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Posts posted by kamkill

  1. Your code is mission a }; at the end, try this


    class CfgWLFactionAssets
     class WEST
      class InfantryUnits {
       class gm_ge_army_antitank_assistant_g3a3_pzf44_80_ols {};
       class gm_ge_army_antitank_assistant_g3a3_pzf44_parka_80_ols {};
       class gm_ge_army_antitank_g3a3_milan_80_ols {};
       class gm_ge_army_crew_80_oli {};
       class gm_ge_army_crew_mp2a1_80_oli_antiair {};
       class gm_ge_army_crew_mp2a1_80_oli_armor {};
       class gm_ge_army_crew_mp2a1_80_oli_artillery {};
       class gm_ge_army_crew_mp2a1_80_oli_mechinf {};
       class gm_ge_army_demolition_g3a4_80_ols {};
       class gm_ge_army_engineer_g3a4_80_oli {};
       class gm_ge_army_grenadier_g3a3_80_ols {};
       class gm_ge_army_machinegunner_assistant_g3a3_mg3_80_ols {};
       class gm_ge_army_machinegunner_mg3_80_ols {};
       class gm_ge_army_medic_g3a3_80_ols {};
       class gm_ge_army_officer_p1_80_ols {};
       class gm_ge_army_platoonleader_g3a3_p2a1_parka_80_ols {};
       class gm_ge_army_rifleman_80_ols {};
       class gm_ge_army_squadleader_g3a3_p2a1_80_ols {};
     class EAST // --- OPFOR
      class InfantryUnits
       class gm_gc_army_antitank_assistant_mpiak74n_rpg7_80_str {};
       class gm_gc_army_antitank_mpiak74n_fagot_80_str {};
       class gm_gc_army_antitank_mpiak74n_rpg7_80_str {};
       class gm_gc_army_crew_mpiaks74nk_80_blk {};
       class gm_gc_army_demolition_mpiaks74n_80_str {};
       class gm_gc_army_engineer_mpiaks74n_80_str {};
       class gm_gc_army_machinegunner_assistant_mpiak74n_lmgrpk74_80_str {};
       class gm_gc_army_machinegunner_assistant_mpiak74n_lmgrpk_80_str {};
       class gm_gc_army_machinegunner_assistant_mpiak74n_pk_80_str {};
       class gm_gc_army_machinegunner_lmgrpk74_80_str {};
       class gm_gc_army_machinegunner_lmgrpk_80_str {};
       class gm_gc_army_machinegunner_pk_80_str {};
       class gm_gc_army_officer_pm_80_str {};
       class gm_gc_army_rifleman_mpiak74n_80_str {};
       class gm_gc_army_squadleader_mpiak74n_80_str {};
       class gm_gc_bgs_rifleman_mpikm72_80_str {};


  2. I made a program that generate html files for each class. The goal was to allow anyone to make his personal and local Config Browser, the generation process need very few actions and takes 10 min (for vanilla Arma), so it's easy to update and you can add any mod to your Config Browser. It create 650 Mo of html file (for vanilla Arma) which is maybe not ideal, but it was easy to code. To use it first you need to use a script I made to log all the classes and their properties in the rpt file, then you can run the program, you will have to indicate the rpt file and an output folder, the program will parse the RPT file and then create the html files. One can imporve my program in many ways so feel free to do it. 




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