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About mikey240

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. mikey240

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    https://youtu.be/Ja5vEahhAdI Without the music :)
  2. I have been thinking would a good artillery system for opfor or independent, be type-63 or rak-12 mlrs ?
  3. I just learned how to use ACE2 Artillery after playing ace for years, now ACE3 my god
  4. I think it sounds great, as some already mentioned maybe soften it up a lil bit im gonna give the new update a go and see how it is, thanks zooloo75 :)
  5. mikey240

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    There is an option to rollback to 3.5 on PW6....
  6. Im using your Coslx but i also have JTD fire and smoke mod seperate which i thought only made the smoke from burning vehicles look nicer and did not notice fire until now but i am removing that now, thanks for the help :)
  7. Hi i have looked through about 20 pages of this thread and cannot find anything about vehicle effects pbo FIRE, i am wanting to disable things catching fire around a burning vehicle. im having whole towns burn up and it would be helpfull if there is someway i can disable the fires
  8. mikey240

    COWarModACE Release thread

    I had trouble using pw6 as well installing this mod, i uninstalled all my mods, arma 2 and a2AO and reinstalled and installed cowarmodace first, and it worked may have to remove a couple pbo's? not sure but ul know if you look in the readme's
  9. I doubt that was a rp-7 that super killed that tank...some type of recoilless rifle or heavy anti tank launcher like rpg-29 most likely
  10. mikey240

    A new ISIS mod, picking up the ball

    would it be possible to make a toyota with a bmp turret in the back, or a technical with 57mm aa cannon?
  11. mikey240

    play withSix and awesomium

    I love the play with six launcher, its helped me out alot because i ran into alot of troubles trying to get the mods to run by manual install I have the same problem and it usually only happens when i use the built-in browser for playwithSIX. just pressing more info on a mod a few times or clicking on mod home page causes awesomium process to take up large amounts of memory to point of out of memory error and pw6 crash. I workaround it by just finding the mods i want here on the forum,and find that mod in pw6, drag to my collection without bringing up additional menu's
  12. mikey240

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Im having glitch that seems random sometimes it does , sometimes it dont, possibly conflict with mods when i fire AKM from leights opfor pack pack, or an M4A1 or 50 cal from RHS mod. it makes the shot sound but the echo reverb plays about 3-5 seconds after the shot almost like half the weapon sound goes first then last half is delayed, i havnt experience this with vanilla weapons and most weapons i used that are mods dont have this problem so very happy about that ;) Im loving the sounds the mod is awesome and very appreciative for the work it took to make this masterpiece !!!
  13. mikey240

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Well tbh the injured soldier groans tend to glitch before for me alot anyways, so thanks disabling that/making it optional
  14. mikey240

    Are shared death experiences real?

    Quite the interesting read, cant prove it but cant prove it does not exist either. We will get our chance to know but lets not rush it ;)
  15. maybe tanks,weapons that are more than tab, shoot, overkill.