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Posts posted by Roach_

  1. On 10/9/2019 at 8:56 AM, chernaruski said:

    have you placed a player character in intro mission ? I remember having the same effect of camera flying in the sky , when testing custom scenes.. 
    don't forget about class CfgWorlds


    I did have a player, however removing it didn't seem to change anything. I've also added the CfgWorlds class, but no luck either.

    This is what I changed in the config:
    EDIT: I've added a second scene, this time in Altis, and changed the config accordingly. Neither scene plays.

    class CfgWorlds
    	class CAWorld;
    	class Tanoa: CAWorld
    	class Altis: CAWorld
    	class Malden: CAWorld
    	class Stratis: CAWorld
    	class VR: CAWorld
    	class Enoch: CAWorld
    class CfgMissions
    	class Cutscenes
    		class BVT_Intro1
            	class BVT_Intro2


  2. I've made an intro in the editor which works fine and I decided to turn it into the background scene in the main menu. However, the scene doesn't seem to work and the camera simply appears to be looking down the terrain from the sky, so the mission doesn't seem to be loading properly. 

    Here's my config. I don't get any errors while packing the mod, nor while the addons are being loaded. I also made sure to name the intro script "initIntro.sqf" as stated here.

    class RscStandardDisplay;
    class RscDisplayMain: RscStandardDisplay
    	delete Spotlight;
    	class controls
    		delete Spotlight1;
    		delete Spotlight2;
    		delete Spotlight3;
    		delete BackgroundSpotlightRight;
    		delete BackgroundSpotlightLeft;
    		delete BackgroundSpotlight;
    class CfgPatches
    	class BvT_Main_Menu
    		units[] = {};
    		weapons[] = {};
    		requiredVersion = 0.1;
    		requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Map_Altis","A3_Map_Stratis","A3_Map_Stratis_Scenes","A3_Map_Altis_Scenes","A3_Map_Tanoabuka","A3_Map_Enoch"};
    			"Blackest Night"
    class CfgMissions
    	class Cutscenes
    		class Tanoa_Intro1
    		class Altis_Intro1
    		class Stratis_Intro1
    		class Map_VR_anim01
    		class Enoch_intro1
    		class Malden_intro


  3. Is there a way to change BIS' jukebox function so that it selects the tracks from a custom array instead of the whole cfgMusic?

    Here's the function:

    	Author: Nelson Duarte
    	Plays music, depending on the player groups status
    	_this select 0:	STRING 	- The sub-function to call
    	_this select 1:	ARRAY 	- Parameters to be sent to sub-function
    	Dependent on sub-function
    #define DEFAULT_VOLUME 		0.2
    #define DEFAULT_RADIUS		500
    #define DEFAULT_NOREPEAT	true
    private ["_function", "_parameters"];
    _function	= _this param [0, "initialize", [""]];
    _parameters	= _this param [1, [], [[]]];
    switch (_function) do {
    	 * Initialize jukebox
    	 * _this select 0: ARRAY 	- List of stealth music names
    	 * _this select 1: ARRAY 	- List of combat music names
    	 * _this select 2: ARRAY 	- List of safe music names
    	 * _this select 3: NUMBER 	- The music volume
    	 * _this select 4: NUMBER 	- The transition time (fade-in/out)
    	 * _this select 5: NUMBER	- The battlefield radius
    	 * _this select 6: NUMBER	- The execution rate in seconds, the delay between each battlefield evaluation
    	 * _this select 7: BOOLEAN	- Whether music tracks can or not repeat, one after the other, when possible
    	case "initialize" : {
    		private ["_musicStealth", "_musicCombat", "_musicSafe", "_volume", "_transition"];
    		_musicStealth	= _parameters param [0, ["readContainerFromConfig", ["stealth"]] call BIS_fnc_jukebox, [[]]];
    		_musicCombat	= _parameters param [1, ["readContainerFromConfig", ["combat"]] call BIS_fnc_jukebox, [[]]];
    		_musicSafe	= _parameters param [2, ["readContainerFromConfig", ["safe"]] call BIS_fnc_jukebox, [[]]];
    		_volume		= _parameters param [3, DEFAULT_VOLUME, [0]];
    		_transition	= _parameters param [4, DEFAULT_TRANSITION, [0]];
    		_radius		= _parameters param [5, DEFAULT_RADIUS, [0]];
    		_executionRate	= _parameters param [6, DEFAULT_EXECUTIONRATE, [0]];
    		_noRepeat	= _parameters param [7, DEFAULT_NOREPEAT, [true]];
    		//If jukebox is already initialized, we re-initialize it
    		if (["isInitialized"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox) then {
    			//Terminate jukebox
    			["terminate"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox;
    			"Re-initializing jukebox" call BIS_fnc_log;
    		//On each frame
    		private "_onEachFrame";
    		_onEachFrame = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {
    			//Call on each frame
    			["onEachFrame"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox;
    		private "_loaded";
    		_loaded = addMissionEventHandler ["Loaded", {
    			private "_music";
    			_music = ["selectMusic"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox;
    			["playMusic", [_music]] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox;
    			["[BIS_fnc_jukebox] Mission loaded, playing music: %1", _music] call BIS_fnc_logFormat;
    		//Music started
    		private "_musicStart";
    		_musicStart = addMusicEventHandler ["MusicStart", {
    			private "_music";
    			_music = _this param [0, "", [""]];
    			//The current music being played
    			missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_music", _music];
    			["[BIS_fnc_jukebox] Music started: %1", _music] call BIS_fnc_logFormat;
    		//Music stopped
    		private "_musicStop";
    		_musicStop = addMusicEventHandler ["MusicStop", {
    			private "_music";
    			_music = ["selectMusic"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox;
    			["playMusic", [_music]] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox;
    			["[BIS_fnc_jukebox] Music stopped: %1", _music] call BIS_fnc_logFormat;
    		//Store initialization flag
    		missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_initialized", true];
    		//Store music containers
    		missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_musicStealth", _musicStealth];
    		missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_musicCombat", _musicCombat];
    		missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_musicSafe", _musicSafe];
    		//Store misc properties
    		missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_volume", _volume];
    		missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_transition", _transition];
    		missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_radius", _radius];
    		missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_executionRate", _executionRate];
    		missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_noRepeat", _noRepeat];
    		//Store event handlers
    		missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_onEachFrame", _onEachFrame];
    		missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_loaded", _loaded];
    		missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_musicStart", _musicStart];
    		missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_musicStop", _musicStop];
    		//Store the known status
    		missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_status", ["status"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox];
    		//Music changing flag
    		missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_musicChanging", false];
    		//The music being played
    		missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_music", ["selectMusic"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox];
    		//The starting music
    		["playMusic", [missionNameSpace getVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_music", ""]]] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox;
    		["Jukebox started with music: %1", missionNameSpace getVariable "BIS_jukeBox_music"] call BIS_fnc_logFormat;
    		"JukeBox initialized" call BIS_fnc_log;
    	 * Terminate function
    	case "terminate" : {
    		//Remove event handlers
    		removeMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", missionNameSpace getVariable "BIS_jukeBox_onEachFrame"];
    		removeMissionEventHandler ["Loaded", missionNameSpace getVariable "BIS_jukeBox_loaded"];
    		removeMusicEventHandler ["MusicStart", missionNameSpace getVariable "BIS_jukeBox_musicStart"];
