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About Hercx

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    Private First Class


  • Interests
    programming, gaming, snowboarding, motorcycles
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    student bum/ partial human

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  • Biography
    I am a 3rd year Applied Computing student at the University of Dundee, and since finding ArmA I have lost myself in it.
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  1. hey guys, been stuck on this one for almost a week now and can't figure it out. What I need is my Addon object once picked up with the standard in game inventory UI. to add label data, to the UI list box, simply the class name of the object. the inventory ui does this with magazines, weapons and other items but not with my addons items. Addon class config: class CfgPatches { class A3_HercxMedical_F_Items { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {"Hercx_Bloodbag"}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F"}; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class ItemCore; class MedikitItem; class Hercx_Bloodbag: ItemCore { scope = 2; displayName = "Bloodbag"; model = "\Medical\BloodBag_F.p3d"; picture = "\Medical\Images\BloodBag_F.paa"; descriptionShort = "IV bloodbag for bloodloss"; class ItemInfo: MedikitItem { mass = 8; allowedSlots[] = {801,701,901}; }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Item_Base_F; class Hercx_Item_Bloodbag: Item_Base_F { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Bloodbag"; vehicleClass = "Items"; class TransportItems { class Hercx_Bloodbag { name = "Hercx_Bloodbag"; count = 1; }; }; }; }; Any help with this would be much appreciated Cheers Hercx
  2. YES Larrow thank you so much, can't believe I didn't see that :) that opens up so many possibilities now.
  3. Ok so I saw the new ctrlCreate command, and my first thought was great we can now add buttons or other assets to the in game ui on the fly; then I thought can it be used to add these elements to the standard inventory UI. so I gave it a go but could not get it to function: (see bellow) player addEventHandler ["InventoryOpened", { disableSerialization; _button1 = (findDisplay 602) ctrlCreate ["Hercx_RscButton",1928]; _button1 ctrlSetPosition [0.432969 * safezoneW + safezoneX,0.874 * safezoneH + safezoneY,0.12375 * safezoneW,0.033 * safezoneH]; _button1 ctrlCommit 0; _button1 ctrlSetText "button"; }]; So that is the code I have tried, searched for some help on this around the forum and interwebs but with no success. think it is because this is a new command and people haven't been playing with it long. any help with this appreciated, even if it is just to say this new script function can't be used with the inventory UI. Cheers, Hercx
  4. Hercx


    excellent news, my community loves your mod. I did notice one thing today that was strange, the thermal optic attachment did not seem to work once updated to 1.24. hopefully you know about this, but in case you don't thought I would mention it. works fine sorry my mistake
  5. Hercx

    Hercx Task System

    Yeah what you have described should work fine, if you send me the changes I will review them and as long as they work with the system I'll add them. The system was designed for dedicated servers as that is what my team runs, but I am happy to change it so it works in hosted games as well.
  6. Hercx

    Hercx Task System

    Yeah just ran the test mission and saw the same, it is because when you run the mission in the editor it is acting as both server and client and the system uses specific code on each, so the condition that runs in the editor is the server condition, this is not how it would operate in a multiplayer game. If you would like to see it working in a multiplayer setting you can check it out on my teams server search SPV in the host filter it is running on both of our milsim servers.
  7. Hercx

    Hercx Task System

    Ok so the system is designed to aid you by transmitting the tasks you want to all the people you want, you still need to create the task parameters and any ai or objective of the task. You have to code the objective yourself and then code what the win or loose state is for your objective. The system is just to aid in the adding of task related to your objectives and giving the information to all clients connected to the multiplayer game. So for example you want to create an objective to kill a enemy commander, you create the unit and come up with the descriptions, task name and who the task is for and pass it as arguments to the function Hercx_fnc_taskCreate. Hercx_fnc_taskCreate returns a number that is assigned to the task, you have to store that number in a variable and then you have to write code to monitor for the death of the enemy commander. once that happens you call Hercx_fnc_taskOutcome and pass it the task number and the winning side i.e. east,west. when you do that the system will transmit it to all clients and those who were on the winning side get a task complete, those on the loosing side get task failed. if you make the task for more than one side by passing it an array of sides then the _winningSide variable you pass to Hercx_fnc_taskOutcome must be an array e.g. [west] . I hope this helps you understand this system better, but if not post your code and I will help you troubleshoot it.
  8. Hercx

