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Everything posted by greenpeacekiller

  1. I've noticed that when you used Tickets the mission ends automaticlly when all the tickets run out. Is there a way to make it so all the respawns are disabled when tickets run out and it only ends when all players are dead? Thanks
  2. greenpeacekiller

    Solo Tank Script

    Im looking for a way to operate a tank solo just like this one http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-one-man-tank-operation/ However this one is out dated and has given me alot of issues in multiplayer. I've also came across 'MGI_1ManTank' script but this one's controls are not very smooth Would it be possible so that when a player enters a vehicle, have a AI unit spawn in the driver seat, then have the player command the unit so he gains control of the vehicle's control. I've noticed if you just spawn AI under your control and enter a vehicle you can basicly do this but I want it so that they are only there once you enter the vehicle, and leave when you exit it. Any help to point me in the right direction would be appriciated
  3. Does anybody know if its possible to have markers appear / dissapear when zooming in like Bohiema did with one of it's mission. I'm trying to make this work in multiplayer I've found a few topics explaining certain possibilties but I've been unable to implement it properly so far. Heres the links: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=28864 If anyone has a explanation for me it would be very much appriciated
  4. greenpeacekiller

    Markers Appear/Dissapear when Zooming

    So I've played the mission with a group of mine which used this script. I noticed that the map markers update for everyone when they use it. We were about 10+ players. However I've noticed that we are using 'SetMarkerAlpha'. Think SetMarkerAlphaLocal could prevent this issue?
  5. greenpeacekiller

    Markers Appear/Dissapear when Zooming

    Tested, worked just perfect. Thanks alot for your time & effort, im sure people will love it .
  6. I think the zombies in some cases ignore the fact that a building has doors and just rush through the walls. I know I had some bad experiences with that
  7. I am not expert but I do not think you need to duplicate it like this. Having it only 1x instead of 2x should still work.
  8. greenpeacekiller

    Markers Appear/Dissapear when Zooming

    Can I move the marker script in its own file and then excute it via initplayerlocal for when new players join the servers? I tested it on the dedicated server and it worked for me so far. Im not sure if it still works for a new player when he enters the server EDIT: Just ran a test with 2 clients When the script is excuted and a new client enters the server, the script will not work on the new client. So I need to excute it each time someone enters the server? or locally for the client that joins EDIT 2: I tried using getClientState but really I have no idea what to do with this command or how to get it to work. I used the example bohiema provided to try and get a hint displayed but no luck there
  9. greenpeacekiller

    Markers Appear/Dissapear when Zooming

    I've encountered an issue when testing this on a dedicated server. It seems that inside the lobby where you have the map screen, this works without problem. (on some clients) However, once you load in-game, the script no longer works. (On the majority of clients) Any idea what to do?
  10. [DataTerminal,3] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate; https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_DataTerminalAnimate you can also change the color [dataterminal,"red","red","red"] call BIS_fnc_DataTerminalColor; // Changes the colour to red
  11. greenpeacekiller

    Markers Appear/Dissapear when Zooming

    Very beautiful. Thanks once more
  12. greenpeacekiller

    Markers Appear/Dissapear when Zooming

    Any way we could add like a fade between the transitions rather than them being instant. like HazJ did ? I think it would be a nice final touch to make it look smooth
  13. greenpeacekiller

    Markers Appear/Dissapear when Zooming

    Yes, I know thats what I said: The fade looks very nice :3 Kinda wish I could implement it into Larrow's version Ah cool, I am slightly less terrible than I thought. Many thanks for this!
  14. greenpeacekiller

    Markers Appear/Dissapear when Zooming

    I do like the way this one slowly fades the markers Also sorry for my extreme lack of knowledge but how do I properly add _x setMarkerAlpha ( parseNumber !show ); Into the script? I tried { _x setMarkerAlphaLocal ( parseNumber _show ); } forEach ["marker1","marker2"]; { _x setMarkerAlphaLocal ( parseNumber !show ); } forEach ["marker3","marker4"]; But arma is laughing at me :(
  15. greenpeacekiller

