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Everything posted by W4EGR

  1. Squad name:- Grumpy Gamers Timezone/location : Central Timezone (-6CST, -5CDT)/United States Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Primarily coop but do support PvP Contact email: See website and forums and contact Smith. Website address: www.grumpygamers.net Short description: We are a gaming community (not a MilSim unit) that is expanding into the Arma-verse. We have many members who are former members of big-name Arma squads (7thCav, 173rdAB, 15thMEU(SOC)) that are tired of rank structures and useless command drivel that just want to work and play as a team and as a member of a community as a whole without all of the order-giving. Our command structure is simplified and we offer a dedicated Teamspeak that is accessible once you register on our site. Language: English
  2. Awesome!