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Everything posted by Marve_XT

  1. Hello everyone, At the beginning I would like to thank everyone who have contacted me regarding what the news reporters such as DailyMail , Le Monde have wrote about the Iraqi warfare mod . Now .. any member of the Arma's community who have read those reports -specially the Dailymail report -can simply see the huge misunderstood the writers of the articles have had, the French press "Le Monde" have even went further harassing , naming & shaming & whats even worse "Accusation of Terrorism" towards me , according to google's English Translated version of there French website , the "Le Monde" writer believes that he have uncovered a great mystery when he searched my posts for the past months , while all it actually takes is a few clicks on my "public" profile to find out simply that none of them were promoting or encouraging terrorism in anyway ! the news reporters claim that my mod is being used currently in promoting terrorism & of course something like that is not permitted nor welcomed neither by me or any of the great community of Arma 3 (who btw I would like to thank for speaking in behalf of me during my absence in the dailymail page )& its not & 'll never be my intention to support terrorism in anyhow . I haven’t hijacked the game as the"Dailymail" claims , nor released it & escaped away as the "Le Monde" claims , I have released this mod months ago & kept updating it since then with the permission of the Community Moderators of Bohemia Interactive all the time . We Arma fans know that Arma 3 is a Mil-sim game & even it's producer Bohemia Interactive had there share of legal troubles during developing the game , and they paid the cost of creativity higher then they expected when one of Bohemia Interactive team was arrested by greek authority . I do not like to see neither myself nor any of Bohemia Interactive Team nor the great community members who have helped me developing this mod going through same problem again because of me or because of some Media misunderstood . Therefore I Decided to Shut Down the whole Iraqi warfare mod completely & starting from today I'll not be responsible for anything related to this mod . i sincerely ask the Community moderators of Bohemia Interactive to Remove the Mod Links as its suspected to be used in illegal activities like promoting hate & terrorism & I urge the other networks that publishing my Mod to follow the same . My deep apologies to anyone who have misunderstood my intentions , as this mod was made ONLY for gaming purposes & to reach the maximum quality of details & simulation not to encourage or promote terrorism or hate in anyway . A special apology for Bohemia Interactive Team for any disturbance My mod might have accidently brought to there name . Again thx to the great community of Arma , I am currently busy in a new country with a new carrier , gaming is my passion & will always be , but till I settle in I might be far for a while , I was planning to Team up with Drongo & other modders to bring a bigger, better version of the Iraqi warfare mod , but seems that wont be possible anymore due to my travel & above all the claims of miss-use by the press . it was a hard decision for me to shut all my hard efforts down , but I wont hesitate taking it when it comes to ppl's safety & security , which at the end matters the most . best regards , stay safe .
  2. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    thx to all of you guys , i really appreciate your feelings & opinions & i wont be laying if i said that i share most of it with you . in a "perfect world" may be things would be different ,none of us would have to worry about lots of things. but in this times , i do . EA have stepped down when there money was in risk [link] . to me i have far more then my money on risk , & i wont risk lifes (mine or others) for the sake of the mod . i know that there is a lot of mods out there about isis & al Queda, & mine is not the first or gonna be the last , but since i was the "lucky" one to be picked by isis sympathizers ,then press wont rest till they blame someone . even if i made a video trailer that have no single gun shot or death scene , i'll always be accused of promoting them , just like EA with taliban case, its the same situation , same words ... different times may be .
