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Everything posted by opusfmspol

  1. Disregard, found my own suggestion didn't work either, trying to find out why I thought Count command returned a number rather than an object - or will it return the represented object from the array as well? The distance command needs to determine distance between two objects. Does the _x return the object and the count return the number? --- Edit -- Disregard, tested and YES! Very nice to know, I can use that in my mission too, to find out if any group members are by a UAV terminal. Thanks AZCoder!
  2. Waypoints are group commands. Check your grouping. My experience is that AI do that sort of thing when a group is split; they'll try to reconsolidate with lost members before moving on to waypoints. Don't know if it's happening in your mission, but check to see if groups are split up. Also if the vehicle driver is a different group than the cargo soldiers, the vehicle driver moves to his own waypoint. There needs to be synchronized waypoints for the boat driver and the cargo soldiers (Transport Unload for driver with Get Out for cargo troops), with the soldiers having another waypoint further inland. The driver's group could also be given a Get Out waypoint following the Transport Unload.
  3. Needs to be : {_x action ["Eject",War_Thunder]; unassignVehicle; sleep 1}foreach units _group; Bracket begins the "forEach". If problem persists, try replacing War_Thunder with vehicle _x, and use unassignVehicle _x.
  4. Having watched this video I have the impression the LEA addAction is given to players in proximity to a respawn marker or object. Players only see the addAction when in proximity. Running a server isn't in my experience range. On mission editor side, thoughts are an event handler added to units during init, or a repeating trigger encompassing the respawn zones. But the code being run would need some means of identifying and referencing the addaction ID assigned by the LEA. That may or may not be complicated. I'm sure it wouldn't be the best way of handling it as well. I would think server would have a better means of doing it, I just don't have that experience.
  5. I don't use LEA so I don't know at what point in mission scripting the addAction is given to the unit. Generally, it would go in a block of code immediately following the addAction being added to the unit, so that the addAction is immediately removed if given to an EAST unit. The preventive approach would be to allow the addAction to be added only if not EAST: if (_side != EAST) then { ....run the code giving the addAction... };
  6. _side = side _unit; if (_side == EAST) then {_unit removeAction _index};
  7. createMarker is used to create a global marker visible to everyone. CreateMarkerLocal is used to place a marker only on the local player's machine, and not visible to everyone. It's a matter of whether everyone, including the enemy, should see a marker. CreateMarkerLocal is used to limit marker visibility to a side, team, single unit, or specific players. The command is scripted to run only on the targeted players' machines so that they will be the only ones who see it.
  8. opusfmspol

    Goodbye, ArmA 2!

    Classics never die, and A2/CO has certainly achieved Class status. Someday those who would sail away will hear the siren song and be lulled back to its rocks, seeking a little more "hurrah." --- Edit -- The developers create the Masterpiece. The gamers, modders and community make it the Masterpiece. Without the developers, there would be no Masterpiece. Thank you BIS!
  9. I would suggest try testing the conversation and marker blocks separate from all else. That's what I did when it worked. I had the named objects grouped to markers on map, "init.sqf" variables set up, and called the code from script "script.sqf" using a radio trigger. With the publicVariable it's a matter of identifying the string "IED_Array", "cache_Array" or "ZU_Array" for broadcast. I see format dumps in the array value instead of the variable name. The variable name is what needs to be broadcast.
