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Posts posted by barccy

  1. I have this same problem on windows 10 (22h2(?)) without virtualbox. My pc has multiple drives, but the one I had a previous installation on from 2016 failed last month, so i replaced it today. When i tried running the installer 1st time it said it was already installed (reg entry i guess) but i opted to reinstall. Most if not all files were put in place but the installer just ended without warning while on the 3rd disk. The main exe would not successfully launch the game. I tried to install again, but had to uninstall to run installer. This time an error dialogue appeared when on 3rd disk, and nothing had been placed into the folders despite the installer suggesting otherwise. I wish I had thought to just paste the files over from a backup folder i had which could have worked since the reg entry used to ve there. But that won't work anymore. I hope 1.96 isn't lost to me forever. It seems like windows 10 after maybe 1607 version has been losing compatibility with old programs, despite it initially seeming better than win 7 with things like starcraft actually displaying properly in early 10 but not eol 7.

  2. On 11/21/2022 at 5:20 PM, aDRI-37458bb81ef6ec57 said:

    I am a bit confused now. So where is the difference between GLX and this one?

    GLX is a bit cut down vs TCL, just as TCL is simpler than GL4 and 5.
    Some immediately noticeable differences are that the GLX AI doesn't garrison on initialization and that the movement patterns are a bit different, with larger elements bounding whereas in the others smaller ones or single units might try to flank. It is specified that GLX was meant for dynamically spawned AI, but idk that the other mods don't handle them.

  3. On 11/16/2022 at 5:00 AM, Vadym Mazur said:

    Found some mistake in vOut.sqf

    private _eh=["KeyDown","if(!r_dn_ && _this#1 in(actionKeys'pushToTalk'+actionKeys'pushToTalkDirect'+actionKeys'pushToTalkGroup'+actionKeys'pushToTalkVehicle'+actionKeys'pushToTalkSide'+actionKeys'pushToTalkCommand'))then{'[]call r_dn}"];

    Delete '[]

    Could you post the corrected line, or specify which to delete?

  4. That dot may be what messed up my first failed attempts at downloading from WGP over mega app. This last time I copied their folder to my account and succeeded at downloading that way. The "full" torrent appears to be missing the bet_addons1.47(1).rar , but even if so, is close enough. The WGP archive has several duplicate files, arma 3 things, and different versions of the same addon, so it could be slimmed down and repackaged without any real loss. We should combine all our files and make a new torrent or mega folder or coordinate adding them to ModDB or something. Or figure out how to get BIdentify running again...

    • Like 1

  5. Do you know if the velocity for the following weapons was configured to be different? 

      class CUP_srifle_RSASS_WDL;
      class CUP_srifle_m110_kac_woodland;
      class CUP_srifle_L129A1_w;


    And do you know if the ammunition of the respective magazines  has any differences in velocity, air friction, or damage value?



  6. 15 hours ago, phronk said:

    I don't have time to find people and schedule tests, nor do I care to do it anymore. Test this if you'd like and report any bugs you find, screenshots or videos are also very helpful. Must be tested with at least 1 other player or more. (The more the better)

    I'm available a lot of the time and could jump in at a moment's notice if you'd like to be friends on steam or something. 

  7. On 8/14/2021 at 3:46 PM, Prakhar Mishra said:

    So I just started playing Arma 2 again but then I realised Armaholic is down and I’m trying to dig some mods. 

    Do any of you guys still have the SMK Animation mod? I really need that one so bad the game feels incomplete without it.


    If anyone of you has it or knows where I can find it please help me out

    Was able to make a little room and upload it. I know someone was doing a project to collect mods somewhere, but I forget the details atm can't remember where.

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