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About rasmith1030

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    Private First Class
  1. rasmith1030

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    Hi Firewill, Great, great mod. Thanks very much for the effort, the aircraft is amazing. to all, does anyone know how I can deactivate the targeting boxes which appear on the aircraft hud? I seem to get a friendly box for every section of the aircraft carrier, and they make it difficult to line up properly for landing. I noticed from the videos that some of you do not have these target boxes. Thanks!!
  2. Truely, I feel your pain, Mynock. I am so tired of having my missions broken by BIS updates, but I love the game, so I keep trying. Don't give up!! On the linked reference, why do the examples say "call", but the syntax definition says "spawn". Does that make a difference? Just a thought...
  3. The following always works (as of last patch): { _x disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _x disableAI "TARGET"; _x allowFleeing 0; _x setCaptive false; } forEach (units heliGroup); allowFleeing 0 will force the helicopter to land at the LZ, no matter how severe the fire. setCaptive can be used to turn off the enemy fire (true), or, to allow ground fire, set to false. Note that it can be applied to the unit - that means each member of the crew will have the characteristics of the unit. Good Luck, RAS ​
  4. Try this: {deleteVehicle _x} forEach (crew vehicle _unit33) + [vehicle _unit33]; I haven't ​tried it in exactly this form, but it should work. ​
  5. The code above was ripped out of a more extensive script, I just forgot to initialize some of the variables. The plan was to just clean it up, and make it more portable to other scenarios. The undefined variable _captive would not affect the function of the overall script even in the form above, that line would have been ignored, with setCaptive left at its default.
  6. Thanks again for all the posts. Truly unbelievable, however, since this exact script snippet worked only a few short updates ago. From the behavior, the modded helicopter may in fact not have a crew, I did not look at that specifically yet, I will check. However I must emphasize, and that was the jist of my original post, this code did at one time work!! Is anyone else seeing trusted old scripts that once worked, and now do not?
  7. ok, thanks f2k and others. This information is good. The "UH60M" is a mod helicopter. I am also trying to use the Takistan map. I will try one of the vanilla maps, and a basic helicopter and work from there. Maybe it has something to do with the flight model (original or updated?)? I will try some different things. Anyway, thanks for checking it.
  8. Here it is: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function file for Armed Assault // Created by: RASmith1030 // // RAS_insertion_v2.sqf // // Description: A new and clean version of the insertion script. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!isServer) exitWith {}; hint "Helicopter Inbound"; _spawnPos = getMarkerPos "heliSpawnMrk"; _extractPos = getMarkerPos "baseMrk"; _basePos = getMarkerPos "dropMrk"; _spawnDir = [_spawnPos, _extractPos] call BIS_fnc_dirTo; _helisv = [_spawnPos, _spawnDir, "UH60M", blufor] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; heli = _helisv select 0; heliGroup = _helisv select 2; { _x disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _x disableAI "TARGET"; _x allowFleeing 0; _x setCaptive _captive; } forEach (units heliGroup); _dir = direction heli; heli setVelocity [sin(_dir)*60,cos(_dir)*60,0]; heli setPosATL [getPos heli select 0, getPos heli select 1, 500]; _wp0 = heliGroup addWaypoint [_extractPos, 0]; _wp0 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp0 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp0 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp0 setWaypointStatements ["true", "(vehicle this) land 'GET IN'; {(vehicle this) animate[_x, 1]} forEach ['MoveCargoDoor','MoveCargo2Door']"]; waituntil {{_x in heli} count (units _groupPlayer) == {alive _x} count (units _groupPlayer)}; sleep 5; {heli animate[_x, 0]} forEach ['MoveCargoDoor','MoveCargo2Door']; _wp1 = heliGroup addWaypoint [_basePos, 0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; _wp1 setWaypointStatements ["true", "(vehicle this) land 'GET OUT'; {(vehicle this) animate[_x, 1]} forEach ['MoveCargoDoor','MoveCargo2Door']"]; waituntil {{_x in heli} count (units _groupPlayer) == 0}; sleep 5; {heli animate[_x, 0]} forEach ['MoveCargoDoor','MoveCargo2Door'];
  9. I can't seem to post the script. How do I do it?
  10. I wrote some simple scripts to support my own missions a while ago. Now, after the latest update, the scripts are not working. For example, when I spawn a helicopter unit about 50 meters above the ground, and let it fly to a waypoint - it worked fine in the past. Now, the helicopter spawns and spins into the ground. Has anyone else noticed that older scripts are now not working, and is there a fix? Thanks!!
  11. rasmith1030

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    Ok, I will try that. Vielen Dank!! Ok, well, I tried to re-install X-Cam and run it again using PWS. This time, I just added the two Folders @inidb and @xcam locally in PWS. Still no good, no objects are visible. I guess X-Cam is not compatible with PWS. Vielen Dank noch einmal für die Hilfe!
  12. rasmith1030

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    I originally installed X-CAM using Play-With-Six, but it did not work, it had the behavior described in my last post. When I looked at my Arma3 Installation Directory, @inidbi and @xcam were not there, so I downloaded the files from the link at http://www.x-cam-editor.de/home/x-cam-addon/. Then I copied @inidbi and @xcam, along with the make_file.dll to my Arm3 install Directory, as described in your Video. Again, there was no Change in X_CAM behavior when I tried to run it. No objects under the OBJ tab as described before.
  13. rasmith1030

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    Hi Silola, The X-CAM program really Looks great, but on Startup, I do not get the menu which lets me activate the object classes as shown in your Video. The X-Cam just loads up and Shows the Player charater, but all of the object menus are empty. When I try to go to the Rebuild Object Library Menu, I can select an object class to rebuild, but when I do so, there is still nothing listed under the OBJ tab. Furthermore, when I try to Rebuild the Vehicle Library, I get an error message that the required script is not found. I checked my install against your Video instructions, but there are still no objects listed under the OBJ tab. I wonder if anyone else has seen similar behavior? Anyway, the Editor Looks great, I hope I can get it to work... Thanks for the help!!
  14. rasmith1030

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Ok, thanks rlex. Installing AIA TerrainPack Now!! I will be happy to fly a fully functional AC-130 on the Takistan map!
  15. rasmith1030

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Hi bolbies, I had this issue too, I believe it is a mod conflict. I tried running USAF as the only mod and the issue was gone. I am checking now to find out if I can identify the conflicting mod. I will post the results. to fullerpj and Team: Great, great Mod!! I can't stop flying as the gunnery officer in the AC-130, it's just like the real U-Tube movies!! Update: Profound sadness. It is a conflict with the All In Arma mod. Also one of my favorites. Can someone else provide Independent confirmation?