  10. _reply returns the value that was selected by BIS_fnc_selectRandom. If it randomly selects 0, it returns the string "one"; if it randomly selects 1 it returns the string "I have marked something on your map." == is a true/false Boolean test. It compares the value of _reply against the string "I have marked something on your map."; if they are exactly the same it returns true and the code runs; if not it returns false and the code does not run. As I said, it was a thought I hadn't tested. Check the .rpt log and it should show where it went fubar. Also running startup param -showScriptErrors will help by showing in game when the error occurs while it gets logged. --- Edit -- A quick test shows this part is working _reply = ["one","I have marked something on your map."] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; [_reply, 0, 0.2, 10, 0, 0, 20] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext; if (_reply == "I have marked something on your map.") then { _type = type_Array select 1; //Returns the Cache array _name = name_Array select 1; //Returns the name "Ammo Cache" for use in formatting marker name _object = _type call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //Returns a random object from the selected _type array _objIndex = _type find _object; //Returns the object's index number in _type array _object = _type select _objIndex; //Selecting the chosen object (safeguard) _objPos = getPos _object; //Returns position of the chosen object _replyMarker = format ["%1marker",_object]; //Marker name will include the object's name to be unique _marker = CreateMarker [_replyMarker,_objPos]; //Creates the marker at the object's position _marker SetMarkerColor "ColorRed"; //Marker is Red _marker SetMarkerType "Destroy"; //"Destroy" marker ( + ) _marker SetMarkerAlpha 1; //Marker is fully visible _marker SetMarkerText Format ["%1 reported",_name]; //Marker text shows "Ammo Cache reported" //--- necessary to keep markers from having the same names _type = _type - [_object]; //Removing the object from it's array so it's not reported again PublicVariable format ["%1",_type]; //Updating the array for the other players. }; To test I called it with a trigger. --- Edit -- It may be the publicVariable returning content instead of variable name, stopping your block of code from completing. Remove this: PublicVariable format ["%1",_type]; //Updating the array for the other players. and see if it works
  11. Would go here (example for a Cache reveal): _reply = ["one","I have marked something on your map."] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; [_reply, 0, 0.2, 10, 0, 0, 20] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext; [_civ, VOICES call BIS_fnc_selectRandom] call CBA_fnc_globalSay3d;//Good response if (_reply == "I have marked something on your map.") then { [color="#FF0000"] _type = type_Array select 1; //Returns the Cache array _name = name_Array select 1; //Returns the name "Ammo Cache" for use in formatting marker name[/color] _object = _type call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //Returns a random object from the selected _type array _objIndex = _type find _object; //Returns the object's index number in _type array _object = _type select _objIndex; //Selecting the chosen object (safeguard) _objPos = getPos _object; //Returns position of the chosen object _replyMarker = format ["%1marker",_object]; //Marker name will include the object's name to be unique _marker = CreateMarker [_replyMarker,_objPos]; //Creates the marker at the object's position _marker SetMarkerColor "ColorRed"; //Marker is Red _marker SetMarkerType "Destroy"; //"Destroy" marker ( + ) _marker SetMarkerAlpha 1; //Marker is fully visible _marker SetMarkerText Format ["%1 reported",_name]; //Marker text shows "Ammo Cache reported" //--- necessary to keep markers from having the same names _type = _type - [_object]; //Removing the object from it's array so it's not reported again PublicVariable format ["%1",_type]; //Updating the array for the other players. };
  12. BIS_fnc_selectRandom returns the selection's actual content, not its index, so it would be: if (_reply == "Here have a marker") then { [color="#808080"][i]....run the marker code....[/i][/color] }; Yeah. Darn it, no matter how many times I review, preview and post-review.... *headslap* (#:> --ow Good catch.
  13. Here is a thought to start working with (not tested). Give names to each of the search objects grouped to the markers. in Init.sqf: [i]//--- Each player's machine will have the stored variables. //--- Arrays containing the object names segregated by their type. Must exactly match the object names.[/i] IED_Array = [iED1,IED2,IED3,IED4,IED5,IED6,IED7,IED8,IED9,IED10,IED11,IED12,IED13,IED14,IED15]; cache_Array = [cache1,cache2,cache3,cache4,cache5]; ZU_Array = [ZU1]; [i]//--- Store the type arrays.[/i] type_Array = [iEDArray,cacheArray,ZUArray]; [i]//--- Store the names for the array types.[/i] name_Array = ["IED","Ammo Cache","AA Gun"]; In QuestionCiv.sqf: Implement this depending upon the conversation - if they do know of IED, cache or AA: [i]//--- For an IED:[/i] _type = type_Array select 0; //Returns the IED array _name = name_Array select 0; //Returns the name "IED" for use in formatting marker name [i]//--- For a Cache:[/i] _type = type_Array select 1; //Returns the Cache array _name = name_Array select 1; //Returns the name "Ammo Cache" for use in formatting marker name [i]//--- For an AA Gun:[/i] _type = type_Array select 2; //Returns the AA Gun array _name = name_Array select 2; //Returns the name "AA Gun" for use in formatting marker name Generating the marker following the conversation after type and name are selected: _object = _type call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //Returns a random object from the selected _type array _objIndex = _type find _object; //Returns the object's index number in _type array _object = _type select _objIndex; //[b][i]Selecting[/i][/b] the chosen object (safeguard to ensure select random doesn't occur // again by referencing variable _object) _objPos = getPos _object; //Returns position of the chosen object _replyMarker = format ["%1marker",_object]; //Marker name will include the object's name to be unique _marker = CreateMarker [_replyMarker,_objPos]; //Creates the marker at the object's position _marker SetMarkerColor "ColorRed"; //Marker is Red _marker SetMarkerType "Destroy"; //"Destroy" marker ( + ) _marker SetMarkerAlpha 1; //Marker is fully visible _marker SetMarkerText Format ["%1 reported",_name]; //Marker text shows "IED reported", "Ammo Cache reported" or "AA Gun reported" //--- necessary to keep markers from having the same names _type = _type - [_object]; //Removing the object from it's array so it's not reported again PublicVariable format ["%1",_type]; //Updating the array for the other players. As your script is, it looks like this will occur every time any player comes close and targets the person. You'll need to find a way to stop it from repeating once that particular person has divulged his information, or he'll just keep giving up new objects each time someone comes close and targets him.
