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Everything posted by Maurdekye

  1. I tried making a helicopter insertion for the start of my mission, which consists of four men including the group leader. After the helicopter lands at the insertion point, it always kicks the team leader out immediately and then leaves, but it doesn't wait for any other friendly players still in it. However, it does wait for ai players to exit. I put this code in the condition of the waypoint following the dropoff waypoint to try and prevent it from moving too early; !(unit0 in startheli) and !(unit1 in startheli) and !(unit2 in startheli) and !(unit3 in startheli) But it would still take off while other players were in it. Also note, this happens during multiplayer; I have AI turned off. AI is forced on during editor previews, and the helicopter waits for the rest of the unit then.
  2. The names of each of the tasks are 'runtask1', 'runtask2' and 'runtask3', respectively. Their task ids are 'run1', 'run2' and 'run3'.
  3. I've been able to use the respawn menu enabled in the description.ext, and with help from this forum it's been working great so far. The only problem I have is that I don't know how to add teammates as respawn locations.
  4. Thank you, that's exactly what I was looking for.
  5. Really? Then thank you for that matter I am worried that doing this might cause lag.
  6. In the base escape from stratis gamemode, you can definitely spawn nearby other teammates, not as them. I know this since I repeatedly was able to spawn next to my friend during the mission with my same starting load out.
  7. I don't want a script; I was told I needed one just for the respawn menu that I already figured out (which I didn't). If BH can include this functionality in their base missions, I should be able to as easily as the respawn menu.
  8. I'm making a mission where you start with one spawn point at your insertion point, and unlock more as the mission progresses and you complete objectives. I have invisible markers in the places where the respawns should be created, and I have a trigger that calls this command when an objective is completed; nul = [west, position resp2] call BIS_fnc_addRepawnPosition; hint "New respawn position acquired at xyz!"; Where "resp2" is the name of the invisible placeholder marker. However, when a player dies after the trigger hits, they still only have the initial spawn point to spawn from. I'm sure it's being called correctly, because the hint displays when the trigger is pulled. Also, i'd like to know how to allow people to spawn on teammates.
  9. Thank you, that fixed it!
  10. I want to know how to start a mission on a black screen, fade in text over the course of 2 seconds, keep it up for 6 seconds, and then fade into the mission while fading in music over the course of 4 seconds. I'm being specific so that I can help narrow down any suggestions I might get. I know there's a titleCut command that has something to do with it, but I haven't quite figured out how to use it yet.
  11. I'm new to arma scripting, and I've had consistent trouble with the 'sleep' command. Whenever I put it into my code, it always seems to fail at the line that the sleep occurs, even though I'm fairly sure I wrote it correctly. I tried using this line of code; hint "testtext"; sleep 2; hint " "; But instead of running, it just gave me an error when I tested the mission.
  12. How did I miss that? I'm just going to blame my degrading mechanical keyboard. Unfortunately, even after fixing the typo and thoroughly pouring over the code to make absolutely sure there weren't any others, it still doesn't seem to work. SQF needs a spellchecker, or at the very least an in game syntax highlighter.
  13. I want to know how to create multiple respawn points selectable from a menu, like in the stock missions. I tried following this wiki page and put this in my description.ext; respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition", "Counter"}; respawnDelay = 12; respawnButton = 1; But it didn't create the menu like I'd expected.
  14. Maurdekye

    Create multiple respawns

    Well, the respawn menu is appearing, but it appears at the start and tells me where I want to start from. Is there any way around that? Edit: Setting the respawnOnStart tag in the description.ext seems to have done it.
  15. Maurdekye

    Create multiple respawns

    Ah, nice; I already have a black screen at the start of my mission.
  16. Maurdekye

    Create multiple respawns

    When I set 'respawn = "BASE";', my helicopter insertion doesn't work anymore; I just start at a random spawnpoint.
  17. Maurdekye

    Create multiple respawns

    I've already done that.
  18. Maurdekye

    "sleep" Not Working

    What's a good tutorial on how the A3 scripting environment works, and how I should expect it to be used?