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Everything posted by jakeplissken

  1. I have a dedicated server running ALIVE and ACE3. The ALIVE mod works perfectly on my server and I get the ACE3 goggle effects and other benefits of this mod, but whenever I try to load an ACE3 mission in the voting screen the voting timer runs out and my name flashes yellow. Is there a way to create a simple ACE3 mission that will work on such a server? I do not know what the problem is, I have key verification on and I am running the correct mods to join the server, but I am just wanting to run an ALIVE insurgency mission I have created, but no luck. There must be something I am missing. These are the allowed signatures: cba_rc7b ace_3.1.1.1-bab33bfb a3 ALiVE Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
  2. jakeplissken

    Export Zeus Savable mission to 2D Editor?

    It is possible easily to save a Zeus mission, use this simple mission: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=348196128 This allows you to build a standard Zeus mission and save it to the clipboard. The only problem is that if you put in ammo boxes, it stuffs up, but this can be added in the 2d editor. I have used this and it really works. Just create an empty mission in the editor and save it then save the clipboard content over the top from notepad.
  3. Found the problem, this was the line used to init the server: nohup ./arma3server -name=arma3 -mod="addons/@CBA_A3;addons/AliveServer;addons/@ALiVE;addons/ace" -config=server.cfg & I used addons/ace instead of addons/@ace and this was the problem. Now it should work. Just a typo holding me up.
  4. jakeplissken

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    New terrain is Pulau Serasen. This was confirmed as the outline of the island matches the outline in the image released by BI. http://www.visitborneo.com/locations/location-profile.php?borneoid=8372477 This is pretty much a 90% chance of being correct. This island would be good for tropical operations with boats and helicopters.
  5. I am using this code for a domination styled mission. I have this on a dedicated server and the AI will spawn and the marker appear, but the task will not at all. This is on Stratis. Is there something wrong with the task code regarding running on a dedicated server? if (isServer) then { _spawn = ["Kill","Agia","Tempest", "Kamino", "Girna", "Jay", "Mike", "Maxwell"] call bis_fnc_selectRandom; _marker = createMarker ["AO", position player ]; _marker setMarkerPos getMarkerPos _spawn; _marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorEAST"; _marker setMarkerSize [300, 300]; nul = [_spawn,2,300,[true,true],[true,false,false],false,[50,0],[12,0],"default",nil,nil,nil] execVM "LV\militarize.sqf"; // Spawning OPFOR troops. Task1 = player createSimpleTask ["Free the town."]; Task1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos _spawn); Task1 setTaskState "ASSIGNED"; Task1 setSimpleTaskDescription [ format["Free the town of %1 and save Altis!",_spawn], format["%1 has been captured!",_spawn], format["Remove enemy forces from %1",_spawn] ]; _trg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos _spawn]; _trg setTriggerArea [4000, 4000, 0, false]; _trg setTriggerActivation ["EAST", "NOT PRESENT", true]; _trg setTriggerStatements ["this", "hint 'The town has been freed. Good work boys!';Task1 settaskstate 'SUCCEEDED';", "hint 'no civilian near'"]; } Thanks in advance.
  6. I was playing alone on an Insurgency server and I kept hearing loud gunshots and strange noises around me when I was flying a littlebird to an objective and then I heard a VON voice talking about a helicopter in the outfield. But I checked the player list and I was alone. Other players would JIP and then disc straight away. Was this a hacker? I also heard a loud uav quadrotor next to my chopper and someone in it with me when the player list was only me. This stopped when I nosedived into the ocean. Strange indeed. Could this be some sort of hacker?
  7. I get this error when I try and start my Arma 3 server, I have deleted and redownloaded the Arma 3 server files, but this is still happening. https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/1799889_847190292031548_2750827179825876858_o.jpg What is going on with this? Should I erase my server instance and start again? Thanks. I have version 1.44 from Steam.
  8. The modules are supposed to check for the team with the most tickets at the end of the game. That is what I got when I built a sector control game mode. Maybe post a screenshot of your modules layout to show us how it is set up. Then we can have a look and see if you went wrong somewhere. In sector control, the team with the least is the loser as they have been bled of all tickets. That is how it is supposed to work AFAIK. Maybe build a sector control mission and have it setup so you must capture the enemy sector(s) and therefore bleed them of tickets and they lose. That could definitely work.
  9. I just made a Stratis End Game MP game. This would have better performance than Kavala on lower specced machines. The key would be not having absurd amounts of AI and extra items on the map. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=441841498 Try this out and see how this works. This is WIP, but all modules are there.
  10. I can see the End Game modules under F7->Objectives, but I cannot get them to work. When will there be a bwiki entry that explains these modules? I know they are new, but I would love to make an End Game Girna mission. Can anyone else test to see if they can see these? I am using 1.44 stable. Hopefully, someone can work these out. Here is a screenshot. https://scontent-lax.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11040181_848322471918330_2017047951246273269_n.jpg?oh=96a223fcb401a419c24067d03ac1d3e4&oe=55D995B6
  11. jakeplissken

    End game modules.

