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Everything posted by Dorak

  1. Dorak

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I transfer 20$ right now to whoever is responsible for the weapons in RHS to do a VKS.
  2. How do you rotate compositions around without messing them up ? Most of the time after a rotation some objects ends up being stacker on top of eachothers.
  3. Does that pose any kind of problems though ? If your patch is loaded after, thanks to RequiredAddons, it shouldn't matter right ? As you can guess i'm asking that because i'm making that " rookie thing " all the time.
  4. I don't get it. Are you complaining about network lag issues, or performances ?
  5. Dorak

    INKO Disposable

    Hate having to necro, but can someone guide me around on how making this to work with other weapons than the NLAW ? Weapons added by other addons for example.
  6. Dorak

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Thank you very much. Any idea for overheat ? It's pretty much the same issue, some weapons are affected, some aren't. I guess it's also a "general" property, but which one.
  7. Dorak

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    So i've took a look at the wiki and found interesting things, but i still don't know what drives the ear ringing of AGM_Hearing. Can someone point me out what i need to edit in my config files in order to get the effect ? Because some handguns produce the sound while some HMGs don't. This isn't coherent. Also while i'm at, what dictates the fact that a weapon overheats or not ?
  8. Dorak

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Honestly we should rather wait to see what BI will do with the Marksman DLC. I mean, how can you release something named " marksman " without weapon resting and bipods, which are at the core of accuracy, and therefore marksmans. Would be a shame if they start to work on something and BI release the same thing officially. This happened too many time.
  9. You can adapt toadie gestures to CUP in five minutes flat. Plus, the mod has the merit to be very modular. Forget syncing magazines though, seems like only HopeJohnson is able to pull this shit off.
  10. Dorak

    Cyprus Push-toHear

    Excellent mod indeed. Thanks.
  11. Dorak

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I know it sounds strange, but do you guys have any plans for ladders ? Tactical ladders, portable ladders, whatever. Ladders. I was currently messing around doing a little CQB project, and such a feature could bring a whole new level.
  12. I understand the reasons behind the choice of ArmA 2 reload anims for now, but i seriously hope this is placeholder.
  13. Dorak

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    There's already a mod out there that does that.
  14. Same issue here. Can't get it to work no matter what. I create a dummy mission, place an object named VQI_DIVER_HMSPROTEUS but still, i don't see any prompt on the item.
  15. TMR Optics would a nice solution if you were able to use modded scopes with it without having to do a metric shitload of new textures and whatnot. Which is not the case. Therefore it's useless. I mean ArmA 3 3D scopes were a significant improvement over ArmA 2 flat 2D scopes, it would be straight stupid to ignore that and get back to old standards with lifeless flat textures. I'm glad VTN took this path.
  16. Dorak

    X-Cam prototype map

    what's the point of that thread then
  17. Not only do i support your work, but the work you did is astonishing. The amount of different optics and muzzle accessories is jaw dropping, and they're all featured in good quality ( not all mods can pretend that ). Can't wait to see with what you will come up next.
  18. Dorak

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    How do you rotate an explosive when you're placing it ?
  19. i really like your new takistan config have some mixed feelings about the chernarus one, though, i think it's still too "arma3-esque", aka too bright and colorful
  20. Amazing. Everything is flawless so far, also love that little touch you did on that MP5 GL with the HL1 sounds. There's just one detail though, the mp5sd6 ( both of them ) have muzzleflashes, is there a possibility to remove them, so they look like any other supressed weapon when you shoot ? Thanks.