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About sergeziegler

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Hi, I Want to thank you for the made work!
  2. sergeziegler

    [RELEASE] Russian Warfare Toolset

    Hi ! I have been unable open the menu, I have a German keyboard, or something I'm doing wrong. I have it your work has helped to create missions.
  3. sergeziegler

    [RELEASE] Russian Warfare Toolset

    Hi! I was unable to at your of the mission example, to open the action menu.?
  4. Hi! I did not want to open two issues, here's a link to the same question https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/184491-hi-how-do-i-delete-in-this-case-is-vehicle-and-crew-a-group-of-drivers/
  5. Hi! This your example does not work, I applied it today.
  6. how to optimize it skripts, for better performance? example: _mkr = if (count _this > 0) then { _this select 0 } else { _exit = true };if (_exit) exitWith {}; _markpos = getMarkerPos _mkr; _marksize = getMarkerSize _mkr; _markrad = floor(sqrt((_marksize select 0)*(_marksize select 1))); _radius = if (count _this > 1) then { _this select 1 } else { floor(_markrad*1.67); }; _parVeh = if (count _this > 2) then { _this select 2 } else { 3; }; _parUnit = if (count _this > 3) then { _this select 3 } else { 10; }; _parStat = if (count _this > 4) then { _this select 4 } else { 5; }; _cleanUpveh = []; _cleanStatick = []; _typer = ["rhsusf_M1078A1P2_B_M2_wd_open_fmtv_usarmy","rhsusf_m998_w_4dr","rhsusf_m998_w_2dr","rhsusf_m1025_w_s","B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F","B_Truck_01_fuel_F","B_Truck_01_mover_F"]; _GrpDiver = createGroup WEST; for "_x" from 1 to _parVeh step 1 do { _type = _typer select (floor(random(count _typer))); _rndPos = [[[_markpos, _radius], []], ["water", "out"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _unit33 = _type createVehicle _rndPos; _crew = [ _unit33, _GrpDiver ] call bis_fnc_spawncrew; _cleanUpveh = vehicle leader _GrpDiver; }; [_GrpDiver, (_markpos), (random(50)+100)] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; sleep 3; _types = ["rhsusf_army_ocp_squadleader","rhsusf_army_ucp_sniper","rhsusf_army_ocp_riflemanat","rhsusf_army_ocp_medic","rhsusf_army_ucp_machinegunnera","rhsusf_army_ocp_machinegunner","rhsusf_army_ocp_grenadier", "rhsusf_army_ocp_engineer","rhsusf_army_ocp_combatcrewman","rhsusf_army_ocp_autoriflemana","rhsusf_army_ucp_autorifleman","rhsusf_army_ucp_javelin","rhsusf_army_ocp_aa","rhsusf_army_ucp_aa"]; _GrpUnit = createGroup WEST; for "_x" from 1 to _parUnit step 1 do { _type = _types select (floor(random(count _types))); _rndPos = [[[_markpos, _radius], []], ["water", "out"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _specnaz = _GrpUnit createUnit [_type, _rndPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; }; [_GrpUnit, (_markpos), (random(50)+75)] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; Sleep 3; _statickUnits = ["B_HMG_01_high_F","B_GMG_01_high_F","B_Mortar_01_F","B_GMG_01_F"]; _GrpStatick = createGroup WEST; for "_x" from 1 to _parStat step 1 do { _type = _statickUnits select (floor(random(count _statickUnits))); _rndPos = [[[_markpos, _radius], []], ["water", "out"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _statick = _type createVehicle _rndPos; _crew = [ _statick, _GrpStatick ] call bis_fnc_spawncrew; _cleanStatick = vehicle leader _GrpStatick; }; here so is removed all the groups and Appliances: {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _GrpDiver; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew _cleanUpveh + [_cleanUpveh]; deleteGroup _GrpDiver; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _GrpUnit; deleteGroup _GrpUnit; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _GrpStatick; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew _cleanStatick + [_cleanStatick]; deleteGroup _GrpStatick;
  7. Hi! Thanks for the answer. I waited for an answer. How do I create multiple groups and is randomly?
