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Everything posted by kb

  1. Probably would be used in the recon company and as a general utility and multi-purpose vehicle. Don't know what makes this variant especially suited to being flung out of airplanes. It would be nice to see a variant that can carry and launch drones rapidly.
  2. There seems to be a bug with the textures when trying to set the vehicle number and label on the BMP and BMD. Its not an issue with the BTR and I have not tried setting numbers or labels on any vehicle other than these three. I am not sure if you are aware of it or not.
  3. Works like a charm, thanks for the help and quick response.
  4. I'm getting an error whenever I try to modify the external stowage using the code lines provided on the BMD vehicle page. I am literally copy-pastaing the line into the units init field. I might be doing something wrong but I do not know what.
  5. Thanks for the awesome script! I was looking for something like this for awhile now! Just one question. Is there a way to set a timer for deploying the defenses? I am trying to make an adversarial and I don't want people to plop down defenses as soon as the enemy begins engaging them. Again, thanks for the script and any help!