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Everything posted by jakeplissken

  1. That code works! This is what I get now. All I need to do now is rewrite the wording and clean up some other things and I should be on the way to completing this mission.
  2. I have another question, is it possible to include the variable _spawn in this code? A_SIMPLE_TASK setSimpleTaskDescription [ "Free the town.", "Remove enemy forces.", "Captured town." ]; I want the task to say "Remove enemy forces from Selekano." for example, but I cannot find out how to include a variable in this code." Thanks.
  3. This is how I created a random patrol in a mission I am working on. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/10655366_797225710361340_7959883516988011956_o.jpg Create multiple groups of infantry or vehicles. Then insert the random patrol module from Modules->Sites->Random patrol. Sync the leaders of each group to the module. Then insert a civilian, as many of them as you have group leaders. Then create different waypoints from each civilian in the direction required. When you start the game a random infantry group will spawn and take a random patrol route. The civilians do not appear when the mission loads. They are only to connect waypoints to the random spawn module. Another trick I found is to place an Ifrit for example, and then place about 5 markers around it in various places. Then press F2 and group it to each marker. This is tricky but doable. Then it will spawn on a random marker. This is a good way to make a random mission. There are scripts to do this; but I prefer to use the modules instead.
  4. Fair enough. I can certainly rework this mission to get around that. Pilots only would be a good mission idea. When I bleed all the tickets from the OPFOR faction, I get the you won screen and all is good. So I could make a CAS and helicopter only MP mission. Thanks for your help.
  5. Hello. I have followed this tutorial and created a working sector control mission; https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/MP_Support_Guideline But whenever I land a heli and get out or get off a quadbike outside the base radius, I am blown up and I get a Forbidden Area message. Then I respawn back at base. Is this something I have missed? I have everything else working except this. I have a AI spawn that captures Selekano and a base for NATO that will go and attack the AI stronghold. Thanks for any help you can give me.
  6. This is the actual message I get. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/10921656_794867907263787_2819732591559863938_o.jpg I get out of my vehicle, then it explodes and I get a Restricted Area message.
  7. I have a mission I am working on using Stratis. there are markers that spawn enemies and a radar vehicle that must be destroyed. I have this code that someone sent me, but this does not really work. I am creating a single player mission and I do not need BIS_fnc_mp. //put all of this in the server-only section of your scripting (e.g. init.sqf's server only section, initServer.sqf) trg_whenAllOpforAreDead = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0]]; _cond = "(!alive radar1) <= 0"; _onAct = " [ { task_1 setTaskState 'Succeeded'; ["TaskSucceeded",["","Destroy the radar equipment."]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification; }, 'bis_fnc_spawn' ] call BIS_fnc_MP; "; _onDeact = ""; trg_whenAllOpforAreDead setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "NOT PRESENT", true]; trg_whenAllOpforAreDead setTriggerStatements [_cond, _onAct, _onDeact]; I am looking for code that will check for a destroyed vehicle and then move to another task. I want to do it this way instead of covering the map in lines and modules. I have had a lot of problems finding a template for this method. Thanks.
  8. Thank you. My mission code is now this. But it will not execute when I test the mission in the editor at all. waitUntil { !isNil {player} }; waitUntil { player == player }; switch (side player) do { case WEST: // BLUFOR briefing goes here { player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["*Radar must be taken down.*", "*The OPFOR radar is stopping air traffic, we must take it down.