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About MaroonLance

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  1. MaroonLance

    Jet DLC?

    Personally, I want to see the electronic warfare aspect of Jets rehauled. Currently, the way RADAR is done is completely overpowered and unrealistic with RADAR just being a big sphere around the plane and instantly spotting everything within it. This allows for the tab lock spamming gameplay and makes most air operations feel like a grind. Not only by changing the RADAR on aircraft and vehicles to a more realistic cone simulation, they should add radar signatures so to make air combat more interesting and CAS missions more difficult as vehicles would be harder to spot on the RADR. I think alongside this AA should get rehauled by maybe introducing SEAD and jamming capabilities while making AA more powerful to counter this. One thing that is a bit odd right now is that there are RADAR stations on the terrains bu they serve no useful purpose Also airfield have no form of RADAR or AA defense meaning on missions you normally see a couple of IFV-6a Cheetahs or ZSU 39 Tigris' dotted about to simulate this. I think there should be some form of ground based radar, not even necessarily an object or vehicle though, which mission makers can place at airfield or RADAR sites so to allow for more creative and interesting missions, especially for pilots. It would also be nice for there to be a static SAM system to go alongside this so to truly simulate a high-risk air space, I would consider this going above and beyond though for BIO.