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Posts posted by xrook

  1. so the GMG (A)s are fixed?

    its a no, three of my GMG(A)s got destroyed


    Error in expression <ount VEHZONESA == 0) then {deletemarker _x;};

    sleep 0.1;



    Error position: <_x;};

    sleep 0.1;



    Error Undefined variable in expression: _x


    so what parts are fixed? destroy convoy still isnt fixed the allied troop still gives the quest way too far from my position, for me to actually get into position and wait there thus ending in failure

  2. kill CSAT officer is keeps failing, "target is fleeing with a vehicle" im like 800 meters away from him and he already knows


    your random objects spawn inside houses just killed my GMG gunner i placed, i forgot to tell that your random objects sometimes spawn big objects that block entrances or ways inside the house/building

  3. i just destroyed the AA tank during the "take out nearby Anti-Air" mission that you obtained after building camp wolf but it wont complete itself, its stuck at that huge red circle in my map and it wont give me my reward


    the "take out nearby Anti-Air" completed when i also took out the 2 vehicles with machine gun mounts 700 meters away from it


    your 'destroy convoy' mission accepted from an allied troop spawns way too far (2 clicks), it failed before i could even get near it


    theres a bug when i make my GMGs (A) on top of a sand blockade 3 for their better view on an enemy but they get destroyed when i comeback or get too far

    afterwards i see red skulls on my map where i placed them


    i accepted 3 rescue civilian POW (peir rewards, because its the only one that the villagers give me other than man & money which i dont need) yet still give me 0.5 pier instead of 1.5


    i have to load a saved game before i could undo the gun that im pointing at or else i undo the last gun i made

  4. i agree on the airfield mission it just spawned there even though i have like 3 bases set up near it, rather than the enemies trying to occupy it like the other missions

    but i was able to get over it with my SpecOps team, it was just 2 AA vehicles, there wasnt much resistance... maybe my three placed bases did its job?

    i also like the "there is so much going on" kind, it actually feels like war is going on unlike DUWS

    Q: do the enemies try and capture back their bases? it feels like if it keeps on going like this its a one sided war, even if it would probably take 24 hours

  5. your mines are still annoying, especially when its placed near a civilian area, just to clarify is there a mine i cant disable? if so how can i tell?

    i cant disable the mine with my mechanic cuz it explodes infront of him before he could even disable it, i could just shoot it but i cant tell the civilians to stay away from the area

    is there an option to disable mines in this mission?


    your mission "defend the villager until the chopper picks him away" at Cap Markinos spawns the villager in the middle of the sea, how are we suppose to save that guy? :butbut:

    no wait, a skull marker appeared on map, i guess he drowned

  6. found the source of the randomized glasses/shades accessory, it was the teleporting, when teleporting it clones your squadmates but doesnt save their glasses/shades they originally or i made them wear


    Bad conversion: array

    Error in expression <

    _radius = _radius + 1000;

    _bestplace = selectBestPlaces [_position,_radius,_exp>

    Error position: <selectBestPlaces [_position,_radius,_exp>

    Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected

    File missions\__cur_sp.altis\findPos.sqf, line 14

    it kept spamming my script error


    so does my static gun respawn after being destroyed because i cant build more anymore (4 limit)

  7. attack boats are registered purple when i checked my map


    Error in expression <];

    _wTm = _obj worldToModel _pos;

    _obj setpos [(_pos select 0)+(_wTm select 0),>

    Error position: <setpos [(_pos select 0)+(_wTm select 0),>

    Error Type Any, expected Number


    assault task map markers wont disapear now i have 3 HUGE orange circles in my map, even though i failed 2

  8. started a new game with your new version, and went to sleep after AFKing inside a friendly town before going after Crow, woke up ready to kill him and suddenly "you have successfully killed crow" mission complete

    how does that happen? :confused:

    is there a way to improve you squadmates skills? they dont react fast enough

  9. i finally loaded a saved game where they didnt explode and saved the 3 POVs but only recieved 0.5 factory reward when its suppost to be 1.5

    and the mines are god so danm sensitive, i just let my mechanic disarm the mine, he is slowly proning towards it and it still exploded

    @LSD the fortresses fuction wasnt given a proper help information so i thought the cheapest bunker was good enough to be a "base"

    it should be given proper guides to prevent misinformation for noobs like me who just started WLA
