Hi All,
Having issues when spawning AI via a function. When I attempt to spawn an enemy using the below set of code:
_buildings = nearestObjects [(getMarkerPos _marker), ["house"], 400];
_building = selectRandom _buildings;
_buildingPositions = [_building] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions;
_group = createGroup [EAST, true];
_unit = _group createUnit[(selectRandom EnemyUnits), (selectRandom _buildingPositions), [], 0, "NONE"];
Enemies will sometimes spawn floating inside the building, on windows, on crates or outside the building.
Is there a more specific function like unit building position that will stop AI spawning on these less than ideal positions?
I imagine this is because of the z field in the buildingPos but would like to see if anyone else has experienced this issue and how they've overcome it?