  3. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    Hello everyone, At the beginning I would like to thank everyone who have contacted me regarding what the news reporters such as DailyMail , Le Monde have wrote about the Iraqi warfare mod . Now .. any member of the Arma's community who have read those reports -specially the Dailymail report -can simply see the huge misunderstood the writers of the articles have had, the French press "Le Monde" have even went further harassing , naming & shaming & whats even worse "Accusation of Terrorism" towards me , according to google's English Translated version of there French website , the "Le Monde" writer believes that he have uncovered a great mystery when he searched my posts for the past months , while all it actually takes is a few clicks on my "public" profile to find out simply that none of them were promoting or encouraging terrorism in anyway ! the news reporters claim that my mod is being used currently in promoting terrorism & of course something like that is not permitted nor welcomed neither by me or any of the great community of Arma 3 (who btw I would like to thank for speaking in behalf of me during my absence in the dailymail page )& its not & 'll never be my intention to support terrorism in anyhow . I haven’t hijacked the game as the"Dailymail" claims , nor released it & escaped away as the "Le Monde" claims , I have released this mod months ago & kept updating it since then with the permission of the Community Moderators of Bohemia Interactive all the time . We Arma fans know that Arma 3 is a Mil-sim game & even it's producer Bohemia Interactive had there share of legal troubles during developing the game , and they paid the cost of creativity higher then they expected when one of Bohemia Interactive team was arrested by greek authority . I do not like to see neither myself nor any of Bohemia Interactive Team nor the great community members who have helped me developing this mod going through same problem again because of me or because of some Media misunderstood . Therefore I Decided to Shut Down the whole Iraqi warfare mod completely & starting from today I'll not be responsible for anything related to this mod . i sincerely ask the Community moderators of Bohemia Interactive to Remove the Mod Links as its suspected to be used in illegal activities like promoting hate & terrorism & I urge the other networks that publishing my Mod to follow the same . My deep apologies to anyone who have misunderstood my intentions , as this mod was made ONLY for gaming purposes & to reach the maximum quality of details & simulation not to encourage or promote terrorism or hate in anyway . A special apology for Bohemia Interactive Team for any disturbance My mod might have accidently brought to there name . Again thx to the great community of Arma , I am currently busy in a new country with a new carrier , gaming is my passion & will always be , but till I settle in I might be far for a while , I was planning to Team up with Drongo & other modders to bring a bigger, better version of the Iraqi warfare mod , but seems that wont be possible anymore due to my travel & above all the claims of miss-use by the press . it was a hard decision for me to shut all my hard efforts down , but I wont hesitate taking it when it comes to ppl's safety & security , which at the end matters the most . best regards , stay safe .
  4. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    hi everyone thx for your feedback & support , it really means a lot :) i am very sorry though to announce that the whole project is gonna be halted for unknown date due to "traveling" outside the country millions of KMs far away from my PC & my Arma3 raw data . best regards :)
  5. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    the temporarily fix was for the default IS loadouts only not the Extra , may be thats what u have missed , i am going to fully fix it anyway in v4.0 also there is a poll i just made here about RHS escalation mod : http://www.poll-maker.com/poll166925x12a74D6b-7 Dont forget to vote :cool:
  6. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    u tried this : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?182938-The-Iraqi-Warfare-Mod-Alpha&p=2804746&viewfull=1#post2804746 i tested it & it solved the problem, all uniforms shows correctly now .
  7. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    or with Alive : i used to work in a mission where an IS small camp is heavily fortified in Takistani mountains, the challenge was gonna be the mountains itself more then the enemy. but still didn't decide the Blu forces yet & i halted the whole mission because i am currently working on Importing the BMP & SUV from A2 , BMP is almost finished , A2 helmets is finished . ---------- Post added at 11:00 ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 ---------- the CAF aggressors is a nice mod for insurgency , but its based on Taliban in the 90's period, iraqi warfare mod is based on the current time period .
  8. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    thx bro , syrian conflict is different , i am focusing on the iraqi terrain for now , also everyone is welcomed to contribute to my mod in anyway , i would be glade for that :)
  9. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    no problem mate , i think i might found out whats causing this issue to occur randomly , i overused much classes in IS , so i have lowered it to one class but i still need lot of testing to make sure if my theory was correct or not , anyway try this & tell me if the problem was solved or not : http://www.mediafire.com/download/jd0peilr86jvm73/Default_Loadout.rar extract & replace it with the files in @iraqi_warfare_xx\addons\
  10. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    Again it needs focus & lots of experience which i humbly don't have at the current time ,i started with the humvees then i stopped at the weapons point . also i am gonna be too busy next weeks , so unless some one magically does that ,the independent mods 'll remain our best choice (may be in the future i can re-texture those tanks to give them much more realistic middle eastern look ) there is no preview images for the items in this mod :D regarding the IS uniforms bug , sometimes it happens , sometimes it don't ,but i 'll investigate & see whats wrong .