    Thank you!
  12. Why are there no sewage treatment plants on Altis or Stratis? Does everyone in 2035 go potty in a portaloo? It is a large island in 2035, not a building site? Why is there no sewage plant? Even Far Cry 3 had a sewage plant for petes sake. They should put on in the new terrain. This would make it more realistic. And there are no toilets inside the houses. Just a small thing, but this is really bothering me. I would hate to use a smelly claustrophobic portaloo every time I had to go. Better to dig a hole. Build a pit toilet.
  13. jakeplissken

    End game modules.

    The show info shows the modules sitting by themselves with no indication of what to do. I will wait until the bwiki is updated with all of the information.
  14. I got this to work. I was using this command line: ./arma3server --name=arma3 --config=server.cfg I used this instead: ./arma3server -name=arma3 -config=server.cfg And it has loaded. https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/11109561_847475198669724_5982250285675365924_n.jpg?oh=f72af6101a3f3f9061b88624865b78f3&oe=55E0D02B So, I was just using the wrong command line parameters? So this is resolved I guess.
  15. Thank you. I will just re-install the Arma 3 server again and update my instance and this should fix itself I hope. I do have a server configuration now, but this crash only occurred when I was using that configuration, which is a template that I edited to set the password and the name of the server. But I will update and try to fix this.
  16. This script will place a round base marker that is only visible to players on that side. This is what I used for a Sector Control mission and this works very well. Good to mark your base whilst hiding it from the enemy players. if hasInterface then { //run on all player clients incl. headless clients but not player host if (side player == west) then { _marker = createMarkerLocal ["nato", position player ]; _marker setMarkerPosLocal getMarkerPos usa; _marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE"; _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorWEST"; _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [200, 200]; }; if (side player == east) then { _marker = createMarkerLocal ["alliance", position player ]; _marker setMarkerPosLocal getMarkerPos csat; _marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE"; _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorEAST"; _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [200, 200]; }; if (side player == guer) then { _marker = createMarkerLocal ["alliance", position player ]; _marker setMarkerPosLocal getMarkerPos aaf; _marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE"; _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorGUER"; _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [200, 200]; }; }; I hope someone finds this script useful. Script fixed with the new improved code.
  17. jakeplissken

