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Ben Harris

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Everything posted by Ben Harris

  1. Hey, Whenever I try to generate layers my ArmA Crashes. It works fine while processing the sat and such but as soon as it gets to mask it freezes and crashes: https://gyazo.com/656c89be0cdc189bdcb5125138d5f478I have tried quite a few things but have no idea, I have solved this before but for the life of me cant remember. Anyone know how to fix it? Kind Regards, Ben Harris
  2. Hi All, Im having an error which I have had before and forgot how to fix. I am familiar with terrainbuilder but am having this issue. There is a random black box (Perfect Square) of shadow that then fades out spawning around the player on the ground. anyone know whats wrong? Kind Regards, Ben Harris
  3. Hi All, So recently I have been reworking a few functions in my project and want to remake dialogs. Recently whenever I try to export of of the GUI Editor (Crt + Shift + S) it flashes the maps loading screen and then just returns to the GUI editor, instead of showing the window like it used to... Could someone help? Kind Regards, Ben
  4. Ben Harris

    Weird GUI Editor Bug

    Didn't Work....
  5. I have the same issue sometimes, I just add my [] execVM "\Harris_Server\Functions\Base\OnKeyDown.sqf" and AddEventHandler into a loop with my server cleanup.
  6. Ben Harris

    White Textures in game

    Is this just in Buldozer, if so, I have the same issue sometimes, do this: Re-Run Bulldozer Configurator, Make sure bulldozer.cfg is set to defaults. Reload Terrain Builder and then Generate layers again (Export Mask / Sat).
  7. Re-Run Bulldozer Configurator, Make sure bulldozer.cfg is set to defaults. Reload Terrain Builder and then Generate layers again (Export Mask / Sat).
  8. Hi All, My Bulldozer hasn't been working properly since the update that upgraded shaders and crap building up to Apex. I can't see the textures on the map in buldozer, this is for both close down and far away (Layers & Sat). Anyone know how to fix this? Kind Regards, Ben Harris
  9. Hey, I have two roads of the same type and I want one to go on top of the other but I dont know how to make the one I want go on top (the one I want below is on top). How would I do this? (custom road textures but that wont make a difference). Kind Regards, Ben Harris
  10. no as in, two roads of the SAME type (same ID)
  11. Ben Harris

    Roads not working

    Hey, my roads are not working even though they are setup correct, any ideas? Images: https://gyazo.com/2010c2f113f6b5271928ee46b1d9df2e https://gyazo.com/67ef57dec90b74e5acba4ace677eed0e https://gyazo.com/b318605c1cf6f2083d0ddf03aa587af4 https://gyazo.com/188bfe33b71a1f0406540df1cf313702 https://gyazo.com/4bc73fcef3df6ac14c584b33832f4aaa https://gyazo.com/916494aa1f561ca9b1adbd9c5966501e Update: http://pastebin.com/PUS0SJry
  12. Ben Harris

    Roads not working

    Works - Reimported files and it works??
  13. Ben Harris

    Roads not working

    http://pastebin.com/v7qRcb0pstill Broke
  14. Ben Harris

    Roads not working

    What do you mean?
  15. So I have all my mods in my P:\a3\ folder but when I put them on the map, they import with no textures.\ This house is usually red https://gyazo.com/09ca8a9c4102edc7943c33dde31c9ef9
  16. Ben Harris

    ArmA 3 Layers Glitch

    Problem Fixed... I did it myself :)
  17. Ok, I fixed my previous crashing issue but now whenever I try to generate layers the option is greyed out: https://gyazo.com/379d419846a2b95b999302b9c2e326e5and when I open bulldozer the textures are this (I think the draw from the sat image might not be working, Layers dont generate as .paa when I open terrainbuilder either) https://gyazo.com/7cd28741a0c6217d1be4e5ce4669018d as you can see the textures work but not from the sat image.
  18. Ben Harris

    ArmA 3 Layers Glitch

    Normally Thats what I normally do (I have made a lot of terrains), I think my ImagetoPAA is broken but I have validated steam and such (ImagetoPAA wont open up.)
  19. Pretty self explanatory. I rebuilt the Layers.cfg but didnt help.
  20. Ben Harris

    Map Errors

    Hey I am making a map for a community and when I place objects into it that ARE modded they show up with no textures in terrainbuilders bulldozer https://gyazo.com/65ff31d0e3680a49d9cfcd76caadf330 https://gyazo.com/edaba4c7936a71e02bc448cf7e759c30 The ones with textures show up ingame and all of them show up on the map but none of them that have no textures can be seen ingame. PboProject went through all of them and they are all in the mods but dont show up on the map. Any Ideas what Is causing this? I can use the objects if I place them in the mission or xCam so they definitely are there. To Be Noted: I am using several mod folders. Kind Regards, Ben Harris Edit: the ground is also going white around the player in a certain radius. It did not do this before.
  21. Hey ive got a bug where white is showing all around the camera. Ive tried to reimport all my files and it still doesnt work. I exported a terrain a week ago then updated it and didnt backup and now it has this. https://gyazo.com/edaba4c7936a71e02bc448cf7e759c30 Can someone help?
  22. Ben Harris

    Black Box of Shadow Around Player?

    Will do ill do it tomorrow morning
  23. Ben Harris

    White Land Created around Camera

    Fixed the White Ground Having issues where buildings show with no textures in bulldozer and are not showing at all ingame