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About nibbler

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  1. We have an Arma3 server with Gameservers and after 1.40.129533 - we cannot use the command #missions. Everything was fine before but now after loggin in and entering #missions it locks up the server. They say that as long as a mission plays when they enter the server nothing is wrong on their end. Any help here?
  2. nibbler

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    Many have asked about getting the new SF/Spetsnaz mod added to the repository. We would love to make one for them to add but the wiki is pretty week on how to do it. There seems to be just a little disconnect on the actual steps. If anyone who knows how could walk through it on a simple addon - share that video, We can get busy doing it for the big one. Or for importing an Arma3 addon into LEA. I'm not sure what is actually the name of the process to be able to use those new weaps for our loadouts. Again - not being a greedy "do it for me" but not understanding the steps as spelled out in the wiki.