  14. is it single-player, MP coop mission against AI, or MP adversarial mission against players? In single player and coop, createMarker can be used, but in adversarial createMarkerLocal has to be used along with MP communication to have the markers appear only for the target players' machines, otherwise the enemy will see the markers too.
  15. To clarify; are you trying to return the location of one of the randomly placed IED's, to reflect it's location on the map?
  16. Command onMapSingleClick detects true/false whether the shift key is pressed, so try this: onMapSingleClick {if (_shift) then {... whatever you want to happen... };}; https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/onMapSingleClick
  17. "setWaypoint ...." for waypoint settings is not the same sort of command as "Set" which is used for arrays. "Set" and "SetWaypoint..." are separate commands with different functions. "Set" is a command that affects an ARRAY. Notice in the wiki's "Syntax" portion that ARRAY is listed before the command: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/set "setWaypoint ..." are commands that affect a WAYPOINT. Notice in the wiki's "Syntax" portion that WAYPOINT is listed before the commands: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setWaypointType https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setWaypointFormation https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setWaypointBehaviour Your commands don't work because you're running waypoint commands on arrays. You need to run them on the waypoints instead. _waypoint = _group1 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp0",0]; _waypoint setWaypointType "MOVE"; _waypoint setWaypointFormation "STAG COLUMN"; _waypoint setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _waypoint2 = _group1 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp1",50]; _waypoint2 setWaypointType "SAD"; _waypoint2 setWaypointFormation "STAG COLUMN"; _waypoint2 setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; While the waypoint itself returns an array, the array method won't work unless it's exactly what the return should be from the referenced waypoint. Thus the waypoint variable itself is what should be used. It helps ensure the array that 'setWaypoint...' uses has the correct content.
  18. Well, I'll try to keep this simple so as not to upset your neighbors. ;) 1). In your mission folder add the Silvie folder path, so the folder path is "<your_mission_name>\ca\modules\Silvie\data\scripts". 2). Copy the Silvie "main.sqf" from the .pbo and place a copy in the "scripts" folder. 3). In your copy of the main.sqf find the line that reads this: } foreach _twnlistTemp; }; //---Vehicle count Insert the following lines so it reads this: [color="#A9A9A9"] } foreach _twnlistTemp; };[/color] _count = count _twnList; for [{_i = 0}, {_i < _count}, {_i = _i + 1}] do { private ["_town","_name"]; _town = _twnlist select _i; _name = _town getVariable "Name"; diag_log format ["%1 :: %2 :: %3",_i,_town,_name]; }; [color="#A9A9A9"]//---Vehicle count[/color] 4). Start your mission. As soon as you enter world and game begins, exit the mission. When your mission initialized, the code you added had Silvie dump the _twnlist values and their names into your .rpt file. Look at your .rpt file and you'll see a list like this: 5). Select Balota: - At the left is the array select number, starting at 0 (because array selection is zero-based). - In the center is the _twnList variable for the location as listed in the _twnList array. - On the right is the name of the location. In this instance, Balota is second in the list and would be "select 1". Your select number might be different, especially if "City Center" location logics are added into your mission. 6). Go back into the main.sqf. Change the code you inserted to read this instead: [color="#A9A9A9"] } foreach _twnlistTemp; };[/color] _Balota = _twnList select 1; [color="#A52A2A"]// Note: Use your select count![/color] _twnList = _twnList - [_Balota]; [color="#A9A9A9"]//---Vehicle count[/color] 7). Save. Balota has been removed from the _twnList where vehicles will spawn. When I went into my mission I found no vehicles at all in Balota. When I went to Cherno and Kamarovo there were vehicles present there. Hope this helps.
  19. If you are willing to remove vehicles from Balota Town as well as the airfield, another thing to consider is removing Balota from the Townlist, and that would remove the vehicles from the airfield as well. They only appear at the airfield because it falls within distance of Balota town. --- Edit -- Also, Silvie is one of the modules with external scripting capability. If you copy the folder path ca\Modules\Silvie\data\scripts to your mission file and copy the Silvie "main.sqf" or "SpawnVehicle.sqf" to the scripts file, you can work with the script settings. It might be possible to add some kind of area blacklist there. Would have to make sure it plays well with Silvie's FSM though.
