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About gulozwood

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. gulozwood

    Infected Script by Gulozwood

    this work in multi / solo /dedicated add this in your init.sqf for every players setZomboyFace = { _me = _this select 0; _face = _this select 1; _me setFace _face; enablesentences false; _me setObjectMaterial [0, "A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\basicbody_injury.rvmat"]; }; and add this in the end of INF_fnc_stuff.sqf _chosenFace = ["infected2","infected1","zombi","zomboy"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; [[_me,_chosenFace], "setZomboyFace"] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  2. gulozwood

    Pallets dissapearing in MP

    Hi, in MP you have to use enableSimulationGlobal.
  3. gulozwood

    Infected Script by Gulozwood

    hey thank you, horde trigger is not able to repeat, i think you can make a trigger that not act when player is in car, or in heli. i've made some modifications with vehicle/player targetting, and improve the way to freeze them all ;) edit: for 1 player named playa1 it work with that in the trigger condition box: (((vehicle playa1) in thislist)and(speed playa1 <20))
  4. gulozwood

    Infected Script by Gulozwood

    I will remember "handledamage" for a long time ...spent 2 hours too ^^
  5. gulozwood

    Infected Script by Gulozwood

    finally made it, as usualy it's crappy but it work ;) add to the \infected\functions\fn_infectedint.sqf , \infected\functions\fn_inithordeattacker.sqf and \infected\functions\fn_infecthim.sqf : _me addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { _damages = _this select 2; if (((_this select 1) in ["head"])and (_damages >= 0.8)) then { (_this select 0) setDamage 1; }else{ (_this select 0) setDamage 0; }; }]; just before the _me addEventHandler ["hit",{ now you will heal infecteds by shooting on them, except if you shoot the head ^^ but now there is a little problem with the "hurt" sound, will take a look to it.
  6. gulozwood

    Infected Script by Gulozwood

    Hey, I've finally find a way to silence them, just add to the \infected\functions\fn_infectedint.sqf , \infected\functions\fn_inithordeattacker.sqf and \infected\functions\fn_infecthim.sqf : enableSentences false; put it just before the "disableAI" things
  7. gulozwood

    Infected Script by Gulozwood

    sorry guys, it seems i've broken the group system in the last update, I think it's repaired with this one: mission files
  8. gulozwood

    Infected Script by Gulozwood

    Ah yes, sorry for that, but I'm sure you can keep it all, i'm making a compatible infected.sqf ASAP ;) EDIT: the infected.sqf file is back, you just need to add in your init.sqf: execvm "infected.sqf"; and the new mission files.
  9. gulozwood

    Infected Script by Gulozwood

    HI, I make new functions on the last update, every function name looks like "INF_fnc_functionName". sorry for changing these names but i've to do this for compatibility between scripts and its addon form. when using the script the only thing you need to install it is: #include "infected\infectedsounds.hpp"; #include "infected\cfgfunctions.hpp"; you dont need anything else. then in the editor you can take a look to the missionConfigFile functions list, I have commented and put exemples for these 3: INF_fnc_infecthim (new) INF_fnc_infecedtzone (now using array for the marker, I tried to "infect" Kavala and 1 marker was not enough if you want to have infecteds in every part of the city) INF_fnc_inithorde (just name modification)
  10. gulozwood

    Infected Script by Gulozwood

    Hi, thank you for testing. I tried everything to make them stop speaking, but it still a fail, it seems the problem is that infecteds are in the same attacking group, I think they dont speak when they are alone but without groups you are limited to 130 entities. i'm pllanning to update the script today with something cleaner with a more reactive infected, possibility to put entities on the map without triggers, spawning & freezing all infecteds at mission start, etc...
  11. gulozwood

    Infected Script by Gulozwood

    did you try to use the launcher, it download workshops addon in the A3 root folder. Gdrive link: Addon/mission if you want to use these faces in the editor, just put this in the init box of a character: this setFace "zombi"; instead of "zombi" you can use "zomboy" , "infected1" or "infected2".
  12. gulozwood

    Infected Script by Gulozwood

    what the problem with the workshop ?
  13. gulozwood

    Infected Script by Gulozwood

    Just finished to add the new infected script to my old mission. i put a lot of horde triggers, a kind of stress test. you can use the infected addon with it, everything is in the workshop: mission file / addon file
  14. gulozwood

    Infected Script by Gulozwood

    hi, we finally have custom bodies too :D (thanks to Boomerang for his awesome job) i'll try to make custom animation this week. for now Infecteds actions are really basics and they are deaf, gonna change this quickly :)