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Everything posted by harakhti

  1. Armaverse-oriented gun? Holy yes.
  2. The mod has everything separated for full modularity, you can move for example the wounding system into a different, unloaded folder. Same goes for any other configuration, ie. removing the inventory system for using VTN vests with third-party weapons and/or to disable magazine sorting by pouches. To disable (almost) all provided functionality, move: vtn_core_init (TC assets, ie. logo/scripts) vtn_core_inventory (Inventory sorting) vtn_core_replace (Vanilla asset replacer?) vtn_core_ui (N/A, including breaks cross-compatibility with some mods) vtn_core_ui_hud (N/A, same reason) vtn_wounds (Injury system) Don't know of anything else that changes things, I have a wall of mods and it everything works with everything (aside of the notorious ASDG/AK issue, ironically the subsonic weapons work). The compatible guns are awesome, though. First time I saw weapon-integrated safety and working leaf sights, my head blew up.
  3. You can just remove the offending .PBO-s and have a rather good cross-compatibility. I've been using VTN for units and weapons only for a while now. On an unrelated note... If barrel attachments are ever planned for the PM or APS, that would be a practical one.
  4. harakhti

    Zee Identity Pack

    Y'all should check out his original work, a lot of them would make fine equipment in any game, especially this one. :p
  5. Clarification appreciated for the question that probably was asked a million times around on all of these threads.
  6. My mistake, thought I saw them on the parade photos and assumed they are ready for circulation. That leaves the question about handgun variation open, though.
  7. Any plans with modern/special weaponry? I haven't seen an ОTs-23/33 or APS anywhere for Arma. The AK-12 series are also being issued by now in theory, but I'm not sure what timescale the mod is aimed to represent and how much work that would be. :p
  8. harakhti

    [WIP] Halo Covenant

    It probably will work, seeing how "FEMAL3" uses the same implementation. The female body is essentially a custom "uniform". The only difficulty you may meet is different body types (dunno how much variation is planned eventually) will need different "uniforms" to use. ...Not to mention if someone picks an unmatching head with it. http://puu.sh/i1kZk/ac7d026db0.png (2522 kB)
  9. They look outstanding, though you seem to enjoy using the hex-pattern a lot. It blends in well with the game theme, though.
  10. harakhti

    [WIP] Halo Covenant

    As a suggestion for this weapon, the bump on the top is a viable space for iron sights if it can be split without cosmetic ugliness.
  11. I hardly know coding, but I've got an English language exam. Coding isn't the only contribution you can do with ACE, and every step is just as important to get forward. Setting up a tiny development environment in five minutes of automated "next"-s and debugging the mod also helps.
  12. Didn't spot anything about Hungarian translations. Anyone working on that?
  13. A particularly interesting take on a scifi base design with realistic elements. I think it looks rather nice and fitting.
  14. From what I understand (and see), there's still a huge load of work at weapons already regarding things like ie. attachment splitting, 3D-ifying, and animating features. All playable, though, so I can't and won't complain. I sure hope this thing eventually ends up outphasing most of those individual and diverse-quality weapon packages. :p
  15. harakhti

    DLC Strategy community survey

    You literally made me sign in just to respond to that. :p Truly the go-karts may be our glorious and powerful combat vehicles.