3; So basically, checks if the time minus the checked time in a previous FSM state is greater in 3 secs, to continue. But, your idea could be valid too. will give a try in this week.
  3. Dunno if wrong, but sleep 3 is a wait of 3 secs, isn't it? Not 3 frames.
  4. Would be nice that you also postes your modset (if any). There's always a limit con how much can Arma engine handle al together.
  5. The condition is not checked more than every second. It is checked every 3 or so "time frames" of te Arma engine. But the condition is checked by every AI group. Thus the need and questions to optimize it as much as possible. As in his example, 144 AI mean 144 checks every 3 secs.
  6. "There is actually 2 SQF VM Instances with Arma. One is shared scheduled / non scheduled shared. The other is used for FSM code only." http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-code-performance/#comment-1206525222
  7. Zriel

    Arma 3 Sound Missing in Multiplayer

    Next step, make your friends do the same (or at least one of them). I cannot help you much as I've still not identified a pattern
  8. Zriel

    Arma 3 Sound Missing in Multiplayer

    We have some people on the group with this bug. Usually reinstalling Arma AND mods from 0 helps.
  9. I wonder how do you achieve it using both methods. For BIS_fnc_MP I assume we should use the "target" option and set it to A) an array with the HC object (defined in the editor by "HC" for example) which should result in something like [[[],"Spawn_IA.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM", [HC]] call BIS_fnc_MP; B) using a group as target something like grp_HC = group HC; [[[],"Spawn_IA.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM", grp_HC] call BIS_fnc_MP; But how we can achieve the same functionality with ZEN Framework? Your remote execution method is kinda obscure XD we just publish a public variable and let the magic work, but we have little control on where it is going to be executed Well, still I can define on the script a conditional exit. Is there something like "isHeadlessClient" on the arma Engine? If not, HC are players? how could I define a specific HC (player) to execute something? IE, this should be valid? if !(player == HC) exitWith {};
  10. I will test the VR map. About the improvements, just to make it clear, first image is having the caching disabled for IA. And de second one with the Vehicles caching disabled. I think you may have undestrood me wrong XD. About the FSM, I have (as commentd to you) unloaded them from the functions and put all of them on a separate zbe_functions.sqf file, which is preprocessed at the start of the caching. Do you want me to upload the changes?
  11. In built editor. I can test on dedicated though, but in my own machine. Intel Core i7-3770K 3.5GHz ---------- Post added at 00:21 ---------- Previous post was at 00:05 ---------- First without IA. Second Without Vehicles You can appreciate how the second bar is a bit larger in time, so it indicates it's processing things slower.
  12. First, no Cache system. Second, F3 system Third, your system 66 groups 276/87 All/Cached 97/79 Vehicles All/cached FPS 28 Yours performs better in FPS, but worse in CPS
  13. Been happening since the begining, not caused issues but...
  14. How many groups do you have for those 403 AI?
  15. @Zorrobyte, why the use of FSM? I kept with the thought that they where better in performance than SQF, but now I'm searching for that fact and I do not really find anything that probes that (and have found that in reality it does not provide better performance) All info I get is that FSM was developed in Arma for use in AI behaviour. I may try to get your script in SQF only and compare. I'm trying to get why all other scripts seem to get delayed when using your cache system. Have you tried in your tests to execute something (adding groups into an array and selecting a random one, or something like that?)
  16. Confirmed, scripts seem to execute much slower. It takes 160 secs to execute a mission from start to "init" state, (I'm spawming IA using scripts) and 560 secs with ZBE cache. No clue so far why, FPS tend to be better and CPS worse when using ZBE, but not such a huge diference, (3/4 FPS and CPS).
  17. Called it using Zeus I suppose?
  18. Done some more tests.... Seems one of the addons I use it's making spawn an extra copilot XD. Will have to check which one of them it is. Vanilla Arma works perfectly. Thanks Zen! ---------- Post added at 22:57 ---------- Previous post was at 20:58 ---------- "Helmet Mounted Displays Mod" adds weapons to the copilot, a jammer and the ability to launch the flares. That's causing issues with "Zen_GetTurretPaths".
  19. Lol, it is not working for me. Same code in a mission spawns a heli with complete tripulation.... Redownloaded your framework, and still working wrong.
  20. Testing the new Zen_SpawnVehicleCrew, in the UH80 using the "Gunner" option, it spawns the 2 gunners and the copilot. I suppose it is they way is has to be but....can it spawn only the 2 gunners? XD
  21. Happy Thanksgiving! Got holidays because of it, though I'm not in USA XD
  22. You are doing correctly, seems the framewok is not finding those factions. As it is not in the editor, I didn't even knew they existed XD
  23. I think there's a bug with Zen_SpawnGroundVehicle and the new Zen_GeturretPaths; This is what I do: _o_B_apc1 = ["mkAPC1", ["b_apc_wheeled_01_cannon_f", "b_apc_tracked_01_rcws_f"], 55] call Zen_SpawnGroundVehicle; This is the error I get. http://i.gyazo.com/2abb8c139ed3f62d32fbfe411da4d50d.png (287 kB)