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Everything posted by david-grylls

  1. david-grylls

    Disable AI for Playable Units

    Thank you very much!
  2. david-grylls

    Setting Color of Offroad?

    Found this to be the best way. Works all the time. Thanks!
  3. Recently I have been working on making a Team Death Match mini-game. However I want the mission to end when either all BLUFOR forces are killed or all OPFOR forces are killed. There are five players per team so I thought I could just do, Condition: !alive PN1; !alive PN2; !alive PN3; !alive PN4; !alive PN5 On ACT: ["Mission Complete",True] call BIS_fnc_endMission; This did not work. I also tried in the condition; !alive [PN1, PN2, PN3, PN4, PN5] This too failed. I then tried setting it to Activation: BLUFOR Once Not Present Again this failed. Is their anyway I can test if the group of players is dead to therefore end the mission? Thanks, David Grylls
  4. david-grylls

    How to use and setup a Chat.sqf File

    The player1 is just to demonstrate. E.g. Blackberry sideChat "text"; sleep 5; Carrier sideChat "text"; I was just using player1 as an example and naming the unit cancels out player1.
  5. So recently I have been wanting to make missions where radio side chat has little chats and stuff that appear. I know you can in fact create Radio Chatter by using triggers, units, waypoints etc but recently I read that you can use chat.sqf files. The example was: player1 sideChat "text"; sleep 5; player2 sideChat "text"; sleep 5; player1 sideChat "text"" Then save the file as a chat.sqf to the mission folder. The person then said you just put this in the ON ACT part of the Trigger or whatever. nul=[] execVM "chat.sqf" When I went and tried this it failed to work. Do I need to put something else in like init.sqf. I've searched Youtube, the BIH Forums, ArmA Holic, everything and no sources have helped! Please help as it would really assist in my map making hobby. :):):)
  6. I believe so. I'll have to do some investigating.
  7. david-grylls

    How to use and setup a Chat.sqf File

    Nah, It's just a joke. I needed a name for the Skits I was doing and David Attenbrough was on T.V and David Grylls has an unusual last name, hence David Grylls. Oh, and the trigger is just been triggered by a car. The scenario I am currently on is two guys chatting at a checkpoint with cars etc passing by. I tried triggering it when a certain car passed by but it failed to work.
  8. Hey, I recently had a lot of issues working this out too. Using one of the links on this thread and many other sources I finally got it working. I posted a video on my Youtube channel which demonstrates how to use the Zone Restriction Module. If you have it working, then great but for those who still need some help, here it is. EDIT: Old way is no longer working, please use this new tutorial for Zone Restrictions! Hope it helps! :) :) :)
  9. This is correct. In my several months of mission scripting and building, making civs hostile has been impossible so dressing up CSAT forces as civs is your best bet.