  8. Hi! How do I delete in this case is Vehicle and Crew a group of drivers.... example: _mkr = if (count _this > 0) then { _this select 0 } else { _exit = true };if (_exit) exitWith {}; _markpos = getMarkerPos _mkr; _marksize = getMarkerSize _mkr; _markrad = floor(sqrt((_marksize select 0)*(_marksize select 1))); _radius = if (count _this > 1) then { _this select 1} else { floor(_markrad*1.67); }; _parVeh = if (count _this > 3) then { _this select 3 } else { 5; }; _typerVeh = ["rhsusf_M1078A1P2_B_M2_wd_open_fmtv_usarmy","rhsusf_m998_w_4dr","rhsusf_m998_w_2dr","rhsusf_m1025_w_s","B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F","B_Truck_01_fuel_F","B_Truck_01_mover_F"]; _GrpVeh = createGroup WEST; for "_x" from 1 to _parVeh step 1 do { _typeVeh = _typerVeh select (floor(random(count _typerVeh))); _rndPos = [_markpos,50,_radius,5,0,0.5,0,[],[]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _unit33 = _GrpVeh createUnit [_typeVeh, _rndPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; if (isNull _unit33) then {_unit33 = _typeVeh createVehicle _rndPos; createVehicleCrew _unit33;}; (group _unit33) selectLeader _unit33; }; [_GrpVeh, (_markpos), (random(50)+75)] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; In this example, I was not able to remove. ??? {deleteVehicle _x} forEach (crew _unit33); deleteVehicle _unit33; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _GrpVeh ;
  9. Hi! How do I delete in this case is Vehicle and Crew a group of drivers.... example: _mkr = if (count _this > 0) then { _this select 0 } else { _exit = true };if (_exit) exitWith {}; _markpos = getMarkerPos _mkr; _marksize = getMarkerSize _mkr; _markrad = floor(sqrt((_marksize select 0)*(_marksize select 1))); _radius = if (count _this > 1) then { _this select 1} else { floor(_markrad*1.67); }; _parVeh = if (count _this > 3) then { _this select 3 } else { 5; }; _typerVeh = ["rhsusf_M1078A1P2_B_M2_wd_open_fmtv_usarmy","rhsusf_m998_w_4dr","rhsusf_m998_w_2dr","rhsusf_m1025_w_s","B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F","B_Truck_01_fuel_F","B_Truck_01_mover_F"]; _GrpVeh = createGroup WEST; for "_x" from 1 to _parVeh step 1 do { _typeVeh = _typerVeh select (floor(random(count _typerVeh))); _rndPos = [_markpos,50,_radius,5,0,0.5,0,[],[]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _unit33 = _GrpVeh createUnit [_typeVeh, _rndPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; if (isNull _unit33) then {_unit33 = _typeVeh createVehicle _rndPos; createVehicleCrew _unit33;}; (group _unit33) selectLeader _unit33; }; [_GrpVeh, (_markpos), (random(50)+75)] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; In this example, I was not able to remove. ??? {deleteVehicle _x} forEach (crew _unit33); deleteVehicle _unit33; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _GrpVeh ;
  10. sergeziegler

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hi! new Version Vcom AI - Script v2.01, error , VCOMAI\VCOMAI\AIBEHAVIORNEW.fsm not found? I himself put the this file of the old version?
  11. sergeziegler

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hi! Thank you for the good work . I have thy script, I use a long time, with the first works tvoih! This new update throws an error, -Script userconfig \VCOMAI\AISettings not found ??? please fix it. because to me this week, must run a New Mission! Is good useful script! without this of the script not interesting to play in the Arma 3!
  12. sergeziegler

    Random tasks\objectives

    It's a pity! I have to look for other options
  13. sergeziegler

    Random tasks\objectives

    have divers waypoint is not on the water and not on the marker, what do I do? [_grp, (_AOmarker), (random(50)+75)] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol ???
  14. sergeziegler

    Random tasks\objectives

    Hi! Thanks, it worked! But there is still another problempoint their routes is not area of the marker!