    Hercx Task System

    hey ICE_AGE0815, well if you give me some more detail on what you are trying to do with it, I can help you get it working.
  9. Description: This is the first public release of my task system, it was designed by me for use in SPV's multiplayer missions.The system was built specifically for ArmA 3 taking advantage of all the new scripting commands available in ArmA 3. the system is currently active in two of our multiplayer missions a completely rewritten version of Operation Broadsword and a Addons mission Operation Chernarus. In both of these missions the system works perfectly. The systems creation came about out of the lack of an easy way to create tasks in a multiplayer game, and keep them in sync to all players this system takes care of all of this for you. the system also has many features that were as far as I knew unavailable to mission creators before. As with any new system there may be some as yet undiscovered bugs, however the system has been as thoroughly tested as possible. It is my hope that by releasing it for public use this will help prove how robust it is. I hope you enjoy this release and make good use of it. Features: Task Creation for: A single side Multiple Sides with ability to set win loose for each one A single or multiple group, with win loose handling for each A single player or players Customization: customisable messages for task customisable messages for win/loose states choose to show task marker or not Full JIP compatability with legacy tasks Installation / Usage: To install this task system simply take the Hercx_taskSystem folder and add it to your missions main directory. then add the code from the included description.ext and init.sqf files to yours editing where appropriate. If your mission does not contain these files simply create them and add the code. Example of proper use of this function: _taskNumber = [_taskName,_taskPosition,_taskDestinationMarker,_taskMarkerText,_taskSide,_taskTitle,_taskDescription,_taskNotificationText] call Hercx_fnc_taskCreate; waitUntil {_taskNumber != 0;}; Return Type for this Function is a INT/SCALAR this is the number of the task and it must be used when calling the function Hercx_fnc_taskOutcome so that the outcome of the task can be assigned to the correct task. Required Arguments from user are: _taskName - (STRING this is the namespace variable assigned to the task) _taskPosition -(Marker name as a STRING or position as a 3D or 2D position ARRAY) _taskDestinationMarker - (BOOL this sets whether the task is marked on the Map or not true for shown false for not shown) _taskMarkerText - (STRING defines what the marker text will be on the map and if task is set to current task) _taskSide - (this can be a single SIDE e.g. west or an ARRAY of SIDE's e.g. [west,east] or it can be a GROUP e.g. [alpha1-1,alpha2-1] or it can be a player e.g. [player] as this function must be used on server passing a player object will work for assinging to a player aswell) _taskTitle - (STRING variable keep it as short as possible as these don't get much room on the task tab in the map) _taskDescription - (STRING this can be pretty much as long as you like just use it to describe your task) _taskNotificationText - (STRING keep this short as the size of the popup notification window is small and as such large text just doesn't work) Arguments that MUST NOT BE MODIFIED are : _taskMPNumber _taskState _isActiveTask _winningSide Example of proper use of this function: [_taskNumber,_winningSide] call Hercx_fnc_taskOutcome; With optional arguments: [_taskNumber,_winningSide,_taskNotificationTextSucceed,_taskNotificationTextFailed] spawn Hercx_fnc_taskOutcome; This fuction takes multiple arguments and some may be undefined by the user as there are default values set for these and they are intergral to the functionality of the system, modification of them may cause unpredictable behaviour. Required Arguments from user are: _taskNumber - ("SCALAR" this is the task number returned by the function Hercx_fnc_taskCreate) _winningSide - ("SIDE","ARRAY","OBJECT" this must be a side or an array of sides or an array of "GROUP" type it can also be a player object for a task assigned to a single player) for a task assigned to a single player that they have failed pass an object of any other kind and this will trigger the fail condition. Optional Arguments: _taskNotificationTextSucceed - ("STRING" if this is set the popup notification default value will be overridden and show your custom message) _taskNotificationTextFailed - ("STRING" if this is set the popup notification default value will be overridden and show your custom message) Arguments that MUST NOT BE MODIFIED are : _runOnServer Known issues: Known issue task for JIP player notification may close before mission load complete if mission has cut scene intro Credits & Thanks: Thanks to BI for releasing this amazing game To my Team SPV Septem Pro Vita for their support To the ArmA community for all their great work Change log: v0.1 - Initial release ArmaHolic Download Hercx Task System
  10. Hercx

    RH M4/M16 pack

    that is excellent news, can't wait to see next release come out. really appreciate all the hard work that you put into this mod :)
  11. Hercx

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Just had to echo all of the comments so far your M4/M16 pack is amazing, beautiful models, great sights and just the detail is astounding. all of the guys in my team love this weapons mod. I have just one question to ask you about your mod, are the weapon weights so light on purpose? because I think if anything that is the only thing I could see might need adjustment. from talking with others in my community and a couple of other communities they are a little on the light side from what we have seen.