*"]]; //Task1 - COMMENT task_1 = player createSimpleTask ["Destroy AA Radar."]; task_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Destroy the radar.","Destroy the AA radar that OPFOR is using to take down allied planes.","Radar."]; task_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "task_1"); task_1 setTaskState "Assigned"; player setCurrentTask task_1; waitUntil {!alive _vehicle}; ["task_1", "Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; ["task_2", "ASSIGNED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; //Task2 - COMMENT task_2 = player createSimpleTask ["TASKNAME"]; task_2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["TASK DESCRIPTION","Example Task","WHAT WILL BE DISPLAYED ON THE MAP"]; task_2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "task_2"); }; Is there something I am missing? This just will not run. Thanks very much for your help. This is my init.sqf. author = "John Cartwright"; briefingName = "Destroy OPFOR AA radar."; onLoadName = "OPFOR demolition."; onLoadMission = "Destroy the OPFOR radar installation."; loadScreen = "\A3\Missions_F\data\img\Showcase_SCUBA_overview_CA.paa"; overviewText = "Free the skies of Stratis."; overviewPicture = "\a3\missions_f\data\img\Showcase_SCUBA_overview_CA.paa"; class CfgDebriefing { class End1 { title = "The radar was demolished, good work."; subtitle = ""; description = "Now the skies are free once again."; picture = "b_inf"; pictureColor[] = {0.0,0.3,0.6,1}; }; class Loser: End1 { title = "$STR_A3_Showcase_SCUBA_endLoser_title"; description = "$STR_A3_Showcase_SCUBA_endLoser_text"; }; }; _nul = [] execVM "scripts\player.sqf"; _nul = [] execVM "scripts\count.sqf"; _nul = [] execVM "scripts\east.sqf";
  9. I am using the AGM mod for Arma 3 and I have found out that you can press TAB to rest your weapon when lying in a prone position. This makes sniping much easier. Even though you need to set the range by click stops on the scope and you need to know the amount of elevation for a specific range, this is a much better experience when playing Arma 3. There is extremely limited weapon sway when sniping at 1000m. This is a complex mod, but this does help with weapon sway dramatically. And makes the whole experience much more realistic. So give this a try to reduce or eliminate weapons sway. What do you think? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?178253-Authentic-Gameplay-Modification
  10. This is the script I am using for my mission to give the player a good loadout at the start of the mission. Edit the classnames to your liking, but this should be very helpful to someone who wants to make their player start with a custom loadout. player unassignitem "NVGoggles"; player removeitem "NVGoggles"; removeAllWeapons player; removeAllItems player; removeBackpack player; player addUniform 'U_B_CombatUniform_mcam'; player addHeadgear 'H_HelmetB_paint'; player addVest 'V_PlateCarrier_Kerry'; player addMagazines ['HandGrenade', 2]; player addMagazines ['30Rnd_9x21_Mag', 2]; player addMagazines ['HLC_45rnd_762x39_T_RPK', 7]; player addweapon 'hlc_rifle_rpk'; player addweapon 'hgun_Rook40_snds_F'; player addPrimaryWeaponItem 'hlc_optic_goshawk'; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "hlc_muzzle_762SUP_AK"; player addWeapon 'Rangefinder'; Just a question while I am here; does the sting SMG and the Rook handgun share magazines? As I can put a 30 round magazine in the handgun and the SMG.
  11. I am using the sites module to create an auto populated army base, but I am wondering how do I group my added squad with the troops that are added by the sites module when creating a BLUFOR site? This would be very useful for a COOP mission I am working on. Thank you. And how do I only capture a base defined with the sector multiplayer module when all enemy troops are killed?
  12. jakeplissken

    What do you want to see in the expansion?

    -I want to see a new map that is desert like Afghanistan or Iraq, I have the Arma 3 map pack with all the older maps, but I would love to see a new map that is familiar to those who have been following the desert conflicts. -Ar15,M4,M16 rifles, including target shooting variants. -Beretta `92 9mm pistol. -Remington 700 7.62mm sniper rifle. -Openable doors and hatches on vehicles. -The ability to kill a member of the enemy AI and not alert others, this would enable the creation of stealth assassination missions.
  13. jakeplissken

    Arma 3 hacker on A3wasteland

    So, when are Bohemia Interactive going to do something about hackers on Wasteland servers? I have seen players that you could not kill. I shot one in the head at 400m with a .408 and he did not die, or even get injured. There were a whole bunch on a small island and you could not even injure them. This needs to stop. Does anyone else agree? There should be a more effective way to prevent this sort of thing. I think there was AI on the island as well, but they could not die either.