    Mighty GAU-8/A Avenger

    Is there a possibility to add the recoil of the gun being fired? As the Peral A10c mod has this feature. That would make it quite realistic. Thank you.
  18. The Titan launcher with AT rounds can lock onto a laser dot as well as the conventional vehicles. If you connect a remote designator to the UAV terminal, you can lase a target with it and then hit it with a rocket. Even if it is a building or a person. Uncheck the autonomous checkbox in the uav terminal and then press CTRL-T in the designator to lock the turret onto a target. Then it will stay lasing a target and will not drift off. This can be useful in multiplayer when you are after a group of personnel and you do not want to snipe them with a rifle. This tip should work also with the DAGR rockets on the orca and Blackfoot. I hope this really helps someone out.
  19. Yes, you need to press CTRL-t to lock the turret. I just tried this with the guided rounds from the Sochor and they were dead on. This is another way to use a laser designator for attacking targets. I am not using the dev branch of Arma 3 either. This does work quite well, but you need to have a good view of the laser dot if you want to hit a building with a titan missile.
  20. Well, I was playing Domination and I found out that it can lock onto a laser dot on a building or other object as long as it can see the dot clearly. I used this to attack infantry with the AT missiles. I just thought that this could be useful to someone. This way you could assassinate someone by firing a missile at them and blowing them up. I have not tried this with the PCML yet, but it might work with that launcher too. This was at 1200 meters too.Made it easier to take out a partially hidden vehicle as I could just lase the building next to it and use splash damage to do the job. This is with the Remote Designator in the DLC. A very powerful tool. Here I am locking on with AP missiles onto a laser dot. http://oi58.tinypic.com/15ed73q.jpg But this does not work with the PCML.
  21. Hello. I have created this script that will spawn AI and a marker at a random AO. I have it mostly working, but I need help with the task completion and the setSimpleTaskDescription. How do I include the variable _spawn in the name and description of the task like I have with the hint? ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Randomize placement of a group within several spots ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _spawn = ["Sofia","Molos","Kavala","Negades","Pyrgos","Selekano","Panagia","Feres","Panochori","Syrta","Frini","Rodopoli"] call bis_fnc_selectRandom; hint format["AAF forces have captured %1, free the town and save Altis!",_spawn]; nul = [_spawn,3,450,[true,false],[false,false,false],false,[30,0],[12,0],"default",nil,nil,nil] execVM "LV\militarize.sqf"; _marker = createMarker ["Enemy AO", position player ]; _marker setMarkerPos getMarkerPos _spawn; _marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorOPFOR"; _marker setMarkerSize [450, 450]; A_SIMPLE_TASK = player createSimpleTask ["Free the town."]; A_SIMPLE_TASK setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos _spawn); A_SIMPLE_TASK setSimpleTaskDescription [ "Free the town.", "Remove enemy forces.", "Captured town." ]; A_SIMPLE_TASK setTaskState "ASSIGNED"; _trg22=createTrigger["Emptydetector", [0.0,0.0,0.]]; _trg22 setTriggerArea[0,0,0,true]; _trg22 setTriggerActivation["GUER","NOT PRESENT",false]; _trg22 setTriggerTimeout [0,0, 0,false ]; if (triggeractivated _trg22) then { A_SIMPLE_TASK setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; }; And I am not sure about the triggeractivated code. I want this code at the bottom to activate when all AAF forces in the AO are dead. Thanks for any help you can give me.
  22. I got it to work. This is the code I am using now. if (isServer) then { _spawn = ["Sofia","Molos","Kavala","Negades","Pyrgos","Selekano","Panagia","Feres","Panochori","Syrta","Frini","Rodopoli", "Athira", "Therisa"] call bis_fnc_selectRandom; _marker = createMarker ["AO", position player ]; _marker setMarkerPos getMarkerPos _spawn; _marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorEAST"; _marker setMarkerSize [500, 500]; nul = [_spawn,2,500,[true,true],[false,false,false],false,[50,0],[12,0],"default",nil,nil,nil] execVM "LV\militarize.sqf"; // Spawning OPFOR troops. Task1 = player createSimpleTask ["Free the town."]; Task1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos _spawn); Task1 setSimpleTaskDescription [ format["Free the town of %1 and save Altis!",_spawn], format["%1 has been captured!",_spawn], format["Remove enemy forces from %1",_spawn] ]; Task1 setTaskState "CREATED"; _trg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos player]; _trg setTriggerArea [30000, 30000, 0, false]; _trg setTriggerActivation ["EAST", "NOT PRESENT", true]; _trg setTriggerStatements ["this", "hint 'The town has been freed. Good work!';Task1 settaskstate 'SUCCEEDED';", "hint 'no civilian near'"]; } Thanks for your help. Now I can dress up the code and get this finished. Decided to use Iranians instead of Greenbacks.
  23. Strange, I kill all OPFOR and the trigger will not fire. Is there a way to create a working trigger that will actually allow this to work? I spawned 5 AI and killed them and nothing happened. Please help. This is my complete spawn_ai.sqf. This is run on mission start and spawns AI as well as creating a marker and task, but the trigger will not fire when all AI are dead. if (isServer) then { // _spawn = ["Sofia","Molos","Kavala","Negades","Pyrgos","Selekano","Panagia","Feres","Panochori","Syrta","Frini","Rodopoli", "Athira", "Therisa"] call bis_fnc_selectRandom; _spawn = "hi"; _marker = createMarker ["AO", position player ]; _marker setMarkerPos getMarkerPos _spawn; _marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorEAST"; _marker setMarkerSize [500, 500]; nul = [_spawn,3,100,[true,true],[false,false,false],false,[5,0],[12,0],"default",nil,nil,nil] execVM "LV\militarize.sqf"; // Spawning 5 AAF guys. A_SIMPLE_TASK = player createSimpleTask ["Free the town."]; A_SIMPLE_TASK setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos _spawn); A_SIMPLE_TASK setSimpleTaskDescription [ format["Free the town of %1 and save Altis!",_spawn], format["%1 has been captured!",_spawn], format["Remove enemy forces from %1",_spawn] ]; A_SIMPLE_TASK setTaskState "ASSIGNED"; // null = [] spawn { // sleep 32; // ["TaskAssigned",["","Clear the occupied town."]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; // }; _trg22 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos _spawn]; _trg22 setTriggerArea[3500,3500,0,true]; _trg22 setTriggerActivation["GUER","NOT PRESENT",false]; _trg22 setTriggerTimeout [0,0, 0,false ]; if (triggeractivated _trg22) then { A_SIMPLE_TASK setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; }; } Thanks for any help you can give me.
  24. I am almost there with a mission where the player is ferrying a group of infantry to an LZ. I have everything else working, but I am not sure of a foolproof way of getting my passengers to disembark from the chopper. They are not grouped with the player and I have tried some code but it has not worked. There is a 90x90 trigger that I land on and this is intended to trigger when I land, but it is not working. I have this code to tell them it eject: {unassignVehicle x} forEach crew heli1; and I had this code to test if my heli had landed: isTouchingGround heli1 But it seems to not work when landing on solid ground. I need to have landed safely before I have troops jumping out. I need a way to tell my cargo to exit the vehicle and then give them a waypoint. Thanks for any help you can give me.
  25. jakeplissken

    Support Mission

    Read this thread. That is how it is supposed to work. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?188512-Sector-control-MP-mission-Strange-problem-Forbidden-area-and-I-am-killed&p=2874749#post2874749 It is for pilots only.