  11. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    regarding the spoken language , there is no arabic available in Arma , only persian which is as wrong as american & since both are wrong ,then why not use something all factions understand (which is the case in real life) . regarding porting vehicles , i don't have Arma2 installed on my pc currently (not enough space with all games coming ) also it seems harder then porting loadouts & gear , there is physics & scripts among other stuff i have faced when i wanted to port Humvees & i ended up using the Dar Humvee mod instead . if u have any experience in that field & welling to be a part of that mod then i'll be glade :)
  12. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    thx for the feedback , i have made a Alive.Hotfix its in the 1st post . http://www.mediafire.com/download/wu49467a27c2uuq/Alive.Hotfix.rar no problem :) ---------- Post added at 12:23 ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 ---------- hey Drongo69 sorry for not noticing that post , yes they are , the IS_jacket3 is removed , i have also changed the current ones . i was thinking of porting an A2 module but i dropped the whole idea , the module it self is so 80's, needs a lot of retouching with O2 or 3D max & i m too lazy to do it actually :D
  13. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    uninstall old versions of the mod , & make a clean install , follow the screenshot in the 1st post .
  14. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    hmmm ok :confused: try this ,replace the files in @Iraqi_warfare_v3.0\addons\ with this : http://www.mediafire.com/download/s8swxhy3d4y34t2/addons.rar i have contacted ARjay too from ALIVE team & i am waiting for his assist .
  15. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    maps are not included . what do u mean by continue leaving ? hmmm that's wired , it works fine for me .
  16. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    v3.0 is up Iraq screenshots: Kurdistan screenshots: Islamic State screenshots: Videos: v3.0 : 22\10\2014 ~New - Alive Compatiablity (thx to ARjay from Alive team for testing & Confirming) . - Added Server Keys . - Added Strider , MLRS , MI 48 Helicopter, CH 49 Helicopter, A143 Fighter to Iraqi Forces . - Added Mrap & APC to Kurdistani Forces . - Added MLRS & APC to Islamic State Forces . - Added 2 new camo offroads to Islamic State (Toyota & Mountin camo) . - Removed old Randomization scripts & replaced it with New ones . - Fixed Bug Reporting Islamic State troops as Civilians or Pilots while in combat . - Fixed textures for Iraqi Swat Offroad , MRAP & pilot . - Fixed all uniforms of islamic State troops . - Fixed all uniforms of Kurdistan troops . - Fixed Overpowered loadouts for Iraqi soldiers , now all 3 factions soldiers have similar loadouts . - Separate the Loadouts (Default :contains Default Arma3 weapons , Extra : contains HLC & RH weapons & DAR Humvees) Download links for v3.0: ~New - Mediafire Mirror NOTE : -Delete any Old version of this Mod before Installing v3.0 -Follow the 2 steps guide screenshot to install.
  17. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    sorry for the delay guys , but 2.5 is canceled . the reason is that i have added \ fixed way much more Content then i was planning for the un-released 2.5 , due to the current event in Iraq \ syria i had to Buff up all 3 Factions (specially Kurdistan) so expect v3.0 with all issues solved , Tonight or Tomorrow max (& this is time is for real :D )
  18. so i have been looking for a way of using 1 bag instead of 2 bags for establishing mortar , make it a one man's job , i have stumbled among this by google : http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-mk6-mortar-modification-script/ the problem is i don't understand it , how can i actually put this in my config ? :j:
  19. sadly i cannot help u , but i loved your title actually :cool:
  20. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    thx for the advice , i have contacted ARjay & he explained to me what was going wrong . expect to have v2.5 today or tomorrow :)
  21. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    i dont think it have anything to do with the .cpp since they didn't mention anything about it in there FAQ , anyway i'll grab one of there supported mods and scan it for differences .
  22. Marve_XT

    The Iraqi Warfare Mod [Alpha]

    i have seen this , yet i don't get whats wrong though , but since u have checked it up did u figured it out ? i am sorry but i didn't have enough time lately to watch Alive Tutorials + make missions using ALIVE or MCC ,thats why it might lake to support :(
  23. i have checked it already , so far it should be working , shouldn't u test it before u put it in the compatible mods list ?