    		removeMusicEventHandler ["MusicStop", missionNameSpace getVariable "BIS_jukeBox_musicStop"];
    		//Reset variables
    			missionNameSpace setVariable [_x, nil];
    		} forEach [
    		"JukeBox terminated" call BIS_fnc_log;
    	case "readContainerFromConfig" : {
    		private ["_themeWanted"];
    		_themeWanted = _parameters param [0, "", [""]];
    		//The valid music
    		//We only use music that has 'theme' defined, and is a valid theme
    		private "_container";
    		_container = [];
    		//Loop all music tracks
    		//Store valid music in new container
    			//The track
    			_track = _x;
    			//Make sure it is class
    			if (isClass _track) then {
    				//The class name and theme
    				private ["_class", "_theme"];
    				_class = configName _track;
    				_theme = getText (configFile >> "CfgMusic" >> _class >> "theme");
    				//Theme defined?
    				//If so, add to correct container
    				if (_theme == _themeWanted) then {
    					_container set [count _container, _class];
    		} forEach ((configFile >> "CfgMusic") call BIS_fnc_returnChildren);
    	 * Check whether Jukebox has been initialized already
    	case "isInitialized" : {
    		if (!isNil { missionNameSpace getVariable "BIS_jukeBox_initialized" }) then {
    		} else {
    	 * Force jukebox behaviour
    	 * _this select 0: STRING - The forced behaviour ('safe', 'stealth', 'combat')
    	case "forceBehaviour" : {
    		private "_behaviour";
    		_behaviour = _parameters param [0, "", [""]];
    		//Validate behaviour
    		if (_behaviour == "stealth" || _behaviour == "combat" || _behaviour == "safe") then {
    			missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_forceBehaviour", _behaviour];
    			["Behaviour is now forced: %1", _behaviour] call BIS_fnc_logFormat;
    		} else {
    			missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_forceBehaviour", nil];
    			"Behaviour is not forced anymore" call BIS_fnc_log;
    	 * Return current status
    	 * STRING: 'safe', 'stealth', 'combat', or 'error'
    	case "status" : {
    		private "_status";
    		_status = if (!isNil { missionNameSpace getVariable "BIS_jukeBox_forceBehaviour" }) then {
    			missionNameSpace getVariable "BIS_jukeBox_forceBehaviour";
    		} else {
    			switch (true) do {
    				case (["isStealth"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox) : { "stealth"; };
    				case (["isCombat"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox) : { "combat"; };
    				case (["isSafe"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox) : { "safe"; };
    				case DEFAULT { "error"; };
    	case "randomMusic" : {
    		private ["_container"];
    		_container = _parameters param [0, [], [[]]];
    		//We have a current music set up?
    		private "_musicCurrent";
    		_musicCurrent = missionNameSpace getVariable ["BIS_jukebox_music", ""];
    		//Should we repeat tracks?
    		private "_noRepeat";
    		_noRepeat = missionNameSpace getVariable ["BIS_jukebox_noRepeat", DEFAULT_NOREPEAT];
    		//New music
    		private "_musicNew";
    		_musicNew = "";
    		//Container has items?
    		if (count _container > 1) then {
    			//Remove last music from list, in case we do not want to repeat
    			if (_noRepeat && { _musicCurrent in _container }) then {
    				_container = _container - [_musicCurrent];
    			//Select new music
    			_musicNew = _container call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    		} else {
    			if (count _container > 0) then {
    				//Select the only music available
    				_musicNew = _container select 0;
    	 * Return new music to play, depending on current status
    	 * STRING: New music class name, may be empty
    	case "selectMusic" : {
    		private ["_musicStealth", "_musicCombat", "_musicSafe"];
    		_musicStealth	= missionNameSpace getVariable ["BIS_jukebox_musicStealth", []];
    		_musicCombat	= missionNameSpace getVariable ["BIS_jukebox_musicCombat", []];
    		_musicSafe	= missionNameSpace getVariable ["BIS_jukebox_musicSafe", []];
    		//The current status
    		private "_status";
    		_status = ["status"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox;
    		//The new music container
    		private "_musicNew";
    		_musicNew = switch (_status) do {
    			case "stealth" : { ["randomMusic", [_musicStealth]] call BIS_fnc_jukebox; };
    			case "combat" : { ["randomMusic", [_musicCombat]] call BIS_fnc_jukebox; };
    			case "safe" : { ["randomMusic", [_musicSafe]] call BIS_fnc_jukebox; };
    			case DEFAULT { ""; };
    		["Selecting music: %1", _musicNew] call BIS_fnc_logFormat;
    	 * Play music
    	 * _this select 0: NUMBER - The music volume
    	case "playMusic" : {
    		private ["_music"];
    		_music = _parameters param [0, ["selectMusic"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox, [""]];
    		private ["_volume", "_transition"];
    		_volume		= missionNameSpace getVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_volume", DEFAULT_VOLUME];
    		_transition	= missionNameSpace getVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_transition", DEFAULT_TRANSITION];
    		//Make sure music is valid
    		if (_music != "") then {
    			//Music changing flag
    			missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_musicChanging", true];
    			//Fade out volume
    			_transition fadeMusic 0;
    			//New thread
    			private "_fade";
    			_fade = [_music, _transition, _volume] spawn {
    				scriptName "Jukebox: Fade thread";
    				private ["_music", "_transition", "_volume"];
    				_music		= _this param [0, "", [""]];
    				_transition	= _this param [1, DEFAULT_TRANSITION, [0]];
    				_volume		= _this param [2, DEFAULT_VOLUME, [0]];
    				//Wait for volume fade
    				sleep _transition;
    				//Fade volume up
    				_transition fadeMusic _volume;
    				//Play new music
    				playMusic _music;
    				//The minimum time a track needs to play and not be overridden by a change in behaviour
    				//By default is the double of the transition time
