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Everything posted by EagleByte

  1. EagleByte

    HUD Options ! White Crosshair

    There are no crosshairs in the official servers. The only place I have seen one is in my custom clash match.
  2. EagleByte

    People putting "Guest" in their name

    It's just a name and doesn't affect gameplay. Not sure why people do it, but not sure why people do a lot of things.
  3. EagleByte

    HUD Options ! White Crosshair

    Not sure what you are after... Please be a little clearer in what you want to do.
  4. EagleByte


    I would suggest using the buttons on the right of the main menu to 'quick-join' a match. Screenshots help us understand the issue too.
  5. EagleByte

    HUD Options ! White Crosshair

    Options > Game Options > A couple from the bottom (Enable HUD)
  6. EagleByte

    HACKER - 9/2/2017

    Please try to gather evidence (video is most optimal) when filing these reports. The more evidence the better.
  7. EagleByte

    Can you use sights 2 on AR1?

    Once you unlock it, as long as the weapon is compatible with the sight, you can put it on. You can put an LRPS on a PDW.
  8. EagleByte

    It Wont Let Me Join

    Try verifying your game on Steam first.
  9. Awesome. Will have to set something up!
  10. EagleByte

    custom pilot radio effects

    As far as I know, that loops through all the built in radio chatter/effects within Arma. I know you can do something similar with battlefield sounds, like such: Place a marker called "soundPos" and that will be the origin of the sound. if (!isdedicated && hasInterface) then { waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {player == player}; //hint format ["%1",count _this]; _source = (getMarkerPos "soundPos"); _plays = true; AmB_nosound = false; _battle_radius = 1500; while {_plays} do { _center = createCenter sideLogic; _group = createGroup _center; _logic = _group createUnit ["LOGIC",(_source) , [], 0, ""]; sleep (1 + random 7); for "_s" from 1 to (1 + Ceil (random 2)) do { [_logic,_source,_battle_radius] spawn { for "_s" from 1 to (random 7 + random 56) do { private ["_logic","_source","_radius","_allsounds"]; _logic = _this select 0; _source = _this select 1; _radius = if ((_this select 2) > 100) then {(_this select 2)/25} else {(_this select 2)}; _allsounds = []; _logic setPos (_logic modelToWorld [random _radius - Random _radius,random _radius - Random _radius,random 1 - Random 2]); private ["_sound","_sound1","_sound2","_maxtype"]; _sound1 = format ["A3\Sounds_F\ambient\battlefield\battlefield_explosions%1.wss",floor (random 4)+1]; _sound2 = format ["A3\Sounds_F\ambient\battlefield\battlefield_firefight%1.wss",floor (random 2)+2]; if (!(surfaceIsWater getPos _logic)) then {_allsounds pushBack _sound2;} else {AmB_nosound = true}; if (random 1 > .5 or (surfaceIsWater getPos _logic) or AmB_nosound) then {_allsounds pushBack _sound1;}; _vol = switch (true) do { case (_logic distance player <= 250) : {.1}; case (_logic distance player > 250 and _logic distance player <= 500) : {.5}; case (_logic distance player > 500 and _logic distance player <= 800) : {1}; case (_logic distance player > 800 and _logic distance player <= 1000) : {1.5}; case (_logic distance player > 1000) : {2}; }; _maxtype = (count _allsounds); _sound = _allsounds select (floor random _maxtype); _pitch = if (_sound == _sound1) then {random .5 + .5} else {random .6 + .8}; _volumn = if (_sound == _sound1) then {_vol + 1 + random 3} else {_vol + .1 + random 2}; _volumn = _volumn - .8; playsound3d [_sound,_logic,false,getPosasl _logic,_volumn,_pitch,0]; sleep (random 1 + random 14); }; };//spawn sleep (random 21 + random 21); }; deleteVehicle _logic; }; };
  11. EagleByte

    custom pilot radio effects

    Use this code in your init.sqf, I believe this is what you are looking for. [] spawn { while {true} do { private ["_sound","_veh"]; if (player != vehicle player) then { playmusic format ["RadioAmbient%1",floor (random 31)]; } else { _veh = ((position player) nearEntities [["Air"], 10]) select 0; if !(isnil "_veh") then { _sound = format ["A3\Sounds_F\sfx\radio\ambient_radio%1.wss",floor (random 31)]; playsound3d [_sound,_veh,true,getPosasl _veh,1,1,50]; }; }; sleep (1 + random 59); }; };
  12. EagleByte