  20. I would think event handler HandleDamage would identify the source unit as "select 3". https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Event_Handlers#HandleDamage
  21. I don't see any medic modules at all listed in the TrueNam mission objects, not ACE or vanilla. That would be contributing to the problem you're experiencing. Strike that, I downloaded an older version, not the most recent. Finding the recent version I now see it does have ACE wounds in effect (Feeling like an idiot *headslap* (#:> -- ow ) I do see "ca_modules_pmc_simplefirstaid" listed in the addons. That could be a leftover from a deleted object since the module itself isn't among the mission objects. When a mission maker places an object and saves, the related addon gets added into the addons list, but it's hit or miss whether it gets removed from the list when the object is removed. But it also may not be a leftover; I don't know how the medical features of Unsung work. It could be a required addon for some of its objects. So I wouldn't necessarily say the line should be removed, but I would keep in mind the simple first aid module can be buggy. I suffered medics spinning circles and stuck in neverending animation loops when I tried using it in one mission. TrueNam is a User Mission, so I would think with author's permission (respect to the creator) you can edit it in editor. I would suggest asking Gfresco whether players swapping medic modules in his mission is permissible. If he says yes, you have your choice. players prefer some medic options over others for their gameplay.
  22. One way is to place the code in a script and compile the script as a function. InitUnit.sqf: _this allowfleeing courage; //public variable courage must be defined somewhere or there will be an error _this enablefatigue false; _this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { _object = _this select 0; _damage = _this select 2; if((damage _object) + _damage > 0.9) then {0.9} else {_damage}; } ]; compiled in init.sqf: InitUnit = Compile PreprocessFile ("InitUnit.sqf"); Now it is a function called "InitUnit". When units get created in mission, you have each unit or vehicle crewmember call the function as part of its init. Example When a unit is created: _soldier = _team CreateUnit [_unit,_position,[],0.6,"FORM"]; [_soldier] Call InitUnit; Example when a vehicle is created: _vehicle = _team CreateUnit [_unit,_position,[],0.6,"FORM"]; _crewmen = crew _vehicle; {[_x] Call InitUnit} forEach _crewmen; Compiling it in init.sqf you still have to put the code in the editor object initialization fields, since the mission's init.sqf runs after the editor objects initialize. The function would be used for objects created during the mission.
  23. I just tested, went into my mission on Chernarus and deactivated all mods. I had all three vanilla medic modules synched to player and AI leaders, and medic responded fine healing a wounded comrade. No errors thrown, no problem healing. But I then activated CBA and ACE only, and added an ACE: Enable Wounding System module. When medic was ordered to heal his wounded comrade he ran over and just stood there. he wouldn't heal the wounded man. Oddly I was wounded shortly thereafter and the AI who assumed leader ordered medic to heal me. The medic did begin to heal me (but got shot himself). These are the individual errors that went into the .rpt. Most were event focused but a couple were looping. Only two were ACE_wounding specific: Can't really say the ace_wounding errors were the culprit though. I saw the fn_findExtreme error thrown when the medic stalled, and it's an OA function. Maybe it has to do with what ACE or CBA pass to the function? In my full mission I use ACE "make everyone a medic" as a workaround to generally overcome the issue. --- Edit -- Using the Functions' external scripting ability, I moved the fn_findExtreme function to my mission file and added debug messages. The error is thrown when an empty array is sent to the function. It tries to find min or max from nonexistent elements in the empty array.
  24. Chiming in with what Joe98 said, I'm pretty certain it is an ACE issue. I don't use Unsung yet (but will at some point, I think it's a great mod and love VN scenarios, but tied up with trying to build a different mission) but I do use ACE. For debugging vanilla issues I disable the ACE material periodically. With vanilla medic modules active I have no problem sending medic to an injured soldier and the medic does respond and heal; but with ACE active I run into the same issue OP has. Medic will respond but doesn't heal. I afterward find (v1.63) a number of medical related log errors which, sorry to say, I haven't really paid too much attention to since I can't do anything to fix them. As far as drag and carry, I would think that it would be the Battlefield Clearance module missing from the mission, wouldn't it? Or does ACE activate that by default? I never paid much attention to the ACE side of it.