    Markers Appear/Dissapear when Zooming

    Very nice Larrow. I am replacing allMapMarkers with an array _x setMarkerAlphaLocal ( parseNumber _show ); }forEach ["marker1","marker2"]; How do I make it so that while this array is hidden by _show = _zoom > ( _markerShowMinMax select 0 ) && _zoom < ( _markerShowMinMax select 1 ); A new array has the opposite effect and is now revealed?
  16. Ah yes I iniatally hoped changing the arrow would have fixed it but I had the value set to 100 so it didnt work. Thanks for fixing that for me, it works now
  17. So I ran another test. Simply having the code like this ("layer_rsc_downloadingData" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["", "PLAIN"]; Hint "Download is finished"; Wont work. It will still be excuted even if its interrupted. I think we will need to have a line code detect when the download is at 100% . Same way you did when it got interrupted. I dont know what commands to use tho, any ideas?
  18. I look forward to it. I think with that thing out of the way I can go crazy with it from here. Thanks alot for making this for us <3
  19. Ah yes, my brain has found a sense of logic at last @snakeplissken This is probably what you wanted while {_downloaded < 100 && "layer_rsc_downloadingData" in allCutLayers} do { _downloaded = _downloaded + _increment; (_display displayCtrl 300) ctrlSetText format ["%1", {alive _x && _x distance2d getPosATL _object <= 20} count allUnits]; (_display displayCtrl 400) progressSetPosition (_downloaded / 100); (_display displayCtrl 500) ctrlSetText format ["%1%2 / 100%2", _downloaded, "%"]; (_display displayCtrl 700) ctrlSetText format ["%1", call _getSignal]; if (player distance2d getPosATL _object > 13) exitWith { ("layer_rsc_downloadingData" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["", "PLAIN"]; }; sleep 1; hintSilent "Download is running"; }; ("layer_rsc_downloadingData" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["", "PLAIN"]; Hint "Download is finished"; if (_downloaded < 100) then { hintSilent "Download is interrupted"; };
  20. Yes, everything after exitWith gets run. if (player distance2d getPosATL _object > 20) exitWith { ("layer_rsc_downloadingData" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["", "PLAIN"]; }; sleep 1; // hintSilent "still running"; // This will excute 1 second after starting the download }; ("layer_rsc_downloadingData" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["", "PLAIN"]; hint "Complete"; // This will excute after moving out of range. It will also run when you complete the download.
  21. greenpeacekiller

    Disable EndMission when out of Tickets

    Anyone? EDIT: Im pretty confused with this documentation bohiema has provided. at https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_respawnTickets They say: So I went to https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Respawn in an attempt to figure out why the hell it ends automaticlly and found out they enable it by default Now obviously, my goal here is to disable 'EndMission' But I dont see any proper instructions on disabling this feature inside the documentation (or i missed it) Please, someone must have an easy fix for this that I am missing?
  22. I quickly tested that. while {_downloaded < 100 && "layer_rsc_downloadingData" in allCutLayers} do { _downloaded = _downloaded + _increment; (_display displayCtrl 300) ctrlSetText format ["%1", {alive _x && _x distance2d getPosATL _object <= 20} count allUnits]; (_display displayCtrl 400) progressSetPosition (_downloaded / 100); (_display displayCtrl 500) ctrlSetText format ["%1%2 / 100%2", _downloaded, "%"]; (_display displayCtrl 700) ctrlSetText format ["%1", call _getSignal]; hint "cancel"; if (player distance2d getPosATL _object > 20) exitWith { ("layer_rsc_downloadingData" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["", "PLAIN"]; }; sleep 1; // hintSilent "still running"; }; ("layer_rsc_downloadingData" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["", "PLAIN"]; hint "Complete"; Maybe I am doing this wrong. But doing it like this wont work. the hint cancel gets displayed when you start Anything you put at the end will get excuted if you run out of range aswell as when its actually at 100%
  23. greenpeacekiller

    Markers Appear/Dissapear when Zooming

    Would it be possible to use have pre-placed markers and then use SetMarkerAlpha to hide/un-hide them when players zoom in / out? This way I could just stack them all in a array and make the process more simple for me
  24. greenpeacekiller

    Markers Appear/Dissapear when Zooming

    How would I go about putting this together? Sorry for the lack of effort but I do not understand ArmA's scripting language enough to format anything readable together for the engine.
  25. I think what he is trying to achieve here is have different commands excuted. One for when the download is canceled because the player is out of range and another for when the download is actually completed 100%