    Description.ext not working

    Just going off the documentation given by BI.
  13. EagleByte

    Description.ext not working

    Use disabledAI = 1; versus "true", for that is not a valid value for the setting.
  14. EagleByte

    Help | Script Fix

    Just copy and paste your existing ATMs in the mission and it will work just fine. It matches the init fields of my missions, so it should work.
  15. If you are looking for great hosting, let me know! Info in the signature!
  16. Hello! Please head over to www.ArmaHosts.com for more information on getting a server. We start at $0.75 / slot for all Arma servers and we are ready to help you all the way with the process of getting your server going. We also have scripters ready to help you develop your missions should you need it too! Thanks! Garrett
  17. EagleByte

    If then else stament

    Definitely need to know how and when you are running this statement... Try replacing it with this: systemChat format ["Test 1 Status: %1", triggerActivated test1]; systemChat format ["Test 2 Status: %1", triggerActivated test2]; if ((triggerActivated test1) && (triggerActivated test2)) then { hint "Command Support Available"; } else { hint "Support not Available. Try Completing a mission first."; };
  18. It should work regardless. Must be an issue within your code somewhere. Probably step through it all as if you're manually running it yourself. Make sure it makes sense to you, add logging comments as well. Get the RPT logs from the clients and make sure they are running the right things (with diag_log comments).
  19. Just add the event handler inside the initPlayerLocal.sqf file if you didn't do that already. Every player will have it.
  20. the person that dies runs the event handler, so when scripting for this event, you need to keep in mind who you are referring to.
  21. Go through your code and put diag_log at each step. To check your variables are being set properly you can do this: diag_log format ["Cash: %1", _cash]; That should help you figure out what is really going on when the code is running
  22. A local variable is different than a variable set onto the player, this would allow for others to see the cash you have whether it is the server or other players. Therefore making this function easier. So this would have to be your init... player setVariable ["cash", 0, true]; player setVariable ["p_exp", 0, true]; player setVariable ["p_level", 0, true]; player setVariable ["playerKills", 0, true]; player addEventHandler ["Killed", {Null = [_this select 0, _this select 1] execVM "playerKilled.sqf";}]; [] spawn SRS_fnc_init; //[] execVM "cashKillFunc.sqf"; //[] execVM "killed_killer.sqf"; //[] execVM "respawnGear.sqf"; [] execVM "moneyLevels.sqf"; [] execVM "Levels.sqf"; [] execVM "fatigue.sqf"; //[] execVM "cashOnKill.sqf"; //[] execVM "Grenadestop.sqf"; [] execVM "group_manager.sqf"; [] execVM "player_markers.sqf"; [] execVM "repair.sqf"; ETG_Reinforcements = 0;
  23. All you would have to do is make more lines for the xp manipulation. copy the cash lines and make equivalents for xp
  24. This is the event handler on every player: player addEventHandler ["Killed", {Null = [_this select 0, _this select 1] execVM "playerKilled.sqf";}]; This would be the script the player that dies runs, so this would be the script that is inside your event handler: fnc_handleKill = { _killersCash = killer getVariable "playerCash"; _killersKills = killer getVariable "playerKills"; _newKillersKills = _killersKills + 1; _cashForKill = 100; _newCash = _killersCash + _cashForKill; killer setVariable ["playerCash", _newCash, true]; killer setVariable ["playerKills", _newKillersKills, true]; }; fnc_handleFriendlyKill = { _killersCash = killer getVariable "playerCash"; _cashForKill = -50; if (_killersCash <= 0) then { _cashForKill = 0; }; killer setVariable ["playerCash", _cashForKill, true]; }; _suicide = false; _friendlyKill = false; killedPlayer = _this select 0; killer = _this select 1; killerSide = side killer; killedPlayerSide = playerSide; if (killedPlayer == killer) exitWith {}; if (killedPlayerSide == killerSide) then {_friendlyKill = true}; if (_friendlyKill) then { [] spawn fnc_handleFriendlyKill; }; if (_suicide) then {}; if (!_friendlyKill && !_suicide) then { [] spawn fnc_handleKill;};