  25. When I obtained v1.63, the editor Warfare mission I worked on for many months in OA failed to respawn. Death camera, zoom up, respawn failure. Forced respawn caused the same thing to happened again, but at base. Always. But.... I was already using a custom Init Client script for the Warfare module, and after tracking down the problem I was able to use it to get respawn working again. The problem was an incorrect variable in one of the Warfare scripts that v1.62 and prior passed over, but affected v1.63. On Steam and here on the Forums I found threads appearing from others suffering the same respawn issue. I began responding to a few, but I think it's better to post here how people can fix their editor missions that use Warfare. This is being written from the very basics for the sake of those who are inexperienced at scripting, so please bear with me. And all, please comment where I get something wrong: How to Use a Custom Init Client in Warfare Missions: A custom Init Client is used to modify the Client setup in Warfare. It can bypass core scripts and use scripts from your mission file instead. It can also customize client aspects of your mission's init. The problem is an incorrect variable: _side in the Client_Killed script, which runs the death camera and the respawn map selection. The error is encountered before respawn occurs and stops the script with the camera overhead. The map doesn't appear, and the camera never terminates. Respawn occurs (under an event handler), but the player remains locked in the overhead camera view. Once the variable is correctly defined ("SideJoined", not "_side"), the camera will terminate and the player returns to their body - die, respawn, game on. The process: ----------------------------------------------------------- 1.) Read and understand the Arma Public License (APL) and the Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) licenses posted by BI: http://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license http://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike 2.) Obtain a copy of the Warfare2 module from the Arma Licensed Data Pack page: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Licensed_Data_Pack Select the "ALDP_A2_PBOs_APL-SA_part3.zip" file, it contains the Warfare2 module. DO NOT attempt to use the Warfare2 module from your game files, you risk accidentally messing up your game. Take the Data Pack copy of the Warfare2.pbo from the zip file and place it into a new folder of its own for you to work with. You don't want to mess up the module your game uses. 3.) Obtain the Warfare scripts from the pbo. For this you have to use a PBO extractor. Extract the file Warfare2.pbo. There are a few extractors listed on the Arma: Community Tools page: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Community_Tools Comment: Keep in mind, some extractors don't let you choose a file path and will only extract to the file the pbo is in; another reason I say put the module in a file of its own. 4.) Go into the extracted files and find "Client_Init.sqf". It's in the Scripts\Client\Init folder. Copy it into your mission file. You now have a custom Init Client you can modify. (--- Edit -- Adding some notes for fixing missions that come with the game: many of them will already have custom files. If the mission already uses a custom Client Init, modify that one instead of pulling a new copy. It will have changes you won't want to lose by pulling a new copy.) 5.) Go into the extracted files and find "Client_Killed.sqf". It's in the Scripts\Client\Functions folder. Copy it into your mission file. You now have a custom copy of the problem script which you can fix. 6.) Go into your mission in the mission editor. In the Warfare module Init field, type this: (--- Edit -- Note: skip this step if you're editing a mission that already has a Mission Init listed - let the module run the one it has.) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?180972-How-to-Fix-Respawn-Failure-in-Warfare2-Editor-Missions&p=2783030&viewfull=1#post2783030 BIS_WF_Common SetVariable ["customInitMissionScript","Init_Mission.sqf"]; Save. You have now told Warfare to run a custom mission init from your mission folder. 7.) Go into your mission folder and create a new text file called "Init_Mission.sqf". Watch the end extension; make sure it is sqf and not txt or some other. In this file type these two lines: (--- Edit -- Note: if editing a mission that already has a Mission Init, use the lines already in that file; but if absent then add these) BIS_WF_Common SetVariable ["customInitClientScript","Init_Client.sqf"]; BIS_WF_Common SetVariable ["customInitServerScript",""]; Save. You have now told Warfare to run the custom Init Client from your mission folder instead of core. Note: The custom Init Server needs no script; the line is only necessary to avoid a functions error and freeze on loading screen. 8.) Go into your mission folder's custom Init Client and find the line for "BIS_WF_ClientKilled." Modify this portion: (corePath + "Client\Functions\Client_Killed.sqf"); to read this: ("Client_Killed.sqf"); Save. You have now told Warfare to run the custom Client_Killed script from your mission folder instead of core. Now to fix the respawn... 9.) Go into the Client_Killed script in your mission folder. Find the line that says: _data = [_side,"Barracks"] Call BIS_WF_GetBaseStructureData; Change it to read: _data = [sideJoined,"Barracks"] Call BIS_WF_GetBaseStructureData; Save. The problem has been fixed. The variable is correctly defined. Save mission and launch the game. Warfare respawn should work. Hope this helps. P.S. - sorry I can't post a sample mission here, I'm a social media neanderthal and have no website for it. (:> Opus