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Everything posted by arkhir

  1. arkhir

    Dagger Scopes for Arma 3

    Yup; good to see the initial release, looking forward for the newer versions, keep up the good work :) PiP is quirky as hell though, I don't really know if it's worth the effort. I also hope the ballistics mod won't interfere with other stuff, like ACE, it'd be nice if it was optional or at least compatible.
  2. Just wow. I mean... Wow.
  3. arkhir

    Dagger Scopes for Arma 3

    I'm glad this mod is ACE compatible, awesome job, however I've got some considerations; Could you use some more scope models for your content? Marksmen DLC introduced cool models, you could use them as well as the default LRPS and MOS. I haven't tested all of the reticles, but it seems like some of the scopes are missing first-focal-plane feature, meaning the reticle doesn't scale with zoom when it should.
  4. arkhir

    Mk 1 eyeballs

    Yup, and the only reason we're able to maintain high FPS with high draw distance is because BIS did a really good on rendering - ArmA III loads objects fully only if they are in (or near) your field of view.
  5. There is a standalone version of Ruthberg's Advanced Ballistics. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/171256-advanced-ballistics-wip/
  6. arkhir

    Mk 1 eyeballs

    Umm yeah, wasn't me who uploaded it, it's the good people who run these mod aggregators B)
  7. I couldn't find the answer if the question was asked before, so forgive me if it's already covered: Are you considering animating AK rear sight (possibly other weapon sights as well) properly when the elevation setting is being changed? I've seen it working in your MP5s and G3s, I can't see a reason why AKs shouldn't have it :) It would be so cool to see the model align correctly for each setting like the GLs do.
  8. arkhir

    Mk 1 eyeballs

    Thanks :D Good idea. To be honest that's also why I made the mod; I don't know about the additional functionality tho, it might be introduced to some newer versions. I was also thinking about planes, since you get really low FPS while flying low and fast. If you set your base oVD low enough you can just stop worrying about FPS in cities. Played with that mod on Fallujah, in Kavala - I was happy as never before.
  9. arkhir

    TRYK's Multi-Play Uniforms

    Also - the uniforms are missing scopeCurator = 2; unless that's intended. Haven't been able to add them to a chest without using code exec, since they don't show in a menu because of the missing parameter.
  10. @alganthe I know you probably won't believe anecdotal evidence but I'll still try to explain what's the case, perhaps it might give you a better picture, I don't know, I'm just trying to help with what I suspect might be a problem; We've been Zeus community for a long time. We played on CSE, we used AGM. We were so happy to move over to ACE, but soon after we started noticing this thing that has never happened to us before. It's hard to reproduce, it's sorta random - sometimes they fall down as usual, after taking one to two bullets, other than that... Well -- Whille flying around on Zeus cam and watching action from the first row I've noticed chunks of brain (the particle effect) and blood flying off an AI who was still manning the .50 on default ArmA III technical, sustaining multiple hits from RHS:USAF hmmvw .50 cal. In the end, he outgunned our player, killing him, before finally taking an AT-4. The issue is making .50s much more dangerous than they should be and we don't really know what causes it - it may be desync, lag, or other issue - I trust your judgement, but I still have reasons to believe it's an issue with how damage is being processed. We're using advanced medical without instakill prevention if that helps, and default A3 technicals, so I don't think the geometry is a problem. Sometimes I've got to just manually Michael Bay the whole technical by pressing 'end' on the keyboard, sometimes I have enough time to select gunner and make him die. I'll try to catch it on video for you during one of our sessions, because it's been happening at least once per couple of encounters with these trucks. I have no other idea what might that be.
  11. Are you guys aware of the bug with technical gunners being nearly invincible? I've looked through your bug tracker, but couldn't find anything.
  12. arkhir

    ShackTac Map Gestures

    In your video, you say the mod transfers data client-to-client, but to get it to work it has to be uploaded on and also ran by the server, am I correct? We've been unable to make it work when just running on the clients.
  13. Based on FM 6-141-1, danger close distance for 81mm mortar fire is 600m, while minimum safe distance is 300m. So I guess yeah, you can be heavily wounded or killed by fragmentation at 75 to 100 meters. Better hit that dirt when you hear "woosh".
  14. The thing I absolutely love about this mod is the fact the ironsights change with zeroing like they should. Nice.
  15. arkhir

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Is the shotgun sound considered a placeholder, or is that the final version that you're not prioritizing and planning to upgrade?
  16. Is the water level on Sahrani going to be corrected? AiATP got it couple of meters short. Is there any remote chance of modernizing old texture LODs to match a litle bit more modern standards?
  17. arkhir

    DSS: The Mod

    (profilenamespace getVariable 'GUI_BCG_RGB_R') (profilenamespace getVariable 'GUI_BCG_RGB_G') (profilenamespace getVariable 'GUI_BCG_RGB_B') should return these values
  18. arkhir

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    So we can't expect compatibility like in older releases? That's bad :/ This new release is heavily scripted as I presume, is that the reason why it is not as compatible as the older ones? Correct me if I'm wrong. Can we expect any other releases (such as Dragonfyre RC 4, but fixed for new ArmA soundscape) allowing us to play with other mods without such things?
  19. Are you using ASDG Joint Rails? It seemed to cause this bug for me.
  20. arkhir

    ASDG - Mk. V SOC (WIP)

    Oh my, can't wait for the release. Nice stuff, I'm glad to see that more naval content is being worked in to the game.
  21. arkhir

    DSS: The Mod

    @poll I believe the color for GUIs is stored in player's profilenamespace, you should be able to use whatever's set for the player, eliminating the need of setting fixed colour, thus upsetting some other users.
  22. Is there any way of automatical disabling ReShade whenever I enter map view or editor? I find this mod visually pleasing and I'd love to use it but it's annoying to me when looking at bright, white surfaces not being in-game 3d rendered imagery, such as maps. Also text in menu and hud elements look sorta weird after applying all of the effects.
  23. arkhir

    Advanced Ballistics (WIP)

    Sweet. @external ballistics Coriolis effect is also negligibe closer to the equator, while it's strongest at the poles. 1mrad of angular size at 1000m is equal to 1m of actual size, so you can easily convert these values for the scope. @wind sim Ruthberg, it's impressive. You should be a consultant for marksmen DLC : D
  24. arkhir

    Advanced Ballistics (WIP)

    Covers really basic stuff like reading measurements and data input & interpreting. Nothing too fancy, just an average shot. Jakbyś czegoś potrzebował to wal na PW ;)
  25. arkhir

    Advanced Ballistics (WIP)

    Wind estimation was good, you forgot to take bullet rotation in account though.