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About Cold

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  1. I'm sure that this has been suggested before but I just felt to express my hope for an Add On that would cover the IDF. Just in the tradition of ARMA II Add Ons that covered the british war in Afgha.. uhm Takitistan or the Private Military Companys and so on. I'd just LOVE to be able to virtually sit in a Merkava II, III or even IV. Given the current situation it could of course be seen as impious but the actual offensive will hopefully find an end sooner rather than later and the current conflict certainly undenyably raises a certain interest. Israel's recent history has a broad range of conflicts against armies as well as insurgents or terror organizations and the potential that I see is that Israel has a lot of interesting gear and tanks/vehicles and the wars and conflicts Israel has been in could make for a very enthralling scenario bandwith from tank action in open desert or in villages over jetmissions to oppressive assymetrical urban warfare and to even more nightmarish tunnel fights or just missions where you don't know how to react and will encounter a lot of situations that are difficult to solve because you can't just open fire on everything. The single player campaign could even have the potential to deal with deep morale conflicts as the brilliant Spec Ops - The Line managed to do, yet in a far more realistic fashion.