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About firedum

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  1. firedum

    View and Leaning Problem

    Thank you for the tip, but that didn't work for me. Anything else up your sleeve?
  2. Is this project scrapped?
  3. Hello gentlemen, I'm having an issue with ArmA II: Combined Operations/Arrowhead. When I'm in-game my character will lean to the left, and my screen is fixed on a certain point. I can turn left and right just fine but if I try to look up my gun goes up and my screen doesn't. I have tried taking Aiming Deadzone down all the way in the slider, as well as changing FOV settings. I also cannot move my head with leftalt and the asterisk key. I've also reinstalled my ArmA II OA and deleted the folders in the Documents section. Arma II seems to be working fine, but OA is completely different. Help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. So are you going to keep working on it? I'm really anxious to try this out.
  5. Nice work, will try this when I get home.