    				sleep (_transition * 2);
    				//Music changing flag
    				missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_musicChanging", false];
    				"[BIS_fnc_jukebox] Changing music done" call BIS_fnc_log;
    			["Changing music: %1", _music] call BIS_fnc_logFormat;
    		} else {
    			"Unable to change music, given string is empty, this might be because of an empty behaviour music container" call BIS_fnc_log;
    	 * Returns number of enemies in proximity
    	 * _this select 0: NUMBER - The battlefield bubble size
    	case "nearEnemies" : {
    		private "_radius";
    		_radius = missionNameSpace getVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_radius", DEFAULT_RADIUS];
    		//Enemies container
    		private "_enemies";
    		_enemies = [];
    			private "_enemy";
    			_enemy = _x;
    			if (side group player getFriend side group _enemy < 0.6 && { _x distance _enemy < _radius } count units group player > 0) then {
    				_enemies set [count _enemies, _enemy];
    		} forEach allUnits;
    	 * Returns whether player has contact on nearby enemies
    	case "hasContact" : {
    		private "_hasContact";
    		_hasContact = false;
    			private "_enemy";
    			_enemy = _x;
    			if ({ _x knowsAbout _enemy >= 2 } count units group player > 0) exitWith {
    				_hasContact = true;
    		} forEach (["nearEnemies"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox);
    	 * Returns whether player is a contact to nearby enemies
    	case "isContact" : {
    		private "_isContact";
    		_isContact = false;
    			private "_enemy";
    			_enemy = _x;
    			if ({ _enemy knowsAbout _x >= 2 } count units group player > 0) exitWith {
    				_isContact = true;
    		} forEach (["nearEnemies"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox);
    	 * Returns if we should play stealth music
    	case "isStealth" : {
    		private ["_isContact", "_hasContact"];
    		_isContact 	= ["isContact"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox;
    		_hasContact	= ["hasContact"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox;
    		private "_isStealth";
    		_isStealth = _hasContact && !_isContact;
    	 * Returns if we should play combat music
    	case "isCombat" : {
    		private ["_isContact", "_hasContact"];
    		_isContact = ["isContact"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox;
    		_hasContact = ["hasContact"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox;
    		private "_isCombat";
    		_isCombat = _hasContact && _isContact;
    	 * Returns if we should play safe music
    	case "isSafe" : {
    		private ["_isStealth", "_isCombat"];
    		_isStealth 	= ["isStealth"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox;
    		_isCombat 	= ["isCombat"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox;
    		private "_isSafe";
    		_isSafe = !_isStealth && !_isCombat;
    	 * On each frame
    	 * _this select 0: NUMBER - The execution rate, in seconds
    	case "onEachFrame" : {
    		private "_executionRate";
    		_executionRate = missionNameSpace getVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_executionRate", DEFAULT_EXECUTIONRATE];
    		private "_lastCheckTime";
    		_lastCheckTime = missionNameSpace getVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_loopTime", 0];
    		private "_nextCheckTime";
    		_nextCheckTime = _lastCheckTime + _executionRate;
    		private "_timeNow";
    		_timeNow = time;
    		if (_timeNow >= _nextCheckTime) then {
    			//Set new time
    			missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_loopTime", _timeNow];
    			//New status
    			private "_statusNew";
    			_statusNew = ["status"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox;
    			//Current status
    			private "_statusOld";
    			_statusOld = missionNameSpace getVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_status", "error"];
    			//Whether there is already a music transition going on at this moment
    			private "_musicChanging";
    			_musicChanging = missionNameSpace getVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_musicChanging", false];
    			//Different status
    			//Make sure we are not transitioning a music already
    			if (_statusNew != _statusOld && !_musicChanging) then {
    				//Set new status
    				missionNameSpace setVariable ["BIS_jukeBox_status", _statusNew];
    				//Change track
    				["playMusic"] call BIS_fnc_jukeBox;
    				["StatusNew: %1, StatusOld: %2", _statusNew, _statusOld] call BIS_fnc_logFormat;
    	 * Error
    	case DEFAULT {
    		["Function (%1) is invalid", _function] call BIS_fnc_error;


  4. Are the AI driving enhancements going to extend to naval vessels too?

    It's really hard to get AI naval transportation going when any AI venture near the coast usually ends with the AI getting themselves beached.


    Especially considering that boats and aircraft are probably going to be more dominant than cars and armoured vehicles in Tanoa.

  5. Guys, my average FPS went up from 25 to 35 and minimal FPS from like 8 FPS to 13. It is huge success under circumstances. Anyone can explain me why?


    I have i5 4GHZ, it is being used 80% each core.

    And GTX 760, holds down at 45% usage(35% before update). VRAM usage optimized from 1850MB to 1800MB, then it s filling up to 2GB so I can´t track it too good from here but probably no performance issue.


    Anyone know about way to make game run even smoother? This update gave me hope! I couldn´t play game before, now I can play... in editor not in town I can feel the smoothness! Want more.


    For me it's the other way around.

  6. Do you see the red "BloodLust Settings" button in the escape menu ingame? If so, it's loaded but maybe the effects don't seem apparent.

    If not, then there's an issue with the mod loading.

    I'm not at home right now, so I can't provide more hands-on support.


    Yeah the settings menu does appear. Tried it with your mirror, also, but no luck either.
