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About Trobo

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  1. Removed the line "waitUntil {!isNil ("BIS_fnc_init")};" from init.sqf and reversed distances, no idea why I had it other way around, and it worked (A3). Sling loaded crate with heli, took off and saw crate spawn at 30m and delete at 250. The starting crate wont delete if no player within 250m, but a new one will spawn if it is destroyed or moves 30m+ from start distance which is not a big deal. Problem I am having is if new crate has spawned and no player is near it will delete, leaving no crates at pickup point and ending the resupply role.
  2. Wow, thanks for taking the time to try that out. I didn't think it be that much more to add. Much appreciated. I took away the 'BIS_fnc_arsenal' and added what you said to craterespawn.sqf, init.sqf and made the removeobjectupdate.sqf. For Arma 3 it didn't work. In case others ever wonder, you did this on Arma 2 and it works? FYI - When I tested it no error messages popped up. No functions module in arma 3, I read its automatic. I only tried 1000m from crate and 500m from player a few times, I will try the distances you tried tomorrow. Wish I could discuss what may have went wrong on my end but this scripting is just way over my head (The stare at computer screen for 2 hours with no progress made). Maybe I should look into a new angle such as limit number of crates on map to 3 or something before next one will respawn. And the 'if (!isServer) exitWith {};' helped make the script work in MP, thanks
  3. What if you want the crate to be deleted when no player is near? I copied Horner's script and added a little to it but cant work out how to add the code that will delete the crate if no player within 500m. My aim is to have a heli pilot whose role is to transport or resupply troops with sling loaded crates but without having 50 crates spawned during a mission (e.g. - Invade and Annex). init of crate: null = [this] execVM "crateRespawn.sqf"; ["AmmoboxInit",[this,true]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; crateRespawn.sqf private ["_crate","_type","_pos","_newCrate"]; _crate = _this select 0; _type = typeOf _crate; _pos = getPos _crate; waituntil { sleep 1; (!Alive _crate) || (_crate distance _pos > 1000); }; _newCrate = _type createVehicle _pos; [_newCrate] execVM "crateRespawn.sqf", ["AmmoboxInit",[_newCrate,true]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; }; I don't think this would work in MP aswell. Im still learning Edit: Sorry about the Arma 3 question in a Arma 2 thread
  4. Trobo

    Patch 1.24 (Bootcamp Update) Feedback

    Love the update and new sway business, and VR arsenal really helps learn who is going be slow in your squad and why, and creating loadouts for use in zeus sounds awesome. I read people cant snipe anymore. Before the update it was easy to hit a target 800 metres + away using a sniper rifle. Well easier than I thought was accurate. Now it's much harder. I think the sway helped with this but im not really sure - should it be easy for real army dudes to hit targets 800m + away with 'man portable' guns?