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About Manglex

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  1. Sorry haha. I changed the userconfig to those that the program gave me and I still could not transmit
  2. I use an alienware tactx keyboard
  3. I have it mapped to my mouse. Reminder, the only thing now working is when I try to transmit over a radio. I can bring up the radios, I can receive, and do normal speech just fine.
  4. Still having this issue guys. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  5. Nope, I'm currently running .14
  6. Hi guys, I have an issue with the mod where everything works perfectly fine... Until I try to transmit. For some reason it doesn't read my caps lock. Before you ask, yes I've made sure the plugin is enabled, and yes I've made sure that caps lock isn't mapped somewhere else haha. Thanks in advance for the help!